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Al-Qaida No. 2 mocks American 'failure'

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Al-Qaida No. 2 mocks American 'failure'

By KATARINA KRATOVAC, Associated Press Writer

7 minutes ago


CAIRO, Egypt - A new video of al-Qaida's No. 2 leader released on Saturday mocks President Bush and U.S. legislation requiring the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, saying the bill would rob the group's fighters of the chance to kill more Americans.

Osama bin Laden's deputy Ayman al-Zawahri derided the new U.S.-backed Baghdad security plan, recounting an April 12 suicide bombing in Baghdad's heavily protected Green Zone when an attacker slipped through security and killed a Sunni legislator in the Iraqi parliament's cafeteria. An al-Qaida-led amalgam of Sunni insurgents in Iraq claimed responsibility.

"And lest Bush worry, I congratulate him on the success of his security plan, and I invite him on the occasion for a glass of juice, but in the cafeteria of the Iraqi parliament in the middle of the Green Zone," al-Zawahri said.

The video was obtained Saturday by U.S.-based monitoring groups who released a transcript to media.

Al-Zawahri, shown seated before a bookshelf in a white robe and turban, addresses legislation pushed by Democratic leaders, and vetoed by Bush, that would have required the first U.S. troops in Iraq to be withdrawn by Oct. 1 with a goal of a complete pullout six months later.

"This bill will deprive us of the opportunity to destroy the American forces which we have caught in a historic trap," al-Zawahri said, according to a transcript released by the monitoring group SITE. The bill is evidence of American "failure and frustration," he added.

"We ask Allah that they (U.S. troops) only get out of it after losing 200,000 to 300,000 killed, in order that we give the spillers of blood in Washington and Europe an unforgettable lesson," he said.

He made no mention of Bush vetoing the bill on Thursday — an indication the video may have been made beforehand.

Al-Zawahri encouraged minorities around the world to join the holy war, or jihad.

"Al-Qaida is not merely for the benefit of Muslims," he said. "That's why I want blacks in America, people of color, American Indians, Hispanics, and all the weak and oppressed in North and South America, in Africa and Asia, and all over the world."

Al-Zawahri claimed al-Qaida fighters in Iraq were "nearing closer to victory over their enemy, despite this sectarian fighting" that has convulsed the country.

He discussed other topics as well in the 67-minute video, including fighting in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Algeria, and Somalia. He made references to Saudi Arabia, Egyptian constitutional changes meant to cement the government's hold on power, and the Pentagon's release of the confessions of al-Qaida No. 3, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the alleged Sept. 11 mastermind who was captured in Pakistan in March 2003.

Saturday's video was the fifth message — including posted video and audio tapes — by al-Zawahri this year. Osama bin Laden has not surfaced in any communications since mid-2006.

Perhaps they are running out of suicide bombers, since now "Al Qaeda is not just for muslims." I guess he's saying if a Christian Latino, a Secular African American, and a Sioux Indian want to blow up a building somewhere in America...they are still infidels, but he's all for them. :whoknows:

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If they care enough to make an announcement, something is pissing them off. I honestly believe what we are doing that we are unaware of is better than what we could do that would be. If that sentence made sense to you, you get it.

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If they care enough to make an announcement, something is pissing them off. I honestly believe what we are doing that we are unaware of is better than what we could do that would be. If that sentence made sense to you, you get it.

How about, "I honestly believe the things we are doing, while UNAWARE of them," Ok Herrm, you gotta finish it for me cuz I dunno WHAT the hell you said at the end there. Wait, I get it, you're making fun of Bush for not being able to speak-talk. Therefore it's not supposed to make sense. Or am I damned by your Bud Light night? I'm still trying to make sense of it. :mad:

Are you trying to say when we try to do things they don't work, but things we do that we aren't even aware of are working in a positive manner? Congrats on confusing me. :cheers:

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BTW, the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq that they said was killed last week? Yeah he's not dead.

Really? I thought they were testing DNA?

Or are you just going by what the enemy says ;)

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There are two separate cases,the one the US forces killed and then one claimed killed in Anbar by Iraqi's.

All the information I have is it has not been confirmed or denied by the US officials.


We still don’t know what the status is,” U.S. military spokesman Rear Adm. Mark Fox said Wednesday, adding the U.S. military was not involved in the operation that purportedly killed al-Masri.

“I haven’t seen any reports that we have any bodies, or that we took custody, or that we had any participation there,” he said at a news conference in Baghdad, adding there were no American forces in the area where it was said to have occurred.

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What's a total crack up and makes me laugh is that the most of the democrat candidates say that Al-qaeda isn't in Iraq and isn't causing any trouble...it's all civil unrest. Well, seems to me and the #2 guy for them, that they think their in Iraq and fighting. I guess since the democrats don't think so, we should tell him he is mistaken and is in another country and not in iraq doing what he thinks he's doing.

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If they care enough to make an announcement, something is pissing them off. I honestly believe what we are doing that we are unaware of is better than what we could do that would be. If that sentence made sense to you, you get it.

Well, I got the first sentence, and I agree with that. :)

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What's a total crack up and makes me laugh is that the most of the democrat candidates say that Al-qaeda isn't in Iraq and isn't causing any trouble...it's all civil unrest. Well, seems to me and the #2 guy for them, that they think their in Iraq and fighting. I guess since the democrats don't think so, we should tell him he is mistaken and is in another country and not in iraq doing what he thinks he's doing.


Of course they are in Iraq and causing trouble, but it's the "civil unrest" that makes it a breeding ground. A civil unrest we created by lack of foresight that Iraq would be a shiny happy place with Saddam gone, and not a civil struggle between three religious sects that historically have never seen eye to eye to say the least.

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Of course they are in Iraq and causing trouble, but it's the "civil unrest" that makes it a breeding ground. A civil unrest we created by lack of foresight that Iraq would be a shiny happy place with Saddam gone, and not a civil struggle between three religious sects that historically have never seen eye to eye to say the least.

You don't think AQ blowing up the mosques in Samara, ect. and markets might have been a contributing factor?

The three factions have intermarried and co-existed for a long time,that issue is overblown.

There are simply too many outside forces setting them against one another,and of course the change in positions of power...And AQ is the deadliest

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You don't think AQ blowing up the mosques in Samara, ect. and markets might have been a contributing factor?

The three factions have intermarried and co-existed for a long time,that issue is overblown.

There are simply too many outside forces setting them against one another,and of course the change in positions of power...And AQ is the deadliest

LOL, the Shia and definitely the Kurds had a real fun marriage/coexistence under Saddam. In fact historically dating back to when England carved Iraq for geographical purposes alone whoever has been in power maintained a ruthless stranglehold over the other two, not a peaceful coexistence.

Whatever happens over there, Iraq is not a final stand between the US and Al Qaeda. And for the families who have lived and grown up there, it shouldn't be.

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There is Al Qaeda in Iraq. I'm not questioning that. The actual number of Al Qaeda and their actual influence there is open for to debate though. I think both sides can come up with figures that support their position. My question is is there more Al Qaeda in Iraq or is there more Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

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