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Our New Hole to Fill - Left Guard


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Dock is gone. Spilt Milk. Under the Bridge. We can sit back and whine about him leaving. But, you know what? That's not me. I'm not a complainer. It's a waste of energy. Our Left Guard in 2007 will not be Derrick Dockery. The question and the topic of discussion now has to be something along the lines of........... So now what?

It appears as if Joe Gibbs' first plan of attack is to bring in Leonard Davis. I gotta tell ya, I don't think that's a bad idea. I know that his tenure in Arizona was bad. In my opinion, though, he was out of position. Leonard Davis is NOT a Left Tackle. He has seen time in his career at Guard and played well doing it. His skill sets certainly project more to the Guard position than the Tackle position. The big problem here is that his price tag (like Dockery's) is WAAAAYY too high. I would be open to and happy with Davis as our Left Guard, but only at a reasonably price.

So what do you think Plan B is? What should Plan B be? Todd Wade? With Dielman and Steinbach signed, the options for us are growing thin and this is a CRITICAL position for our offense in 2007. Our offense was set and now there is a hole.

I'm for Davis, if he drops his price. Other than that, I'm out of knowledgable information as to who is available and can do the job. Opinions?

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I really don't know what there going to do now.This si something we will probably be talking about next year.Just like the Pierce thing thats why you don't let your players go.We better get Cooley signed soon.Not to mention Taylor better get a extension.

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Im all for signing Wade. I think hes a good enough player, hes young, hes cheap, he knows the team and system, there just really isnt a downside in my opinion. We dont need a superstar to fill Docks spot. Why? Because we have 4 other linemen who are playing great. When you have that, it makes the one guy who comes in, look better. It would be one thing if we had two good linemen and a couple iffy ones, but we dont.

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pucillo will be our new left gaurd, if not this season, next season for sure

I think Pucillo only signed for one year, so we could be in this same situation next year, with another year of salary escalation...

I think it will be between Pucillo and some veteran...

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This draft is supposed to be very deep at guard. Dockery started as a rookie 3rd round pick and did fairly well his first year. Skins don't need to pay for a star at the LG position. If they can trade out of the #6 slot then they would have the extra picks to devote to a Guard.

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With our current draft picks, there's no way we can fill the Left Guard spot unless we use our #6 on a guard. That's not going to happen. If we fill this hole through the draft, then that means we would have traded down and drafted a LG in the 2nd/3rd Round I have no problem with that.

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If Davis decides to go elsewhere, who is left to sign?

Thats part of the reason for this thread. Who else can do the job?? I truly don't know. Todd Wade? Mike Pucillo? Do any of these names make you fell comfortable?? not me.

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POSTED 11:47 p.m. EST, March 3, 2007


Three teams in the NFC East are positioning themselves to possibly sign offensive lineman Leonard Davis. Specifically, the Giants, Cowboys, and Redskins are in the mix for the six-year veteran.

But each team has designs on him at different positions. In New York, he'd likely be the replacement for Luke Petitgout at left tackle. In Washington, Davis would likely step in at left guard for Derrick Dockery, who signed with the Bills on Friday. In Dallas, Davis would be the new right tackle, taking over for Marc Colombo.

The problem, as we mentioned earlier on Saturday, is that Davis supposedly wants $23 million in guaranteed money. It's a hugh amount, but not out of line in light of the huge amounts paid to guys like Eric Steinbach, Derrick Dockery, and Kris Dielman. Among the three of them, there are a grand total of ZERO Pro Bowl appearances.


But, as we always say, a player is worth precisely what someone will pay him. The fact that Steinbach and Dockery and Dielman have found their pots of gold doesn't mean that Davis will. Nevertheless, to the extent that these three signings are evidence of what the market currently is for second-tier offensive linemen, Davis is at least in the ballpark.

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There is no way they move Jansen to guard. Why mess up a rock at that position. Jansen when healthy is a great RT.

Because Wade is an even better RT. If we resign Wade, he must play tackle at 6-8. Besides a few strength concerns, I have no problem with moving Jansen to guard. He would give us something of a nasty streak, which we have lacked on the left side in ages.

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