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ESPN: Archuleta breaks silence

Dirk Diggler

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I pretty much know what's going on. I pretty much know what it all stems from.
"I'm a grown man. I don't like getting lied to," Archuleta said. "All people want is for people to be straight up with them. I don't mind bad news. I don't mind negativity. I don't mind if somebody says to my face what my flaws are and what I'm doing wrong and what kind of person they think I am.

Isn't he kind of contradicting himself with these two statements? If he knows where it all stems from, then why would he need for them to tell him what his flaws are?

Also, Archuleta is not a rookie and even a rookie is capable of looking at film and evaluating himself. IMO, the only thing that he should be angry at would be if he has pin pointed what his problem has been, knows that it is correctable and the coaches aren't even listening to him.

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The blind loyalty that our fan base has towards our coaching staff and front office is laughable . . . While we all can agree that Arch was downright awful in his coverage this year, to completely place the blame on his shoulders is unfair . . . I still don't see why Gregg didn't try Arch as a third down pass rushing linebacker . . . Hell, it was pretty clear that we weren't gonna make the playoffs (although we weren't officially out until the philly game) . . .So why not see if we can keep Arch around for another year . . . rather than just swallow a huge cap hit. Gregg's stubborn ways are clear in this issue . . . and I don't care how much money you have, or how hot your girl is, as a man, you shouldn't go through this.

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Is it strange that every single year there is at least one Redskin complaining about how screwed up the organization is.

We blame the player in each individual case....at what point, year after year, with a new player each time, do we start to look at the other side of the fence and maybe there's a problem there. 5-10 is 5-10.

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but the thing is archuleta did exactly what everyone said he would do he tackled pretty well was strong against the run and could not cover very well and was succeptible to the double move the problem is that he was not used correctly.

all he did was lead our team in Tackles before he was benched...:doh:

A bust doesnt finish the year 6th in tackles on your team after you have not played in 7 weeks....

Thats complete ********

His numbers by game are the best we have on our team including mr do no wrong Sean Taylor....

Skins fans love to bring up statistics when its convenient ....

But look at the tackle stats by game...

and guess what?...

He was the best defensive player this year along with Andre Carter... the other guy who had to crawl from under the bus.....

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Once again, this is what happens when you don't have a competent talent-evaluator. We have enough problems without their being bitterness and hostility in the locker room. The 2006 season will go down as being one of the worst in Redskins history and the sooner it ends, the better so we can start over with (hopefully!) a REAL general manager who can help us avoid situations like this.

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The blind loyalty that our fan base has towards our coaching staff and front office is laughable . . . While we all can agree that Arch was downright awful in his coverage this year, to completely place the blame on his shoulders is unfair . . . I still don't see why Gregg didn't try Arch as a third down pass rushing linebacker . . . Hell, it was pretty clear that we weren't gonna make the playoffs (although we weren't officially out until the philly game) . . .So why not see if we can keep Arch around for another year . . . rather than just swallow a huge cap hit. Gregg's stubborn ways are clear in this issue . . . and I don't care how much money you have, or how hot your girl is, as a man, you shouldn't go through this.

Just like the Tom Friend article said....

" Hey its not my money"...

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This will be cute. I dog AA as much as anyone but you have to see a connection in the way players are handled by the Skins.

He lead the team in tackles, he got burned in coverage. The staff had to know coverage wasn't his strong suit. Hell if the fans know this you'd think Grilliams would have figured it out before he was brought in.

I bet Lovie Smith is just excited to know that he'll get AA for a penitence and make him into what he was under him before. A hard hitting, blitzing strong safety who's not asked to play into coverage unless its a deep 2.

Then all us Skins fans will once again wonder what happened and why people just don't play that well here.

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I have way WAY more ill-will towards Brandon Lloyd moreso than Arch....he wasn't used properly, and has been the scapegoat for a lot of the problems on defense....Why Gregg Williams isn't taking more heat for this, I don't know....but, someone should be fired or held accountable for brining in the most expensive safety in NFL history, who has a clean jersey after each game...totally unacceptable....watch him go to another team, become used in the way that he is the most effective, and have a good year....


