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Imus on the Hot Seat for Rutgers Comments

Dan T.

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Wow, finally someone comes out and tells the truth. Like I've always said, racism FROM the minority, directed AT the majority is OK. The reverse? Not so much.

I'm sick of catering. Either both are OK or neither are. Which is it going to be?

Neither. As I've told my black friends when they call me white boy, "how would you like it if I called you black boy? I'd be ****ed up then right?" And that's normally that. They understand.

My experience, and I didn't realize this until I left the DC metro area and went to places like Texas, West Virginia, the very bottom of Va, and even California, is that white people are a lot more vicious and a lot more prominent with their racism then others.

Because I am white they think they can any damn thing around me and it's ok. Some of the things I’ve heard are just sickening. Sometimes I spoke up and caught a lot of hell for it but a lot of times it’s not even worth it. I’ve also been on the other end of racism from blacks and Hispanics. I don’t like that either and I let it be known. Not in a disrespectful way but in an enlightening way (see first paragraph) and that’s normally that.

But in the end none of it is right. I don’t think people, especially people that have grown up and lived in the DC Area, realize how big a part race and racism still plays in our country. It’s really sad. I am of the belief that race is just something that is used to keep the people divided against each other. It’s been going on for thousands of years all over the world. I wish that one day we could just get over it, see that we have common goals, and move ourselves, together, towards those goals.

Now I know I went deep with what was just a stupid joke by Imus so back to him. My biggest problem with what he said was that it was directed at college students that he doesn’t know. I’m a fan of racial humor, if done properly. Chris Rock does it properly. Ralphie Mae, or whatever his name is does it properly. Imus just attacked some innocent individuals unnecessarily.

I hope this all made sense. I’m going on like zero hours sleep so please excuse my rambling.

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Here is a post from Michael Wilbon on this in the WP Chat House (Tony and Mike mentioned the same response on PTI last week):

Reston, Va.: What is your take on the Don Imus flap?

Michael Wilbon: I thought we'd get to this: I don't care whether Don Imus apologizes, or whether he's fired. Freedom of speech allows him to say whatever he wants to say. But I've got freedom of speech, as well, and I prefer to have the right to rip his face off in print and on TV for saying, repeatedly, the racially offensive stuff he says over and over and over and over. He compares blacks and Hispanics to apes all the time. ALL THE TIME. It's not rare, it's not an exception. It's not a one-time deal. ALL THE TIME. He and the people in his studio act as if all Blacks are pimps and whores and all have gold teeth and are illiterate...I'm glad I'm guaranteed the right to come right back at a bigot of this level and say whatever I want to say...And I'm happy to go toe-to-toe. Happy to.

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Wow, finally someone comes out and tells the truth. Like I've always said, racism FROM the minority, directed AT the majority is OK. The reverse? Not so much.

I'm sick of catering. Either both are OK or neither are. Which is it going to be?

Both are wrong in my opinion.

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What he said doesn't even seem like a big deal to me, not to sound racist or anything, but blacks blow things out of proportion all the time it seems like.

If it didn't sound like a big deal to you, then walk past of a group of black women and call them a bunch of "nappy headed hoes" and see how much of a big deal it is. I am a black man, and I would get my arse handed to me if that came out of my mouth. But hey, maybe you know something I don't. :doh:

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If it didn't sound like a big deal to you, then walk past of a group of black women and call them a bunch of "nappy headed hoes" and see how much of a big deal it is. I am a black man, and I would get my arse handed to me if that came out of my mouth. But hey, maybe you know something I don't. :doh:

Sad that some ppl still can't recognize how bad what he said actually was.

On Fox5, they were interviewing ppl to say what they thought about that jerk off, and of course the one white guy who has no idea what it feels like to be insulted that way said ,"If you don't like it, don't listen." Not only did it piss me off, it just let me know that there are still people out there (not to sound racist but mainly white people) who enjoy listenting to that kind of stuff said about us african americans. Despite it being the year 2007, racism is still around us. It's sad really.

And Mike Wilbon put it perfectly.

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Sad that some ppl still can't recognize how bad what he said actually was.

On Fox5, they were interviewing ppl to say what they thought about that jerk off, and of course the one white guy who has no idea what it feels like to be insulted that way said ,"If you don't like it, don't listen." Not only did it piss me off, it just let me know that there are still people out there (not to sound racist but mainly white people) who enjoy listenting to that kind of stuff said about us african americans. Despite it being the year 2007, racism is still around us. It's sad really.

