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When will the world end?


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The "super volcano" that lays beneath yellowstone national park is scheduled to erupt, Thus causing the end of the world.

If I remember correctly, the documentary said NOTHING about it being "the end of the world". Also, it is not "scheduled" to erupt. Volcanoes don't erupt "on schedule". It said that judging by the time length between previous eruptions, it is overdue.

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If the Yellowstone caldera erupts, then it will pretty much be the end of the world: It will be an event of enormous magnitude. At the minimum, life as we know it won't be the same for a long time, in this country or for the rest of the planet.


The better scenario is a large asteroid that hits the Yellowstone area, causing a super Doomsday combination of a planetary strike combined with humongo volcano.

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Here's what would go down.

Sarge: Fox News is the only network to tell it how it really is

Chom: Fox News is a bunch of right wing biased god fearing *******.

MSF: No one is a real conservative anymore blah blah blah blah

(kick punch choke...)

Please. You give MSF too much credit. he's a scrawny little wimp who talks tough behind his monitor. There's a reason why he has to keep guns under his bed to sleep sound at night.

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2012 or 2013 is my estimate too.......read Revelations for details.....

Shoot were already 5/7th's of the way through the trumpets......may as well end in my lifetime to make it fun......

Lets say the world doesn't end at those dates... will Revelations be wrong, or will man's ability to calculate the end of the world using Revelations be wrong?

The world will end when I die, by the way.

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Lets say the world doesn't end at those dates... will Revelations be wrong, or will man's ability to calculate the end of the world using Revelations be wrong?

The world will end when I die, by the way.

oh no.....the dates aren't in the book.......that's my estimate because of the accelerated wartime things happening, the china vs usa & taiwan issue and sure, may as well through in yellowstone......

the national id act I feel is the start of the mark of the beast and the UN is clearly the start of the world government.....

now that people are getting ok with the idea of interfaithism * :doh: * the one world religion is beginning too.....

I feel it's only a matter of time/.......however I couldn't care less.....

I'll be fine.....it's the people around me who don't believe me that are in for it.....

the 5th trumpet sounded almost CERTAINLY in 1991 and now that Sadaam is dead the 6th may begin whenever planned.......

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oh no.....the dates aren't in the book.......that's my estimate because of the accelerated wartime things happening, the china vs usa & taiwan issue and sure, may as well through in yellowstone......

the national id act I feel is the start of the mark of the beast and the UN is clearly the start of the world government.....

now that people are getting ok with the idea of interfaithism * :doh: * the one world religion is beginning too.....

I feel it's only a matter of time/.......however I couldn't care less.....

I'll be fine.....it's the people around me who don't believe me that are in for it.....

the 5th trumpet sounded almost CERTAINLY in 1991 and now that Sadaam is dead the 6th may begin whenever planned.......

I know the dates are not in the book (my boi was a hardcore Christian and explained what Revelelations was to me, though he personally thought making predictions from it wasn't such a hot idea). I know that you do not care, but lets say people had the power to make the world end (for the better, or worse, whatever)... should they excercise it? I have heard a few people say they supported the invasion of Iraq just based on pissing off the Arabs enough to nuke Israel, and that fulfilling some Revelations prophecy... lets just say I am not down with that.

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I know the dates are not in the book (my boi was a hardcore Christian and explained what Revelelations was to me, though he personally thought making predictions from it wasn't such a hot idea). I know that you do not care, but lets say people had the power to make the world end (for the better, or worse, whatever)... should they excercise it? I have heard a few people say they supported the invasion of Iraq just based on pissing off the Arabs enough to nuke Israel, and that fulfilling some Revelations prophecy... lets just say I am not down with that.

Whoa.....no I am NOT down with that however,,,,

When you see Russia, China, England, Germany & Ahhh crap....I forgot who the Leopard represents.......well whatever when you see all of them coming to the same conclusion about Isreal and the USA says no way and begins to break away from the UN it's the start of the 200 million man war.....

one thing is for sure though.....

Once the lion's wings have been plucked or become missing is will begin...

AKA....wings of an eagle = us, Mouth of a lion...= UK.......


I only wait in anticipation of this because I know it's good for me.,.....sounds selfish but I help as many that want it along the way......

I don't want it to happen because I know that part of the 200 million man war requires 1/3 of the world pop to get nuked....... :(

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I know the dates are not in the book (my boi was a hardcore Christian and explained what Revelelations was to me, though he personally thought making predictions from it wasn't such a hot idea).

I have a son. He is my bo"y". I know it's a difficult word to spell. :D

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"When will the world end?"

When the Sun goes Nova or Sarge gets his hands on the U.S. Nuke arsenal, which ever comes first

I don't know why I feel so compelled to point this out again (maybe it's because I'm in the habit of disagreeing with everything you write ;)), but the Sun's Red Giant phase will swallow the Earth long before any nova (even if the Sun was big enough to go nova, which it isn't).

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I don't know why I feel so compelled to point this out again ...

Neither do I :D

The Sun will destroy life on Earth, if something else doesn't get there first. THe mechanism isn't so important.

Whether we have to wait 4 billion years for it to be a red giant, or perhaps a giant flare will do it tomorrow. :)

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The day you get MSF, Sarge and Chom in a room together with a big screen tv that only has CNN, MSNBC and Fox News playing.

Sorry, that's an event I would not have any interest in attending. Regardless of what was on the television. I do my best to attend only events where the majority of the people are ones I could have a chance of dealing with on a reasonable level. Neither of those people you mentioned would fall into that category so far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for thinking of me, thought.

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Bumped for MSF. :D

EDIT: Apparently, MSF is speechless.

No, I'm just not seeing the point in responding to the comment. What I would say in response would not in any way be polite or appropriate for this thread or forum. It would also lead to my immediate expulsion from ES and possible legal action, so I'm going to refrain from responding for everyone's best interests.

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Anybody else not too concerned about being preached to by someone who doesn't even realize the book is called "Revelation?"

Look gang, there's been at least one doomsday scenario predicted to occur during the existence of every single generation to inhabit this planet before us. Obviously they were all wrong. Chances are pretty good that anyone predicting the end of time during this generation is wrong too.

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2012 or 2013 is my estimate too.......read Revelations for details.....

Shoot were already 5/7th's of the way through the trumpets......may as well end in my lifetime to make it fun......

I've read Revelation plenty and I don't get anywhere near that as an estimate.

When will the world end?

In my opinion the answer lies in this verse:

Psalm 110:1

The LORD says to my Lord:

"Sit at my right hand

until I make your enemies

a footstool for your feet."

But what do I know? I'm just a Postmillenialist heretic ;) (or so I've been told).

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