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Help me get clean

Spaceman Spiff

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I've been a slob for like...the majority of my life. I've always kept everything a mess. Room, lockers, desks, office, car...and I'm pretty tired of it.

So I've started to clean things up a bit but I find myself falling back into the same routines. Simply put, its easy to be a slob :) I told myself I was going to start keeping my car clean a couple months ago and well, that hasn't happened.

Basically, I'd like to turn into a neat freak.

The problem is, it's hard to break 25 years of habits.

So does anyone have any suggestions on how to start and how to keep it up?

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Well, I was sort of the same way.

Then one day my marriage ended, and as soon as she left, I found out that it wasn't really me who was the slob.

I found a place for everything, and started to try to keep it there. I was marginally successful.

Then I came across the key to keeping yourself from ever being a slob again.

I married an Asian girl.

Man, my house is immaculate now. And since she won't have it any other way, my habits are now much better.

I realize this may be a radical procedure, especially if you're already married. But, it worked for me.


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Get married, a woman will whip your arse into gear

beat me to it.

i'm an organized mess guy. people walk into my office, and i can see their desire to cover their eyes, laugh, scoff, etc....but i know where everything is.

every now and then, i'll have a moment of clarity, decide i need to be neater, clean the office, and, without fail, am unable to find what i need 2 hours later.

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beat me to it.

i'm an organized mess guy. people walk into my office, and i can see their desire to cover their eyes, laugh, scoff, etc....but i know where everything is.

every now and then, i'll have a moment of clarity, decide i need to be neater, clean the office, and, without fail, am unable to find what i need 2 hours later.


I can definitely relate. If i had a dollar for every time i put something somewhere and thought to myself while I did it that 'now i'll never lose this again'... only to find out later i forgot where i put it.. man I'd be rich.


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You don't need to be either extreme, you'll find a happy medium is also good. Don't let things get carried away but don't dust for prints on the doorknob. I normally clean my house once a week(outside of dishes) and the car once every two weeks. My problem is so long as I'm not cleaning I don't mind a little mess here and there, but once I start cleaning my friends know not to bother me for atleast half the day. Just find a happy medium man.

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This is a funny thread! Major, I feel your pain bro, my office is the same way and I know where everything is too. Eff 'em if they don't like it. :D At the house I admitted to myself a while back that while I don't mind yard work, I hate and won't do any house work besides the dished and laundry. I broke down and hired a maid to come every Friday while I'm at work. It rocks, it's not that expensive and if it take me a little longer to find something at home, I'm more likely to put it away next time instead of leaving it lying around. Coming home to a clean house is a really good thing. :)

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The key to staying neat & clean after the "big clean" is to put things in their appropriate places when you're finished w/it. When you're finished eating for example, put your trash in the trash can instead of setting it on the coffee table and saying to yourself, "I'll throw that away the next time I get up". Now this mainly applies to when you're eating fast food, if not, then get up and put the dishes in the sink etc. etc. I find that if I do this each & every time..my home stays neat. I do get lazy tho and then I have to do the "big clean" once a week. I'm not the neatest housekeeper, I try but I work 40 hrs/wk, my husband is retired/disabled so I have to be attentive to his daily needs once I get home(he's semi-dependent on a wheelchair), and I'm involved in some community areas as well so my plate is too full. I need to cut back and I will since football season is upon us shortly.

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I'm just like you man. I only started getting organized until i met my g/f. When she was bored she'd clean. It makes sense for a perfect opprotunity to do so also.

I'll help you out w/ your car first off.

Cleaning my car was terrible. I'd play basketball and leave sweaty socks, t-shirts and mesh shorts in my car for weeks leaving out a terrible smell. On top of that, i'd have soccer balls cleets etc. I'd also drive my gf around in my car which she didn't appreciate.

Cleaning it wasn't too tough though. What i did was.. Everytime i drove my car, when i come home i'd take out a few things with me. For instance, clothes.. When i came home from work or the mall i'd grab a few extra shirts and pants laying around in my backseat. Repeat this w/ everything for about 1 week (or depending how lazy you are). After all the clutter is gone, on 1 weekend spend time vacuuming and maybe even giving you car a full car wash.

