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When will the world end?


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Look gang, there's been at least one doomsday scenario predicted to occur during the existence of every single generation to inhabit this planet before us. Obviously they were all wrong. Chances are pretty good that anyone predicting the end of time during this generation is wrong too.

Ding ding ding ding

We have a winner. I have a medium sized collection of books from the 20th century using the exact same arguments from the Bible people are using now.

Some examples:

88 reasons the Rapture is in 1988

Is the Anti-Christ at hand? What of Mussolini?

The Late Great Planet Earth

I would have to go through my collection those are only the few I remember off the top of my head. I have quite a few more though.

There is a book entitled "The Day and the Hour" by Francis X. Gumerlock that started out as a research paper on predictions of the end throughout history. That paper turned into a 300+ page book. Very humorous reading. I recommend everyone have a copy for their bathroom.

Side Note: The book "Is the Anti-Christ at hand? What of Mussolini?" is a good example of what all these "prophets" should do. After Mussolini died (and therefore not the anti-christ) the author (Oswald J. Smith) went around speaking and told people to bring the books to him and he would buy them back from the people and burn them.

While this is a good thing for him to do, it makes that book the most expensive one in my collection. I paid more for that than the rest of them combined I think. :)

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No, I'm just not seeing the point in responding to the comment. What I would say in response would not in any way be polite or appropriate for this thread or forum. It would also lead to my immediate expulsion from ES and possible legal action, so I'm going to refrain from responding for everyone's best interests.

legal action? really?

Has this ever happened from a post on the internet? Or is it hyperbole?

n/m... I think I know the answer to that.

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Kerry is a congressman of our country, you may hate him but come on do you have to be so crass with your hate.

I would respond to this honestly, but my wrath, even in typewritten form is so powerful and violent that I would likely face significant legal ramifications, not to mention the blood of innocents on my hands. I, therefore in my greatness and mercy, opt to type a bunch of self-righteous, overblown crap instead. Such is the wisdom that I alone possess.

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No, I'm just not seeing the point in responding to the comment. What I would say in response would not in any way be polite or appropriate for this thread or forum. It would also lead to my immediate expulsion from ES and possible legal action, so I'm going to refrain from responding for everyone's best interests.

Always the attention whore. Don't want to risk losing an "online" audience to utter some hollow threats; the internet is the last refuge of freak shows.

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Always the attention whore. Don't want to risk losing an "online" audience to utter some hollow threats; the internet is the last refuge of freak shows.

you cant be serious about hammering him about this. Someone took a really low blow cheap shot at him, and he responds with an even breathed post and you want to take him to task for it. he admits the insult hurt him and his response to said insult would get him banned so he opted to not respond and your gonna flame him for that?

sheesh you guys are brutal. If anyone else had made that personal attack against any other member there probably would have been a banning. MSF is free game though. Theres a couple others, Im still trying to figure out who you can and can not personally attack here.

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you cant be serious about hammering him about this. Someone took a really low blow cheap shot at him, and he responds with an even breathed post and you want to take him to task for it. he admits the insult hurt him and his response to said insult would get him banned so he opted to not respond and your gonna flame him for that?

sheesh you guys are brutal. If anyone else had made that personal attack against any other member there probably would have been a banning. MSF is free game though. Theres a couple others, Im still trying to figure out who you can and can not personally attack here.

well, that someone who took that low blow, he happened to be die hard.

and we were reminded today about one who is totally off limits. ;)

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maybe Im not understanding the the whole hate fest going on, I thought die hard was piling onto mboyds dig. evidently theres something else going on.

Ya gotta go back a few pages to get the whole story. As far as my dig, It was non-specific and cheeky and fun, if mildly offensive. I thought a few of the more grizzled posters here might get a chuckle out of it. Those who did not need only ignore it. There is no shortage of amateur humorists here and that is why this board is so enjoyable. As for the butt of the joke, he put me on ignore a long, long time ago, so why would I care what he thinks about it?

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