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PFT: 'Skins Meeting W/ Russell Means Nothing; Why Lenny P Hates Us

Fifty Gut

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I think it's funny that all of these sports sites call these guys experts. WTF have they done to become experts?

I go to school for several years, then work in my field for 15 years and don't get to call myself an expert.

What exactly is Pasta an expert of anyway? I know the only time I'd ever consult Pasta as an expert of any field would be when I am in need of an all you can eat Buffet or if I was ever in the market for a cholesterol test kit.

Thank you.

I would think, if you're an "expert" on the NFL you should at least understand the salary cap as well as several dozen people who post on this forum, for example. How many times do these guys get to proclaim the Redskins entering "cap hell" and then scratch their heads when it doesn't happen? Remember Peter King's "I just realized the announced contract figures on Redskins' FA signings don't actually mean anything!" article last year?

And, of course, the extent of the "analysis" on the Redskins by "experts" the past couple of years has basically been 'The Redskins signed FAs. The Redskins lost. Therefore, signing FAs equals losing'. I mean, could we go a little deeper than that before we get to be called an expert, please?

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So wait...

We are never supposed to believe any of the trash ever from PFT....

.... except when what they says agrees with our desired perspective?

Except when it is makes logical sense. He should of reported the Redskins are unhappy with Portis and Samuels too since Thomas and Peterson are coming in for meetings.

Also Quinn is coming in for a meeeting. Why would we not want him if we were looking for a QB?

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So wait...

We are never supposed to believe any of the trash ever from PFT....

.... except when what they says agrees with our desired perspective?

Was this any kind of rumor, or "whisper" or "scoop" or whatever? Or was it simply a statement of fact?

If they posted a picture of something, would we have to either believe it was doctored or else never question anything they write again?

Come on.

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Nothing is funnier than Lenny P's love of Jeff George. Just last week he wrote a big article about George's latest comeback attempt -- it was obviously fed to him by George himself, who goes way back with Lenny P. He writes the same article every year in fact. How ESPN lets him get away with it is beyond me.

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Nothing is funnier than Lenny P's love of Jeff George. Just last week he wrote a big article about George's latest comeback attempt -- it was obviously fed to him by George himself, who goes way back with Lenny P. He writes the same article every year in fact. How ESPN lets him get away with it is beyond me.

That's rich!!!!

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PFT came up with Pastabelly:)

That's the best part about it. I know for a fact I've heard ESPN personalities say on radio that they like to read PFT.

Former falcons coach Mora Jr. also said that he read pft or he said something positive about them in a press conference.

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So wait...

We are never supposed to believe any of the trash ever from PFT....

.... except when what they says agrees with our desired perspective?

This is a pure opinion piece and whether it's PFT or somewhere else, it may or may not be something someone agrees with. The question about PFT is the INFORMATION they put forward, NOT the opinion. In the case here they also add information I put up three years ago, so, good they finally got around to it :0.

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Why has he not been in trouble for his false reporting as of late. Isnt claiming a story to be yours, when it was in fact reported earlier, plagarism?

I was wondering this. Aren't Ombudsman suppose to recommend independent punishment for things or are they suppose to shake their heads and say "tisk tisk tisk"?

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The fact that the 'Skins tend to spare no expense also could help to make that first impression a very good one, making the player inclined to consider Washington when he hits free agency.

And, after all, free agency is the "real" draft for the Redskins.


The truest thing Ive ever read from PFT.

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"I would suggest ESPN.com do more editing of its Page 2 columnists -- some of whom seem to shoot from the hip for the sole purpose of shooting from the hip. In the same vein, ESPN commentators, including some of the network's biggest stars on TV and radio, might be more thoughtful and less outrageous and loud in their opinions. I've always believed just because someone has the title of commentator or columnist, it doesn't mean he or she should not be held to the same journalistic standards of fairness and accuracy as everyone else on the ESPN team. I also wonder why some commentators believe viewers are interested in their political views? Also, ESPN editors should be more careful of their staffers claiming exclusive stories when these stories are not always exclusive."


Someone else posted the link above but i found this particular section of it suitably interesting to the discussion.

Whether any notice is taken of it is another thing.

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