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What was said in the Press Box?


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Funk-Free Zone

Hey there, finally got a chance to get caught up on some comments.

Just want to let you know that I am in anything but a funk. Actually. feeling good, rolling right along, but thanks for your concern. I love the fact people agree and disagree on this blog, and sure, there are some myopic, naïve folks who post on here, but that's cool, too. There's room for everyone.

But wanted to let you guys know a few things:

Just to make it clear, any references to some sort of event or conversation in the press box Saturday night as mentioned in the comments here is a complete lie made up by pathetic souls. Forgive them for they know not how lost they are. Please consider the source.

Some of you guys have also alluded to a problem with Coach Joe, but wanted to clear that up as well. We're cool, and all of this stuff, as I've said before, is part of the gig. Not the first time it happened and certainly won't be the last time we differ, for him or me.

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He's responding to the following post by Art:


Yes, it's what's going on here.

Jason was prancing around the press box in the opener making it understood -- given Jason has a hard time with discretion -- that he was going to write articles about the offensive line saying we're desperate if we don't play Heyer and stupid if we do. He made up his mind before watching the kid play as he was making those comments early in the game. He determined on the Campbell fumble it was Heyer's fault based on his lack of knowledge and despite the facts around that play has been unable to stop believing it wasn't his fault.

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Oh snap Art, He called you a pathetic soul!

Put him in his place!

Jason, I'm sure you're reading extremeskins right now, which is pretty sad, due to photographic evidence that has been posted of you reading extremeskins at a game. Looking for material I guess?

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heyer is the one who missed the block on the dude who hit campbells knee last week. watch the play again, he completely whiffed his block and the dude came stumbling in.

it wasnt heyers fault in week 1, but it was last week.

You are going to piss Art off with that comment, lol! Hopefully he doesn't see it.

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Couple of problems here:

Art's anecdote was about the Tennessee game, not the Steelers game as JLC refers to here.

This statement was part of an Extremeskins thread, not a "comment on his blog" as I'm sure he would like to imagine.

And I really doubt having coaches call you out publicly for fraudulent reporting is "part of the gig". Maybe if you're a bitter, pathetic little hack whose reporting stinks like yesterday's trash.

Reporters are the most loathesome form of wanna-be celebrities. Give them a whiff of exclusive access and they'll think they're god's gift to literature.

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This feud between Art and Jason is so lame. Both (yes both – and I know I am going to get killed for that) seem to be so childish. Both take stupid digs at each other and both are acting unprofessional.

Both need to grow up, act like adults and be respectful journalists. It all just seems so unnecessary from both sides.

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Well, Gibbs says that you are wrong. :D

Actually, watching the tape, it looks like Heyer was expecting some inside help and didn't get it. Who's fault was that? You'd have to ask the coaches.


ive watched it twice on my computer and once during the game. heyer missed his block. the kid is a rookie, hes gonna make mistakes. lets accept it. its completely insane that the kid has supposedly not made a mistake since hes been here according to our coaches.

im leaving work now, im going to go home and watch it again, just to see him whiff the block and ill post again in 15 minutes. brb.

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This press box access thing is huge with reporters.

JimmiJo may say something different, but I will speak upon my own experience here. This is the third season I've been a part of this amazing access with ExtremeSkins and not a single person in the press room has ever uttered a single negative word at me or in my general direction. In fact, the opposite has been true - most of the faces in the press box are very polite and friendly.

I know some people on this board and some people on the Sports Journalist board like to hype up this entire "East Coast vs. West Coast" type beef, but it's just not been the case. I'm sorry to disappoint, the media types have deadlines to worry about that impact their days much more than JimmiJo and I sharing a common working area.

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heyer is the one who missed the block on the dude who hit campbells knee last week. watch the play again, he completely whiffed his block and the dude came stumbling in.

it wasnt heyers fault in week 1, but it was last week.

i wouldn't say he whiffed it, jason did have enough time to complete a 30 yard pass. and the hit was late.

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ive watched it twice on my computer and once during the game. heyer missed his block. the kid is a rookie, hes gonna make mistakes. lets accept it. its completely insane that the kid has supposedly not made a mistake since hes been here according to our coaches.

And I'm not really saying that he didn't make a mistake, but is it all on him? Is it really as bad as JLC was making it out to be? Probably not.

