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ESPN: Archuleta breaks silence

Dirk Diggler

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They did the same thing to Lavar last year, not using him at his strengths but at his weaknesses because the "system" was the way to go. GW is a joke, at best.

The "joke" of a system has had a total of one bad year ever.

This one.

If LaVar had more than helmet-wearing tweety birds flying in his brain, he'd still be here. He wasn't exactly lighting it up with the Giants either, but no one seems to want to think of that for some reason.

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What does it say when a team like the Redskins, (that builds through FA almost exclusively), goes from making one player the highest paid of all time to the scapegoat for everything that goes wrong?

Now hold on a second. When has anyone from the organization placed the blame for anything on Adam? The media can speculate and ask questions until they're blue in the face, but no one from the team has publicly said one negative word about Adam.

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Now hold on a second. When has anyone from the organization placed the blame for anything on Adam? The media can speculate and ask questions until they're blue in the face, but no one from the team has publicly said one negative word about Adam.

Both of your last posts summed up everything i was thinking, but didnt want to say because I didnt want to entertain the pessamist's. Nice post's.

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Uno Boss, as for the standard thing I think there is a misunderstanding. Lloyd has repeatedly dropped passes, then slammed a helmet. ARE caught his passes and didnt fumble. Taylor has played great, had a downward slope this year towards the end. Moss, has done well with the throws hes gotten his way.

The 2nd Biggest ES myth of the season but thats another thread that has been killed......

Actually those two points should go the other way around....but hey you win

I fold....:doh:

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Now hold on a second. When has anyone from the organization placed the blame for anything on Adam? The media can speculate and ask questions until they're blue in the face, but no one from the team has publicly said one negative word about Adam.

Talk about blind faith...:doh:


I guess its hard to read between the lines on a blank piece of paper...

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Uno Boss, as for the standard thing I think there is a misunderstanding. Lloyd has repeatedly dropped passes, then slammed a helmet. ARE caught his passes and didnt fumble. Taylor has played great, had a downward slope this year towards the end. Moss, has done well with the throws hes gotten his way.

well, in all fairness here Moss has dropped passes this year too...plus he also had a 15 yard personal foul for the head butt

I think everyone had a down year and it would be a mistake to let lloyd go. He need to stop rebuilding every single year...let's see if the guy works out beyond just a year. He has made some catches and lets be honest, this offense is hardly receiver friendly

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Now hold on a second. When has anyone from the organization placed the blame for anything on Adam? The media can speculate and ask questions until they're blue in the face, but no one from the team has publicly said one negative word about Adam.

dunno, the fact he was benched says a lot.

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And so the Skins turn..................................... :doh:

Add another player to the growing list of players that the "system" could go on without or did not fit in:

A Pierce

F Smoot

L. Arrington

R Clark

A Archuleta

By the time this offseason rolls around G. Williams will have been responsible for the exit of all of the above. I am so in love with his "the system works regardless of who we plug into it" mantra. There has got to be someone in this organization that has a sack big enough to finally say without the correct athletes your defense will continue to look like a high school team playing against men.

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Man I just hope we fire Williams's over arrogant ass. Giving this guy all the power on defense(including personnel) is gonna cost us to lose out on FAs because of the way Williams treats players he doesnt like.

It's absolute bull**** the way he plays favorites. No way should Vernon Fox be starting over Adam Archuleta and in the same time Warrick Holdman be starting over Rocky McIntosh.

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Man I just hope we fire Williams's over arrogant ass. Giving this guy all the power on defense(including personnel) is gonna cost us to lose out on FAs because of the way Williams treats players he doesnt like.

It's absolute bull**** the way he plays favorites. No way should Vernon Fox be starting over Adam Archuleta and in the same time Warrick Holdman be starting over Rocky McIntosh.

You know what, none of this matters.. As I sit and refresh and look over our thoughts, regardless of rather we agree with eachother or not... It does not, and will not matter because the seats are going to keep getting filled and jerseys bought. You want someones attention you hit them in the wallet.

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Now hold on a second. When has anyone from the organization placed the blame for anything on Adam? The media can speculate and ask questions until they're blue in the face, but no one from the team has publicly said one negative word about Adam.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

When you make someone the richest safety in history then bench them half-way through the season........it says alot more than any verbal performance review could say.

(and sorry to be the board pessimist, I prefer "realist" but I'll make do with whatever title is given:))

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I have way WAY more ill-will towards Brandon Lloyd moreso than Arch....he wasn't used properly, and has been the scapegoat for a lot of the problems on defense....Why Gregg Williams isn't taking more heat for this, I don't know....but, someone should be fired or held accountable for brining in the most expensive safety in NFL history, who has a clean jersey after each game...totally unacceptable....watch him go to another team, become used in the way that he is the most effective, and have a good year....
NOONE could have said it better man!!! Perfectly said.
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Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

When you make someone the richest safety in history then bench them half-way through the season........it says alot more than any verbal performance review could say.

