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ESPN: Emmitt Smith thinks federal investigators targeted Michael Vick!


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Emmitt Smith thinks federal investigators targeted Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick to get to others involved in an alleged dogfighting operation.

"He's the biggest fish in the whole doggone pond right now so they're putting the squeeze on him to get to everyone else," Smith said Saturday.

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ummm... Emmitt. It was HIS HOUSE! And 'maybe betting money' on a dog fight is not exactly.. legal nor does it make it right. :doh:

He better hope that he is found to only be a spectator and catch a misdermeanor charge. If he is found to own any dogs that are used for dog fighting.. that is a felony at it's finest.

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Well, he was pressed on it. He was told to give his advice, and he gave his two cents. And, honestly, if you look at it, you know he's not far off. I'd bet good money that once the other NFL players involved in dogfighting (Because you know it isn't just Vick) saw how they are ready to hang Vick, they backed off from their sick hobby a bit. What better way to severe yourself from it than by taking the biggest face you can take? It's just a shame the NFL won't go all the way with it.

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And Emmitt's point is..........?

So, the Feds targeted Vick because of his stardom/celebrity/name whatever and the problem with this is.......?

If Vick were not involved in criminal and more over despicable activity, he'd have nothing to worry about. But since it seems that the more they've dug (literally), the more they've found that ties Vick to this stuff.

I think Emmitt and anyone else who feels the way he does would only have a point if and only if the Feds were using lower level guys as witnesses against Vick and had nothing else to tie him directly to the dogfighting and killing.

That is not the case here.

Emmitt should be very careful here before he becomes "Portised" for opening his mouth before actually thinking things through and educating himself on the facts about this case and not rush to the defense of every athlete just because of who they are.

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I don't understand why Emmitt is getting a free pass on this irresponsible statement. Where is his proof?

How can ESPN hire these idiots to be analysts? First Irvin, now this guy.

It would be nice if the entire interview was available instead of some snippet that took his comments completely out of context.

Basically Emmitt was saying that he thinks the Feds are targeting Vick because they think he was involved to a lesser degree and want to force him to testify against the bigger dog fighters.

Personally I think Emmitt is wrong given what the indictment has against Vick. The feds rarely cut deals unless is low level player in something extremely big like the mob or busting down a drug cartel. But from what the feds are saying, Vick is a major player and while it's a horrible act, it's simply not as big as breaking down the mafia or a drug cartel.

If you watch the entire interview, I believe you'll see Emmitt's words taken out of context. Now I think he's wrong in his assumption, but I don't think it's an irresponsible statement either.


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']It was his house and if he knew about it and bet on it' date=' he should be targeted!!!![/quote']


sheesh, its not like he's a fringe party in this. can't get much more involved that the thing being at your house and people putting you there doing it.

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Don't investigators usually target the highest person they can get.

A. They can go for the people attending the fights or

B. They can go for the people training the dogs, holding the fights, sponsoring the events, and executing the losers.

If you take out the B group then the ring is broken, take out the A group and the ring just gets tighter.

This is pretty much common sense, but then I don't expect any of the 90's cowboys to care much about the right thing.

"Beware of the DA Man"

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Emmitt deserves to be hammered over this in the same way Portis was. Look at the last quotes:

Smith, the NFL's career leading rusher, said young athletes have to make decisions about who they associate with because it could harm their careers.

"From an athletic standpoint, from an endorsement standpoint, from an investment standpoint, from a business standpoint, those doors are opening. The question is now, do you want to do the same old junk you've been doing for 18 or 20-something years, or do you want to step into the real world of business and handle your business like you're supposed to handle it?"

So ... never mind ethics or basic human decency, or the fact that it's a felony, just worry about those endorsements.

And the argument that they are picking on Vick :doh:

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Everybody know the only reason they are going after Vick is because he's black. They wouldn't be doing anything if it was Brett Farve's house (though Madden's heart would be broken) and everybody knows it. They just aren't willing to admit it. This whole thing is the feds trying to prevent a black man from being rich and influential. I doubt there even were dog fights, the evidence was planted. I bet it was Bush and Cheaney who were electrocuting those dogs.

Free Michael Vick!

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I agree with Emmitt and i said that myself in the tailgate

Then you are as wrong as he is. Men who kill dogs for sport are beneath contempt. They should put Vick and his pals in a pit with the dogs they trained and let them see how it feels.

I do agree Emmitt does know a lot about criminals, because as a Dallas Cokeboy he practiced with them every day. :laugh:

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Everybody know the only reason they are going after Vick is because he's black.

You should of stopped typing after this sentence. The rest of the paragraph was even more brainless.

Unless, of course, you were being completely sarcastic. If so, you get a free pass :D

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It was huge money.

It was his property.

It was a felony.

How is it a joke to go after this guy again... ?

I'll take my legal advice from someone other than Emmitt Smith.


First, these former puke players need to keep their mouth shut.

Second, these former players need to keep their mouth shut and let the legal system run it's course.

Of course they went after Vick. He was one of the big names behind the fights. Please don't tell me the dog underground didn't know that Vick was one of the people behind the fights.

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I don't understand why Emmitt is getting a free pass on this irresponsible statement. Where is his proof?

How can ESPN hire these idiots to be analysts? First Irvin, now this guy.

lol...proof....since when do you need proof? You have already convicted Vick on press releases. You call that proof?

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