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What was said in the Press Box?


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This feud between Art and Jason is so lame. Both (yes both – and I know I am going to get killed for that) seem to be so childish. Both take stupid digs at each other and both are acting unprofessional.

Both need to grow up, act like adults and be respectful journalists. It all just seems so unnecessary from both sides.

Only one of these guys is a professional writer and its not Art. Though I think he writes better then many of the pro's I read.

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then why did heyer go right at him and miss? explain that to me, gibbs is not gonna call a player out to the media, you should be fully aware of this. the first guy kiesel hits is heyer, and he goes right by him, while hitting him.

and if you wanna play the "heyers responsibility was the blitzer", the second he backed off, which was pretty much before the ball was snapped, he should have gone to helping pucillo, which he didnt do either.

Heyer did not go "right at him" man. It's funny that you claim to have watched it over and over and you're still repeating this falsehood. It's plain as day that Heyer was watching his man on the outside, whom his assignment was for, THEN turned inside to help after realizing his guy wasn't coming. Now, the only knock on him is that he needs to be quicker in assessing whether his guy is coming on the blitz or not, but that's also not saying he was too slow about it. Pucillo was at fault more than anyone here. It's that simple.

And no, Heyer should not have abandoned his man the "second he backed off". Defenses fake blitzes all the time. They act like their coming, back off, then come at you at full speed. Heyer's assignment was to make sure noone comes on a blitz from the outside. It's that simple. Period. Stop complicating it. You're starting to look desperate here.

Had Samuels been in there, he may have reacted quicker and been able to stifle Keisel a bit more than Heyer did, but that's not something we know for sure. Either way, look at the tape right after the play happened when the camera pans to Heyer and Pucillo walking back towards Campbell. Pucillo's face says it all. He looks up the the sky with that look like "You gotta be kidding me, I can't believe this is happening to me".

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Even if Heyer was at fault for 1 in preseason 1 and 1 in preseason 2 why ***** about him. He's an UDFA local kid playing against good DLs.

If Samuels was in then sure I expect perfection, he's a great LT with experience. Heyer is a nobody who lacks experience, sure played great IMO though.

And here is where it's at. The kid's done good. Would we dare put him on the PS squad now? There's your answer on how well he's played. Say it like it is because in this instance it doesn't get much better. How the chuff you get a negative out of the Heyer story (so far) is beyond me.

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Heyer did not go "right at him" man. It's funny that you claim to have watched it over and over and you're still repeating this falsehood. It's plain as day that Heyer was watching his man on the outside, whom his assignment was for, THEN turned inside to help after realizing his guy wasn't coming. Now, the only knock on him is that he needs to be quicker in assessing whether his guy is coming on the blitz or not, but that's also not saying he was too slow about it. Pucillo was at fault more than anyone here. It's that simple.

i just watched it AGAIN. and heyer didnt go at anybody, hes an olineman on a passing play. Kiesel came right at him and heyer let him go. pretty simple. theres a reason kiesel knocks right into heyer and kept going. the second heyer was touched by kiesel, he should have started blocking him, he didnt, and just let him blow right by.

And no, Heyer should not have abandoned his man the "second he backed off". Defenses fake blitzes all the time. They act like their coming, back off, then come at you at full speed. Heyer's assignment was to make sure noone comes on a blitz from the outside. It's that simple. Period. Stop complicating it. You're starting to look desperate here.

the guy goes backwards, and heyer should have known he wasnt coming right when the guy DIDNT START COMING AT HIM. he ended up just stanidng there after kiesel went past him. again, kiesel hits heyer and heyer didnt even do anything.

Had Samuels been in there, he may have reacted quicker and been able to stifle Keisel a bit more than Heyer did, but that's not something we know for sure. Either way, look at the tape right after the play happened when the camera pans to Heyer and Pucillo walking back towards Campbell. Pucillo's face says it all. He looks up the the sky with that look like "You gotta be kidding me, I can't believe this is happening to me".

at least pucillo blocked somebody. if that was his assignment then he missed his call too, but when a DE hits you, you friggin block him, you dont stand there and do nothing, whcih is what heyer did.

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Only one of these guys is a professional writer and its not Art. Though I think he writes better then many of the pro's I read.

Mills WAS a pro journalist, believe for the Richmond-Times Dispatch (correct me if I'm wrong Art).

I'll tell you a secret.

Mills is a good guy who enjoys (and is extremely good at) poking the pro's with a stick and getting their hackles up.

I'm not awestruck by most of the 'pro sportswriters' that cover our team. I think Mark Steven, Art, and Brian Murphy have skills equal to or greater than most of them.

In fact, if the Redskins don't hire Murphy to work for them at Redskins.com, they're just plain foolish.

But hey, what do I know. I'm just a stupid fan.

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Couple of problems here:

Art's anecdote was about the Tennessee game, not the Steelers game as JLC refers to here.

