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ESPN: Archuleta breaks silence

Dirk Diggler

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Once again, this is what happens when you don't have a competent talent-evaluator. We have enough problems without their being bitterness and hostility in the locker room. The 2006 season will go down as being one of the worst in Redskins history and the sooner it ends, the better so we can start over with (hopefully!) a REAL general manager who can help us avoid situations like this.
You're not saying that Archuleta is not talented, right?
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I admit, I am becoming weary of these player situations. I am beginning to agree that our FO has done a mediocre job with its player handlings. If you see this type of situation with several players, it can't always be just the player.

It takes two to tango, as the saying goes.

Even though AA needed to improve in pass coverage, I never did see his second chance to improve over the last half of the season. Andre Carter actually improved: Would he had shown improvement if he was benched? I find it hard to believe that Archuleta is *that* bad...And if he is, then a good portion of the blame goes to the decision makers who signed the deal with the player.

It has been a mixed bag with the FO's personnel decisions, and mixed bags lands you a 5-10 season. Our success has been mixed enough that no one on the staff should receive any sort of deflection of criticism. And Gibbs knows this as well as anyone.

It is rather disheartening. Look at a team such as the Titans, and then look at our team: In spite of all of the player contracts, coaching hirings, pre-season talk, etc., it is sad to see our team's performance, and it really stings to even make such a statement.

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I see headlines all around about the 2006 redskins defense and it will be known as the"worst defense" in the history of the nfl.Allowed more yards in one season,lowest number of take aways.etc,etc.AA is only part of the blame.Looks like to me we need to revamp the whole damn defensive unit.Look at everything and don't be soft about it!!!!Any buffoon can see we need some major competition at CB like ones that can stay healthy and don't drop every sure int.We must start rebuilding our defense,but what do i know. :obvious:

Don't forget to add lowest sack total in team history too.

I think we all (media and fans) should start talking about this D as it really is, THE WORST REDSKIN DEFENSE SINCE 60'S. Only reason I stop there is I've heard how bad they were back then in the Sonny days and since I haven't seen them, I'll defer to my elders on that one. :)

Maybe then Mr. Ego (oh wait I mean Eggo must remember the 2nd G) and band will finally learn some humility and stop acting like they've reinvented defensive concepts.

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So what do you think we should do with the under acheiving likes of....

Joe Gibbs

Greg williams

Santana Moss

Sean Taylor ( extension time and his play has sucked just as much as AA)

Mark Brunnell

I would really like to know your answers to those

Why would we get rid of Moss? Or Taylor?

Are you trying to be an ass? Curious.

But further on your list, I think Gibbs needs to go, no doubt Williams does.

Brunell? Hes just fine as our backup that can tutor Campbell along.

As for AA, if he was doing what he was told but the play that was called at the time failed, then there you go.

S Taylor cant cover the entire field, who in the NFL can? He just looks worn out to me. And if what a LOT of players are saying about this organization are true then maybe hes just waiting to go. But Sean and Santana have shown us more then medicore play.

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They did the same thing to Lavar last year, not using him at his strengths but at his weaknesses because the "system" was the way to go. GW is a joke, at best.

I can give Williams a small break with LaVar, as that wasn't his signing, so to speak (though I still don't think much of Dale Lindsay). With Archuleta, nobody to point the finger at but yourself. Williams needs to get a grip on reality. He can't keep on doghousing players for his inability to modify his system.

Grilliams is starting to look like a real egotistical little son of a *****. I'm glad to know that we throw money at problems but when you throw money at the wrong problem this is what happens.

God forbid you change a system to work with your players.

Thank you.

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This is the second article posted here this week that gives credit to ESPN in the title when it is actually an AP story. Lets not give ESPN any more attention than it already gets.

About the article: I too can't wait to hear the whole side. Until then I am giving the AA the benefit of the doubt. He has been nothing but a class act about all of this. He hasn't demanded a trade, he hasn't held his own press conferences, he hasn't gone to the media that is probably begging him for an anti-Skins story. How many times do you think Pasta and the rest of the Skins haters have tried to get Arch to go public about this? I guarantee it has happened.

I hope Arch goes elsewhere next year and goes back to his pro bowl form (as long as it isn't with a division rival).

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I can't pin all of this on AA. Yes of course it's his fault he's not that great of a cover Safety but whos brilliant idea was it to make him the highest paid Safety in NFL history and then move him to that position? I mean yes we can blame him for simply not being good enough but it's not like Sean Taylor is the next coming of Ronnie Lott at this rate anyway.

The Coaches and FO made a huge blunder regarding AA. I've got a feeling we'll get rid of him this Offseason and he'll go to another team with Coaches that know how to better utilize him and he'll continue a pretty productive career.

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This is not AA's fault. Place this blame on a poor Redskin FO and Gregg William's arrogance (trying to fit a square peg into a round hole).

I agree 100% but couldn't he have waited just one more week to open his mouth? At least wait until the season is over to air out your issues. I think this shows that he is a little selfish and that may have led to his downfall with the team. With all of his problems with the 'Skins organization, I wonder if his conscience has allowed him to cash his game checks?

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You're not saying that Archuleta is not talented, right?

What I'm saying is that we need someone who can get the players best adapted for the approach the coaches want to take. It's not a question of Archuleta not being talented as it is he's not a good fit for Gregg Williams' defense. This is why a GM needs to be here to serve as the "voice of reason" instead of having coaches "falling in love" with players who may not fit the system or may not even be talented.

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I just wonder if maybe he and Steve Jackson just had a falling out. And GW is backing his coach no matter what. I know the last straw was Arch getting beat by Witten vs Dallas. But the other safeties haven't been that much better. Sean T is one of my favorite Redskins but man, he's looked terrible the last half of the year. I mean just god awful. Certainly appears to be a double standard to me.