And Mike Wilbon put it perfectly.

Yeah Wilbon hit it right on the head. I hope he writes about it in the Washington Post.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with Imus saying what he wants.

I personally think he's an *******. But thats just me.

Yeah Wilbon hit it right on the head. I hope he writes about it in the Washington Post.

No he didn't. When people make fun of whites nobody friggen blinks. Who cares? Just making fun of stupid whitey! He deserves it because he is white! If some black guy on a radio program called me a greasy italian or called white people crackers or slave masters nobody would care. Not a single person. Make fun of a minority and you get plastered all over the news as the nation gasps. :rolleyes:

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Sad that some ppl still can't recognize how bad what he said actually was.

On Fox5, they were interviewing ppl to say what they thought about that jerk off, and of course the one white guy who has no idea what it feels like to be insulted that way said ,"If you don't like it, don't listen." Not only did it piss me off, it just let me know that there are still people out there (not to sound racist but mainly white people) who enjoy listenting to that kind of stuff said about us african americans. Despite it being the year 2007, racism is still around us. It's sad really.

And Mike Wilbon put it perfectly.

You know what? If I went and bought the top 10 rap or hip hop albums today do you think I'd find anything as insulting as what Imus said? And just exactly who is the audience for Rap & hip hop albums? Right!! So get off your almightly high horse a call it for what it is a buffon making an assine comment. Because believe me everything the those top 10 albums make what Imus said sound like grade school stuff.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with Imus saying what he wants.

I personally think he's an *******. But thats just me.

Neither does CBS and MSNBC apparently. But if you say Venus and Serena Williams belong in the National Geographic channel, and then you call a women's basketball team a bunch of "Nappy Headed Hos", there's a pattern here. He just will have to face the consequences of saying what he wants. Which will probably be a slap on the wrist at best.

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I'm white and I think this guy should be ****-canned. It's not even a black/white issue with me. These girls are at a fine academic institution competing at the highest level. They should be commended for balancing school and playing on a contending team whether they are white/black/purple/ or blue. Who cares if they have tatoos, theyre going to have degrees. Calling them nappy headed ho's when they have done nothing to this prick is uncalled for and he deserves everything he gets. How can we get anywhere as a society when successful female collegiate athletes are called nappy headed ho's instead of the talk being about their play on the court? :doh: People chiming in with "well this black guy said this:... are part of the problem. Nothing makes racism okay. We will only continue to tread water with this attitude.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with Imus saying what he wants.

I personally think he's an *******. But thats just me.

No he didn't. When people make fun of whites nobody friggen blinks. Who cares? Just making fun of stupid whitey! He deserves it because he is white! If some black guy on a radio program called me a greasy italian or called white people crackers or slave masters nobody would care. Not a single person. Make fun of a minority and you get plastered all over the news as the nation gasps. :rolleyes:

Name an on-air black radio personality who has made racially insenstive comments about whites, jews, italians, etc., more than 1 time, and kept his/her job?

Micheal Ray Richardson, a black coach in the NBA Developmental league, made racially insensitive remarks about jewish lawyers, and he was FIRED the next day. So please spare me that defense of "if black people do it, then it is ok for Imus to do it" crap.

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You know what? If I went and bought the top 10 rap or hip hop albums today do you think I'd find anything as insulting as what Imus said? And just exactly who is the audience for Rap & hip hop albums? Right!! So get off your almightly high horse a call it for what it is a buffon making an assine comment. Because believe me everything the those top 10 albums make what Imus said sound like grade school stuff.

So a rap album having those same comments makes what Imus said right???? Is that what you are trying to say?? NO ONE should say things like that. A rapper, an on-air radio personality...NO ONE!!!

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I'm white and I think this guy should be ****-canned. It's not even a black/white issue with me. These girls are at a fine academic institution competing at the highest level. They should be commended for balancing school and playing on a contending team whether they are white/black/purple/ or blue. Who cares if they have tatoos, theyre going to have degrees. Calling them nappy headed ho's when they have done nothing to this prick is uncalled for and he deserves everything he gets. How can we get anywhere as a society when successful female collegiate athletes are called nappy headed ho's instead of the talk being about their play on the court? :doh: People chiming in with "well this black guy said this:... are part of the problem. Nothing makes racism okay. We will only continue to tread water with this attitude.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy School these Imus defenders.