(and sorry to be the board pessimist, I prefer "realist" but I'll make do with whatever title is given:))

I wasnt calling you out, just people in general around here lately. My bad... seriously. You make a point with the richest contract for a benched safety. It does say a lot, but more then anythingI think it shows that no matter what financial mistakes we made, Williams isnt afraid to bench him because of poor play. Just because he has a huge contract doesnt mean he deserves to play. Williams is human, he thought one thing coming i when wanting to bring in AA, but AA's play on the field proved him wrong. Can you imagine how the board would have looked this season if Williams had just kept him in there, playing because he has been paid to, and just hoping he gets better? At least Williams manned up. Im sure he knew he would catch flack either way, so he aate the bullet and benched him. Williams was damned if he did, and damned if he didnt the minute AA signed that huge contract. At least Williams wast afraid to bench him, and apparently wont be afraid to cut him dispite the cap hit. I like that. Just because you get paid here, it guarentee's nothing. Thats why people like Vernon Fox are starting and players like AA are on the bench. Im sure he is wishing he would have taken less money to play for Lovie this season. Now that is a round about way for Karma to bite ya in the tail.

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Adam.. You suck...

Real enough for you?

You could say that same thing about Joe Gibbs...he has not been very successful this time around has he....he has led the Skins to multiple losing seasons...he is the leader and talent evaluator and the one who thought AA was worthy of being the highest paid safety in the league :doh:

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AA and BL both suck my b***s! They were busts on the teams they came from, so why would we expect them to be any different here?!? To say that Williams needs to go or take the heat for it is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous! The person that needs to take the heat for AA and BL is Cerrato! (Remember, he was also influential is getting David Patten - another major bust)

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I wasnt calling you out, just people in general around here lately. My bad... seriously. You make a point with the richest contract for a benched safety. It does say a lot, but more then anythingI think it shows that no matter what financial mistakes we made, Williams isnt afraid to bench him because of poor play. Just because he has a huge contract doesnt mean he deserves to play. Williams is human, he thought one thing coming i when wanting to bring in AA, but AA's play on the field proved him wrong. Can you imagine how the board would have looked this season if Williams had just kept him in there, playing because he has been paid to, and just hoping he gets better? At least Williams manned up. Im sure he knew he would catch flack either way, so he aate the bullet and benched him. Williams was damned if he did, and damned if he didnt the minute AA signed that huge contract. At least Williams wast afraid to bench him, and apparently wont be afraid to cut him dispite the cap hit. I like that. Just because you get paid here, it guarentee's nothing. Thats why people like Vernon Fox are starting and players like AA are on the bench. Im sure he is wishing he would have taken less money to play for Lovie this season. Now that is a round about way for Karma to bite ya in the tail.

Really I don't disagree with the benching at all. If anything I WANT players that aren't performing to be benched regardless of how much they are making. If anything Warrick Holdman should have joined him and Rocky should have been given a shot before Marcus got hurt (but that's neither here nor there)

My main problem with the whole situation is the financial mistake attached to the benching. If he was making the normal safety salary it wouldn't be a big deal at all. Underachievers ride the pine all the time in the NFL-that's life. We chose, however, to give Arch an A-Rod like salary and make him a franchise headliner, despite the fact it's well known he's been weak in coverage all his life. Yes he could have taken less money to play with Lovie-but noone made us offer him all that money either. When our entire defense completely sucks all year and our A-Rod is the only one forced to ride the pine it highlights how stupid it was to sign him in the first place and how petty our front office can be to the players it doesn't get along with.

Karma I'm not sure has any idea what to do with this situation. I think it's disgusted right now and offering help to the Saints instead.

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Regardless of whether Archuleta is any good, what this shows is the apparent disturbing fact that Gibbs and the other coaches are no more upfront with the players than they are with the media and the fans. People who like to believe Gibbs mouths platitudes in public but tells it like it is to the team may very well be wrong. This is the same pattern that has followed with Arrington, Ramsey and several other players. A player suddenly becomes persona non grata with the coaches, is not told why, is not even given a chance to change, and is then summarily frozen out and traded/released.

There is a passive/aggressive streak at work that you don't often see in NFL coaches. It's as if Gibbs is so dedicated to being a "good guy" that he harbors resentments, refuses to discuss them with the person he has a problem with, and simply gets rid of them rather than confront it face to face. It's one thing to be told you're not living up to a high standard. It's something else to not even be told what the standard is. That is very poor leadership, and I have hard time believing Gibbs operates that way, but that's what it has started to look like over time. It's as if the players are expected to "figure it out" on their own, and if they don't, they are judged unworthy and trashed. That's not good.

Maybe Gibbs feels he has a hard time relating to modern players, and this is the result. A lot of his old players have said he isn't operating the way he did before, and this may part of it.

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GW is stupid and should be fired.

1) He undervalued Pierce and had him released.

2) Same as above with Clark.

3) Same as above with Champ. Don't give me the excuse that Champ wanted out!! If the FO had offered the same as Denver, probably even a smidgeon less than Denver, Champ would still be here. Yes, I know about the contract LaVar just signed. If Champ was given the contract, bonuses, etc.

plus a wee bit more, he would still be covering our hindside in the backfield!

Can you imagine a D with Champ & ST in coverage, with Washington and Merriman playing LB plus the additional high draft picks we threw away playing on the DL?

This has all occurred in the Gibbs II/GW era.

Gibbs has relied on GW to tell him what he needs to make the defense a power on the team. GW has failed. I hope the Skins pay him out the extra M

he is supposed to get if he is not the next HC which I doubt will happen knowing Gibbs loyalty to HIS people.

Gibbs needs to cut his seeming umbilacal cord to GW, hire a new D co-ordinator and rebuild the D from the toes up. :2cents: :cheers:

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