Good luck Arch on your next team. He'll probably end up killing us on another team. Like all the other guys who don't fit the scheme or are deemed expendable by GW.

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Why would we get rid of Moss? Or Taylor?

Are you trying to be an ass? Curious.

But further on your list, I think Gibbs needs to go, no doubt Williams does.

Brunell? Hes just fine as our backup that can tutor Campbell along.

As for AA, if he was doing what he was told but the play that was called at the time failed, then there you go.

S Taylor cant cover the entire field, who in the NFL can? He just looks worn out to me. And if what a LOT of players are saying about this organization are true then maybe hes just waiting to go. But Sean and Santana have shown us more then medicore play.

Because they were given time to do so and never benched for a few mistakes they made in their new system...

if it was by the AA & Brandon Lloyd standard....

Sean taylor should be cut without pay....

Santana Moss should be cut because his numbers are lower than some #3 receivers...and he is not even top 45 in the league...

Im not being an ass im making a point....

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Adam may suck. Gw may be an ass for not using him correctly.

What does it say when a team like the Redskins, (that builds through FA almost exclusively), goes from making one player the highest paid of all time to the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong? What kind of a message does this send to future free agents? Why in the world would anyone want to take a chance with something like that?

Yes you can look at Shawn Springs, Marcus Washington, others that have worked out......and that's great. I'm not trying to defend Archulettas lack of ability either. His lack of coverage on MANY many plays this year have earned him a spot on the bench. I just can't look condone the way this staff has handled the situation. Arch has always had weaknesses with coverage, but he was our handpicked player. "Lavar-ing" him only highlights our own teams failures and pettiness.

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Uno Boss, as for the standard thing I think there is a misunderstanding. Lloyd has repeatedly dropped passes, then slammed a helmet. ARE caught his passes and didnt fumble. Taylor has played great, had a downward slope this year towards the end. Moss, has done well with the throws hes gotten his way.

As for the AA, he has by no means been treated fairly. If he gets let go then so does the coach who called his play and the person(s) who signed him.

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Isn't he kind of contradicting himself with these two statements? If he knows where it all stems from, then why would he need for them to tell him what his flaws are?

Also, Archuleta is not a rookie and even a rookie is capable of looking at film and evaluating himself. IMO, the only thing that he should be angry at would be if he has pin pointed what his problem has been, knows that it is correctable and the coaches aren't even listening to him.

You missed his point. He knows there's a problem but the coaches are telling him there is no problem. He can't fix it if they aren't completely direct with him!

I can sympathize with him.

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Isn't he kind of contradicting himself with these two statements? If he knows where it all stems from, then why would he need for them to tell him what his flaws are?

Also, Archuleta is not a rookie and even a rookie is capable of looking at film and evaluating himself. IMO, the only thing that he should be angry at would be if he has pin pointed what his problem has been, knows that it is correctable and the coaches aren't even listening to him.

Flexxskins, I know exactly what Archuleta is saying. I had a similar situation occur in my life. I knew someone was saying things about me, but they'd smile to my face like nothing was wrong. Yes I knew what they were saying but it bothered me that they couldn't be man enough to tell me to my face. I think that is what he is gettign at.

We knew Archuleta needed to work on his coverage skills. If we know, I'm sure he knows as well. That said, how are you supposed to know that you are improving if no matter what you do you get a generic line like "You are working real hard. Or you had a good practice." Thats not a performance critique, thats a line of BS meant to pacify. I mean this happens every year with at least one player and its getting old.

I am really getting tired of Greg Williams. If he is the defensive genius he protends to be, shouldn't he be able to adapt his system for his players. I mean he can't find a way to use Archuleta yet he leaves Warwick Holdman on the field for the good majority of the last two seasons?

Even after AA got the hook our pass defense was still porous. Andre Carter got better with more time in GW's vaunted system. AA maybe could have made some strides as well. Carlos Rodgers and Sean Taylor weren't having there best seasons either but GW let them play through it. I hate to harp on Warwick Holdman but the guy stinks and is at linebacker. LB is one of the few positions in which the Skins have a young guy on the pine that could use the PT. Okay I'm going to stop ranting now. I really do wish AA the best of luck. I wouldn't wish the LaVar treatment on any player. Well, except for T.O. he'd actually deserve it.

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Adam may suck. Gw may be an ass for not using him correctly.

What does it say when a team like the Redskins, (that builds through FA almost exclusively), goes from making one player the highest paid of all time to the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong? What kind of a message does this send to future free agents? Why in the world would anyone want to take a chance with something like that?

Yes you can look at Shawn Springs, Marcus Washington, others that have worked out......and that's great. I'm not trying to defend Archulettas lack of ability either. His lack of coverage on MANY many plays this year have earned him a spot on the bench. I just can't look condone the way this staff has handled the situation. Arch has always had weaknesses with coverage, but he was our handpicked player. "Lavar-ing" him only highlights our own teams failures and pettiness.

Thats the point im making....

Joe Gibbs is allowing the reputation of this franchise to become cut throat...

In all snyders tampering ways prior to Gibbs II we never had so many people have such bad blood in house....

But in Snyders shoes what do you do?

Undermine Gibbs and have the fans.... (who already hate you) ....

wanting to burry you alive because you challenged their idle...

I challenge someone to find a post that said snyder was dumb for giving gibbs the team when it happened back then...

Now everyone is quick to say its the FO....when our FO is nobody but Joe Gibbs

Its a crazy situation to be in...

Dan gave gibbs total reign so i think its Joe's fault..


Its hard for me to understand how he is so big on character when it comes to players and allows his coaches to run wild like this...:doh:

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