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Who cares about Imus listen to Don & Mike they're better.

Don and Mike got old about seven years ago.

Imus does suck more though. I seriously don't know anyone who listens to him. I bet MSNBC is praying he is fired so they can get out of the contract they gave him to show his show in the morning. What a waste of time and space that is.

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Name an on-air black radio personality who has made racially insenstive comments about whites, jews, italians, etc., more than 1 time, and kept his/her job?

Micheal Ray Richardson, a black coach in the NBA Developmental league, made racially insensitive remarks about jewish lawyers, and he was FIRED the next day. So please spare me that defense of "if black people do it, then it is ok for Imus to do it" crap.


You saw this guy plastered all over the media, discussed on talk shows, and gripping the races of the nation...right?

The people at CSPAN who had this speaker on had to deal with this storm of ridicule. Right?

Imus calls someone on a radio broadcast a nappy headed hoe. He is all over the news, people everywhere are commenting on what some dumb white hick said in his stupidity.

Kamau Kambon goes on CSPAN, a nationally televised network supported by the government and outlines his feelings as to why all white people must be exterminated.

What the hell, in this country that has freedom of speech, etc. is so shocking to minorities in America when a white person says stupid things about them? At the same time, what is so completely normal and uninteresting about a black man calling for the death of all white people on CSPAN to whites? Anyone should be free to say whatever the hell they want. If they want to be ignorant racist morons they should be allowed to. Not telling other people what their opinions should be and what they should say is one of the founding principles of this country. I don't see why a group of people would hire a guy because they want his strange speaking personality, and would then can his ass for speaking and his personality.

I'm not defending what Imus said as good, I hate Imus, he's an *******. I defend his right to say stupid ****, it isn't less of a right for him because he is white than it is a right for a black, hispanic, asian, whatever.

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Nobody know who this clown is, it's Imus's job to be responsible andtoknow where that line is Stern knows it, Don and Mike know it and most responsible hosts know where it is.


You saw this guy plastered all over the media, discussed on talk shows, and gripping the races of the nation...right?

The people at CSPAN who had this speaker on had to deal with this storm of ridicule. Right?

Imus calls someone on a radio broadcast a nappy headed hoe. He is all over the news, people everywhere are commenting on what some dumb white hick said in his stupidity.

Kamau Kambon goes on CSPAN, a nationally televised network supported by the government and outlines his feelings as to why all white people must be exterminated.

What the hell, in this country that has freedom of speech, etc. is so shocking to minorities in America when a white person says stupid things about them? At the same time, what is so completely normal and uninteresting about a black man calling for the death of all white people on CSPAN to whites? Anyone should be free to say whatever the hell they want. If they want to be ignorant racist morons they should be allowed to. Not telling other people what their opinions should be and what they should say is one of the founding principles of this country. I don't see why a group of people would hire a guy because they want his strange speaking personality, and would then can his ass for speaking and his personality.

I'm not defending what Imus said as good, I hate Imus, he's an *******. I defend his right to say stupid ****, it isn't less of a right for him because he is white than it is a right for a black, hispanic, asian, whatever.

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I'm white and I think this guy should be ****-canned. It's not even a black/white issue with me. These girls are at a fine academic institution competing at the highest level. They should be commended for balancing school and playing on a contending team whether they are white/black/purple/ or blue. Who cares if they have tatoos, theyre going to have degrees. Calling them nappy headed ho's when they have done nothing to this prick is uncalled for and he deserves everything he gets. How can we get anywhere as a society when successful female collegiate athletes are called nappy headed ho's instead of the talk being about their play on the court? :doh: People chiming in with "well this black guy said this:... are part of the problem. Nothing makes racism okay. We will only continue to tread water with this attitude.


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Wow, so Imus has the courtesy to go on a hostile show, with a hostile host, and KNOWS he's going to get lambasted by a man who could well be considered a racist in his own right, and what happens? The ungrateful moron, Sharpton, walks out of the room during commercial breaks and hardly speaks to the guy.


I haven't seen Professor Kambon on The O'Reilly Factor. When was the last time Dave Chappelle answered to Rush? Rev. Jackson, would you like some time to explain to Sean Hannity why you're paying for a LIAR's education BECAUSE she fabricated a story against white athletes?

Didn't think so, hypocrites.

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