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When will the world end?


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I think that most people can agree that life on earth and/or the world will end sometime, as pretty much everything does. Whether it is by a supernova (which is a VERY long time away), metorite, global warming, war, major plague etc., doesn't matter.

So, how long do you give humanity? I ask this because I recently heard that 1 out of every 3 people (don't have source, I will look) believes that the world will end within the next two generations. And given all the biblical talk on this board, I am curious.

I will say that I expect life will go on for at least another 100 years. Although part of me wouldn't be surprised if something really catastrophic does happen in my lifetime. I would say it could be a mix of some supervirus and nuclear warfare.

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I think that most people can agree that life on earth and/or the world will end sometime, as pretty much everything does. Whether it is by a supernova (which is a VERY long time away), metorite, global warming, war, major plague etc., doesn't matter.

So, how long do you give humanity? I ask this because I recently heard that 1 out of every 3 people (don't have source, I will look) believes that the world will end within the next two generations. And given all the biblical talk on this board, I am curious.

I will say that I expect life will go on for at least another 100 years. Although part of me wouldn't be surprised if something really catastrophic does happen in my lifetime. I would say it could be a mix of some supervirus and nuclear warfare.

100 years? Man are you ever a pessimist. :doh: Essentially you're saying that your grandchilden will witness the obliteration of life.

I have a little more faith in the survivability of Man.

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At any point in human history, there is a significant contingency of the human population who suffer the conceit of thinking the world will end during or shortly after their time on Earth.

Whether they're misreading the Bible, putting unwarranted faith in Nostradamus, or "interpreting" the random patterns of planets/stars/tea leaves, it's amazing how often the end of the world always seems to be right around the corner.

If you look back at the 1600s and ask, "Why would someone have expected the end of the Earth then?", ask yourself what someone might think 400 years from now when they look back at the early 2000s.

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When the Eagles win a Super Bowl


Hahahaha, hey man, how much ice u all get down there? (Im In Waldorf, we got like 3 inches of ice, maybe ½ of snow) :laugh:

Oh and me and some friends will be there for the Tiki opening night! :) Went last year for the first time it was cool! hope they get the sand back in there tho heh

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I would suggest that the 'world' will end long before human life ceases to exist on this planet. By that I mean the human animal, which appears to have been devolving for the last 150 years or so will lose its value and be worthless. MY guess on the timing on this event is no more than fifty years from now. There is currently only one country on this planet whose population bears any resemblence to a useful creature. Unfortunately, we're rapidly devolving here in the United States as well.

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My guess is, sometimes between Aug 25th and Oct 21st of this year.

That's right people.


The Maryland Renaissance Fesitval is where it will all being.

Two nerds not working for the Festival will show up not only dressed as the same character, but both believing they are the same character. Leading to a paradox that could tear the Universe apart.

Brother against Brother

Dogs marrying Cats

Sarge caring about his fellow Human Being

and finally........ that will be when Jerry Jones reveals himself to be the devil!

Its coming people. Pack a lunch and make sure you use the restroom before it begins, because we're not stopping!

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Why worry? What the hell are you gonna do about it?

Live well and be charitable to those you love and when it ends you'll have few regrets.

:applause: Thats what I try to do everyday.

Im not worried at all. I was just curious as to what other people thought since I heard that 1 in 3 people think its gonna be very soon. I wish I had the source. I wonder who they were asking.

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Whether it is by a supernova (which is a VERY long time away)

If by "a long time", you mean "never", that's about right. ;) The Sun is too small to go supernova on us, though its Red Giant phase will be rather uncomfortable for us.


This should swallow the Earth.

The picture is from Freeze, Fry or Dry: How Long Has the Earth Got? , which is an article on Space.com regarding your very topic of discussion.

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