Pretty simple procedure. This way, if your a busy person like me.. you don't have to spend 2-3 hours a day trying to get it clean to perfection. It might take awhile but its 'cleaning within reason'..

Now, after you clean your car. Cleaning your room is simple. You'll actually be motivated to do the rest at one time only b/c... you have a clean car.. but not a clean room.. It won't balanace itself out, its only natural!

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I've been a slob for like...the majority of my life. I've always kept everything a mess. Room, lockers, desks, office, car...and I'm pretty tired of it.

So I've started to clean things up a bit but I find myself falling back into the same routines. Simply put, its easy to be a slob :) I told myself I was going to start keeping my car clean a couple months ago and well, that hasn't happened.

Basically, I'd like to turn into a neat freak.

The problem is, it's hard to break 25 years of habits.

So does anyone have any suggestions on how to start and how to keep it up?

:laugh: The last time i was in your car i found a goat, a rotisserie chicken, and a long lost copy of the declaration of independance.

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Try using the Japanese quality called 5S. In short, it's "a place for everything and everything in it's place"

To keep it simple, just lable the locations for everything. I started in my garage. I labled where each item was to reside and then outlined that item in tape. Everytime I used the item, I would put it back in it's "spot".

I found this useful at work too, but I also get teased for being such a neat freak now!

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Consistancy. Thats the key. If you can find a place for everything, like others have suggested, then just keep putting everything in the same place. Once you have that established, start changing your habits one at a time. If you throw trash on the passenger seat, make a point to take it out everytime you come home(for example). If you throw you dirty cloths on the floor, throw them in the same place or put a hamper there. If you don't fold your laundry and leave it in the basket (like I do), stop and fold it and put it away or put it in the drawer unfolded, just to get it out of the hamper, so you can put your dirty clothes in it. I am a recovering slob, my biggest problem, washing dishes. I can't stand it, but I'm getting better.

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Try using the Japanese quality called 5S. In short, it's "a place for everything and everything in it's place"

To keep it simple, just lable the locations for everything. I started in my garage. I labled where each item was to reside and then outlined that item in tape. Everytime I used the item, I would put it back in it's "spot".

I found this useful at work too, but I also get teased for being such a neat freak now!

some links that may help too.




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The answer is thumbtacks. When the mess gets to big have someone randomly come in (when you're not about) and throw thumbtacks in the piles. This works especially well if you walk around barefoot. Eventually, when you get sick of landmines you will start picking up the mess.

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Good call, Burgold. Classic. :laugh:

In all seriousness, without sounding too preachy, Spiff, I've found that "getting clean" in my life has been a matter of pride and respect (in and for myself).

I've been blessed to finally reach a position in my life where I have a handful of nice things: nice house, nice car, etc. Why allow those nice things to become varitable eyesores if I can prevent it? (i.e. keep the car washed and waxed, the lawn trimmed, and the house clean.)

I've found that it's cathartic to live in a clean environment too. You feel better about yourself, your space, and life in general. It's the same reason you don't walk around with your shoulders slouched and your head down. If you carry yourself with a sense of pride; you naturally tend to live that way as well.

Nike has it pegged. Just Do It. Once you get started, it will snowball.

Good luck. :cheers:

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A serious answer is that it's all about functionality. I need a little clutter, but am almost never messy. You need to find the level that works for you. You are obviously bothered by where you are, so it's not working for you. Being Felix Unger won't work for you either. It's sort of like dieting. Dieting by starvation doesn't work and diet by denying yourself everything you love doesn't work. What you need to do is find that level of clean that gives you the structure and organization that you need.

Hypnosis and thumbtacks also do the trick sometimes.

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There is no magic formula. It's just a determination to not be a slob, as you say. I hate clutter, too, and I try to keep up with it. But I also find that the older I get it seems harder to manage it. The only way to "get 'er done," as they say here in SC, is to start where you stand. Change NOW and you'll find it easier than 10 years from now.

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I find that just doing a bit of cleaning everyday really helps. It is similiar to working out or practicing an instrument: Small daily increments is better then one weekly longer session. If you see something that needs to be cleaned, just do it - it will probably just take a few minutes, and it won't add up to all of the other mess that you'll also have to clean.

This is pretty much how I keep my living area relatively neat and tidy.

Personally, I can't think as well if my living area or work space is messy.

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