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Goodbye to the man who taught me to be a Redskins fan...

Ghost of

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I appreciate you sharing that with us, Ghost. You're a lucky dude to have had a guy like that in your life. Sounds like the kind of guy I'd really enjoy knowing. You gave a worthy memorial for Mr. Cooper, NIck, and in just the right place.

Here's to you, Mr. Cooper, sir. :cheers:

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Remember him as you saw him when you were a child. Of the end only remember how stoically he faced it. I second the thought that you were indeed luck to have been blessed with him as grandfather. Ghost you have my condolences and rest in peace Mr.Cooper.

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I'm truely sorry for your loss. But if there is any positive to this, just be glad that you were able to be around knowing it was possibly his last days. There are too many people in the world who do not get that luxury.

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts and condolensces. I wanted to get something out before jet lag and exhaustion overtook me. I'm happy I was able to see him and it's not the image of his body that I see with my waking eyes but of him trying to speak and hearing only a whisper and being unable to help him.

I don't know what else to say. Thanks again and I'm glad so many of my Extremefriends felt it a worthy tribute.

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Just reading those words brings back memories and a lot of tears. I lost my grandfather 8 months ago. Just witnessing him waste away from his dementia was tough to swallow. It is NEVER easy losing someone that you love so dearly as it should never be. However, as the saying goes.. it is better to love and lost, than to never love at all. That saying hold true. I know that you miss the heck out of him.. just know that he is no longer suffering. For him to be at peace with a smile on his face just proves that he met eternal happiness.

If there is ANYTHING that I can do.. just shoot me a PM, brah. :cheers:

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Make sure you keep doing this. Make sure his story lives on within your family. It's important. I remember when my Grandmother died a few years back. It takes time, allow yourself to be sad, but also celebrate his life. He has a strong legacy in you.

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Make sure you keep doing this. Make sure his story lives on within your family. It's important. I remember when my Grandmother died a few years back. It takes time, allow yourself to be sad, but also celebrate his life. He has a strong legacy in you.

Sound words, Burgold. When my grandfather passed I was only three, so I didn't understand it fully. My mother of course was devastated, as he died relatively early from a heart attack. It goes without saying that she will never stop missing him, but now she enjoys telling us stories about him and what he was like. If I can be half the man my grandfather was, I'm on the right track, and it sounds like the same is true for you Ghost.

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