Anyways, it is all water under the bridge and I'm happy that Campbell is healthy and Heyer shows some promise.


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JLC is a tool for the mere fact that he uses anonymous sources from other teams to confirm his own opinion.

If I had to guess, I'd say the bulk of his anonymous sources are associated with the Ravens.

It's a dog eat dog marketing world out there and I would assume that the Ravens would rather enjoy seeing the Redskins contiually taking hits in the local media. It only makes their franchise look better.

If in fact JLC's anonymous sources are really associated with the Raven's, it would then be a mutually beneficial situation.

All the more reason why I hope we beat the snot out of them tomorrow night.

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And I'm not really saying that he didn't make a mistake, but is it all on him? Is it really as bad as JLC was making it out to be? Probably not.

Anyways, it is all water under the bridge and I'm happy that Campbell is healthy and Heyer shows some promise.


im glad campbell is healthy and thats what counts, but lets be realistic here, heyer made a horrid play and keisel got through pretty much untouched. hes not a blitzing linebacker or a SS/DB, the guy is a DE in a 3/4. so in the replay i dloaded from 10 yard torrents, at minute 21:27, its blatantly clear that heyer just completely missed the guy. he goes right to the inside, gets tripped up a tad, probalby because he was going in full force and was expecting to get blocked but wasnt, and he nailed campbell in the knee. heyer barely nudged him and turned around and watched campbell get nailed. gibbs can coachspeak all he wants, but thats what happened.

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And I'm not really saying that he didn't make a mistake, but is it all on him? Is it really as bad as JLC was making it out to be? Probably not.

Anyways, it is all water under the bridge and I'm happy that Campbell is healthy and Heyer shows some promise.


As has been posted many times in many threads, the primary blocker on Kiesel should have been Pucillo. Heyer's initial responsibility was Harrison who was feigning a blitz from the outside. Heyer probably could have reacted quicker to help with inside support and he was a little flat-footed but the main fault on he hit is Pucillo. Kiesel lined up directly over Pucillo who for some unknown reason decided to help out Rabach who was manhandling his man. Pucillo committed this well before Harrison backed off which is the reason Kiesel had a free inside run. This has been stated many times on here and more importantly by Joe Gibbs.

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As has been posted many times in many threads, the primary blocker on Kiesel should have been Pucillo. Heyer's initial responsibility was Harrison who was feigning a blitz from the outside. Heyer probably could have reacted quicker to help with inside support and he was a little flat-footed but the main fault on he hit is Pucillo. Kiesel lined up directly over Pucillo who for some unknown reason decided to help out Rabach who was manhandling his man. Pucillo committed this well before Harrison backed off which is the reason Kiesel had a free inside run. This has been stated many times on here and more importantly by Joe Gibbs.

then why did heyer go right at him and miss? explain that to me, gibbs is not gonna call a player out to the media, you should be fully aware of this. the first guy kiesel hits is heyer, and he goes right by him, while hitting him.

and if you wanna play the "heyers responsibility was the blitzer", the second he backed off, which was pretty much before the ball was snapped, he should have gone to helping pucillo, which he didnt do either.

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JimmiJo may say something different, but I will speak upon my own experience here. This is the third season I've been a part of this amazing access with ExtremeSkins and not a single person in the press room has ever uttered a single negative word at me or in my general direction. In fact, the opposite has been true - most of the faces in the press box are very polite and friendly.

I know some people on this board and some people on the Sports Journalist board like to hype up this entire "East Coast vs. West Coast" type beef, but it's just not been the case. I'm sorry to disappoint, the media types have deadlines to worry about that impact their days much more than JimmiJo and I sharing a common working area.

My experience has been the same as Murf's.

But now that Art and JLC are going at it I know that football is back!

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Couple of problems here:

Art's anecdote was about the Tennessee game, not the Steelers game as JLC refers to here.

This statement was part of an Extremeskins thread, not a "comment on his blog" as I'm sure he would like to imagine.

And I really doubt having coaches call you out publicly for fraudulent reporting is "part of the gig". Maybe if you're a bitter, pathetic little hack whose reporting stinks like yesterday's trash.

Reporters are the most loathesome form of wanna-be celebrities. Give them a whiff of exclusive access and they'll think they're god's gift to literature.

well put Mcmetal ... now get back to work! (jk)

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