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Once again, this is what happens when you don't have a competent talent-evaluator. We have enough problems without their being bitterness and hostility in the locker room. The 2006 season will go down as being one of the worst in Redskins history and the sooner it ends, the better so we can start over with (hopefully!) a REAL general manager who can help us avoid situations like this.

Important facts.

1) We haven't had good talent here since GM Bobby B. left the organization.

2) I fully support Joe Gibbs and the staff he has with him, but he never had to deal with the salary cap issue when he was coach before.

Bottom line: With the salary cap in place, we desperately need a true GM here. Yes , Charley C. was here when Joe Gibbs was coach before, but his track record just plain bites. We need someone who is coming into his own or who has proven himself. Who that is, is TBD. I don't think it is so much the coaches fault. When you pay a premium for FA like we have you sometime have egos that get in the way.

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This will be cute. I dog AA as much as anyone but you have to see a connection in the way players are handled by the Skins.

He lead the team in tackles, he got burned in coverage. The staff had to know coverage wasn't his strong suit. Hell if the fans know this you'd think Grilliams would have figured it out before he was brought in.

I bet Lovie Smith is just excited to know that he'll get AA for a penitence and make him into what he was under him before. A hard hitting, blitzing strong safety who's not asked to play into coverage unless its a deep 2.

Then all us Skins fans will once again wonder what happened and why people just don't play that well here.

They did the same thing to Lavar last year, not using him at his strengths but at his weaknesses because the "system" was the way to go. GW is a joke, at best.

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lloyd isn't a bust in my book

he's a guy that hasnt been given a chance

letting go of lloyd could be a huge mistake

hes a watered down version of TO. In almost every aspect. I was very excited about him coming here but he really has not shown why hes so hot headed or overly paid. My oppinion of course.

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They did the same thing to Lavar last year, not using him at his strengths but at his weaknesses because the "system" was the way to go. GW is a joke, at best.

Grilliams is starting to look like a real egotistical little son of a *****. I'm glad to know that we throw money at problems but when you throw money at the wrong problem this is what happens.

God forbid you change a system to work with your players.

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I see headlines all around about the 2006 redskins defense and it will be known as the"worst defense" in the history of the nfl.Allowed more yards in one season,lowest number of take aways.etc,etc.AA is only part of the blame.Looks like to me we need to revamp the whole damn defensive unit.Look at everything and don't be soft about it!!!!Any buffoon can see we need some major competition at CB like ones that can stay healthy and don't drop every sure int.We must start rebuilding our defense,but what do i know. :obvious:

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hes a watered down version of TO. In almost every aspect. I was very excited about him coming here but he really has not shown why hes so hot headed or overly paid. My oppinion of course.

So what do you think we should do with the under acheiving likes of....

Joe Gibbs

Greg williams

Santana Moss

Sean Taylor ( extension time and his play has sucked just as much as AA)

Mark Brunnell

I would really like to know your answers to those

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How people can

Watch what happened with




Ryan Clark

and still question the athlete in this situation is crazy.

GW is wrong here period. The numbers dont lie and the defense has not been any better and it actualy got worse in some areas since AA has been


I know its good to love your team but wrong is wrong.

For all the talk about Gibbs and Character guys...

to let your coaches continue to do this to people puts a bad light on your team.

And once that gets out in the public there is no amount of money that can get a talented Free agent to come and play for you.

GW and his coaches are at fault here and Gibbs for repeatedly letting happen

I can see your point with LaVarr, we sat him, and sat him, but when we did give him limited playing time he was effective. Seemed like the only guy who could stop the 3rd and short when the opposition ran it up our gut

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I desparately want to blame all of this on Archuleta but I simply can't. The guy can play but perhaps not in this style of defense.

I understand that some coaches try to get the type of players that fit their scheme while others adapt their schemes to fit players strengths.

Perhaps Gregg Williams needs to stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes and adapt his scheme(s) accordingly. It seems cheaper in this day and age of salary capanomics to adapt to players' strengths instead of the other way around.

This is gonna keep costing us in the long run otherwise.

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