This statement was part of an Extremeskins thread, not a "comment on his blog" as I'm sure he would like to imagine.

And I really doubt having coaches call you out publicly for fraudulent reporting is "part of the gig". Maybe if you're a bitter, pathetic little hack whose reporting stinks like yesterday's trash.

Reporters are the most loathesome form of wanna-be celebrities. Give them a whiff of exclusive access and they'll think they're god's gift to literature.

spot on

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Have fun in the pressbox tomorrow Art!


JLC got called out by Gibbs, not just Art for his reporting...w/e

Art hasn't been in a pressbox this season. Zoony and I covered the Titans game. Murf and JimmiJo every other game. I really have no idea wtf this thread is referring to - but whatever it is, its pretty stupid.

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Art hasn't been in a pressbox this season. Zoony and I covered the Titans game. Murf and JimmiJo every other game. I really have no idea wtf this thread is referring to - but whatever it is, its pretty stupid.

Been gone all day. I'll be in Philly for my first game. Fun, fun.

As for this thread, as everyone knows, I was at home watching the game, so it is perfectly valid to discount what I said entirely. The problem for Jason is he talks more than he should in a place where there are witnesses, so, when he tells people he's writing an offensive line story about the Redskins saying they're desperate if they make changes and stupid if they don't, it's probably wise if he's embarrassed enough about it not to admit it not to say it in the press box within ear shot of people in the first place.

Jason made up the story before he wrote it and has followed the map he laid out in the first quarter of the Titans game. It's the bad journalism that's gripped him of late where he creates the event instead of covering it. He needs to get back to basics. He's better than he's acted this week. I've had some fun with Jason since he fibbed about my conversation with Len Pasquarelli where I've tracked his professional pressbox behavior which includes profane outbursts, biased incredulity, browsing Extremeskins and general "Lord of the Press Box" behavior. He's too indiscrete by a mile to not realize people can hear him.

But, as I said, I can't say I heard it. I just believe those who did more than Jason.

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I missed the run-in between JLC and Gibbs. Anyone care to shed some light on that one?

After Jason's gripping story suggesting an unrestrictred free agent rookie might not be entirely ready to play a position manned by a Pro Bowler and making some questionable, unknown sourced claims of weakness in Heyer's play, Gibbs stated Heyer hasn't given up a single sack to this point and absolved him of at least complete blame for the hit on Campbell.

The main problem Gibbs and crew had, though, wasn't really the article's content and it's not really even a difference of opinion as Jason alludes. It was an ambush piece Jason wrote, spending time gathering quotes from unknown sources, but, never presenting them to the team for a direct comment. Jason treated a story about a guy with a two-week shelf life as if it was a major investigative breaking news story. That's more my problem with it than the team's I suspect.

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I missed the run-in between JLC and Gibbs. Anyone care to shed some light on that one?

Well, it was kind of a back and forth that we're pretty sure was between Jason and Coach Gibbs. Coach addressed it in on of his Q & A's recently. It was in a recent Heard at the Park thread and also part of another thread or 2. Had to do with Jason's "analysis" of Heyer's play and Coach's difference of opinion with that analysis. I'll see if I can find the thread.

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Hey blloyd christmas... before you continue your bashing on how Heyer couldn't block the guy in front of him, check this article with still images of that play...


I hope you realize that you cannot pickup everything in the game by watching just a single shot.... you will clearly see a blitzer come at Heyer, and then back-off at the last second, causing heyer to be slightly out of position...

Now you may think that this is still completely Heyer's fault, but Pucillo (LG) should of saw the blitz (or fake blitz) and adjusted accordingly... he didn't, and Campbell got hit... theres a reason why we targeted a LG and not a T this week (see Kendall, Pete).

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I am generally prepared to believe the coaching staff when they tell us on that play Pucillo had the duty to kick the end further out than he did. The staff has no reason to protect Heyer over Pucillo or vice versa. I presume the addition of Kendall may be in large part because the team actually does know what protection they called and they do know who did their job and they felt they could upgrade guard and didn't need to upgrade tackle because Samuels will be back soon.

As with most, I thought that was on Heyer on first glance and I do think it appears he got a little further outside than he should have, but, at some point it's really got to be ok to simply accept what you're told on something like this. It was the kind of communication, chemistry offensive line play you probably won't get from Pucillo and Heyer and probably wouldn't expect.

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Interesting thread, and thanks for the input on everything Art and co. . Seems to me that lately there's a lot of conjecture about this team's status floating around here. It makes me laugh really b/c it's the preseason for god's sake. Guess people feel the need to stir the pot, so to speak. For Gibbs to comment on anything related to the media (print or otherwise) during a press conference it had to have been out of line/off base. I believe Art and Gibbs over some b.s. self-perceived high and mighty journalst who apparently thinks he knows more about football and this team then he actually appears to know. But, hey that's just my :2cents: . I'm just a fan too :)


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