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People Who Live In US But Don't Celebrate Thanksgiving


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I have no tolerance for people who live in this country and don't celebrate or recognize Thanksgiving as a special day. I'm sorry but if you are living in this country it should be required that you celebrate Thanksgiving and show gratitude for what you have.

Just my opinion. Curious what you all think.

I think it's a free country, but then again I can't take any of your posts seriously.

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I have no tolerance for people who live in this country and don't celebrate or recognize Thanksgiving as a special day. I'm sorry but if you are living in this country it should be required that you celebrate Thanksgiving and show gratitude for what you have.

Just my opinion. Curious what you all think.

You should have more tolerance. In America, we are free to celebrate or not celebrate whatever we damn well please.

By simply living here, those people ARE celebrating to a degree.

You should read more and post less.

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I dunno, maybe it's me, but when RR started claiming that NCAA teams could beat NFL teams I kind of lost a little faith in his posting prowess...

The Jamaicans got it right...

Celebrate whatever the hell you wanna celebrate, just don't try to bamboozle me with your culture.

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I have no tolerance for people who live in this country and don't celebrate or recognize Thanksgiving as a special day. I'm sorry but if you are living in this country it should be required that you celebrate Thanksgiving and show gratitude for what you have.

Just my opinion. Curious what you all think.

Are you related to MassSkinsfan?

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I dunno, maybe it's me, but when RR started claiming that NCAA teams could beat NFL teams I kind of lost a little faith in his posting prowess...

The Jamaicans got it right...

Celebrate whatever the hell you wanna celebrate, just don't try to bamboozle me with your culture.

Don't distort what I said. I said the WORST NFL teams could be beaten by the BEST NCAA teams.

As we have evidenced this year, talent means little without chemistry.

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You should have more tolerance. In America, we are free to celebrate or not celebrate whatever we damn well please.

By simply living here, those people ARE celebrating to a degree.

You should read more and post less.

By living here and not taking in our culture and customs, they are in essence saying "**** you" and using this country for what they can get, but not giving the respect it deserves.

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By living here and not taking in our culture and customs, they are in essence saying "**** you" and using this country for what they can get, but not giving the respect it deserves.

This country was founded on the principal of many different cultures finding a place where they could practice their culture without being persecuted.

We as Americans should welcome other cultures and not make those who have different views conform to ours.

I do say Happy Thanksgiving to all

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By living here and not taking in our culture and customs, they are in essence saying "**** you" and using this country for what they can get, but not giving the respect it deserves.

All thanksgiving is essentially is having dinner with specific crap included and a prayer that lasts about 1.5 miniutes. Not exactly a custom thats high on the importance list to me.

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This country was founded on the principal of many different cultures finding a place where they could practice their culture without being persecuted.

We as Americans should welcome other cultures and not make those who have different views conform to ours.

I do say Happy Thanksgiving to all


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You should have more tolerance. In America, we are free to celebrate or not celebrate whatever we damn well please.

By simply living here, those people ARE celebrating to a degree.

You should read more and post less.

:applause: :cheers:

I lived in your country for a couple of years, and I was fortunate to be invited to celebrate Thanksgiving at my friend's home.

Happy Thanksgiving

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Hey riggo........

maybe they have the 411.

No such thing as a THANKSGIVING dinner??



Nov. 23, 2006, 12:49AM

Think you know what happened at first Thanksgiving? Well, think again


Chicago Tribune

NEW YORK - One autumn day in 1621, newly arrived Pilgrims joined native Wampanoag Indians in Massachusetts' Plymouth Colony to share a harvest meal of thanksgiving, including roast turkey, pumpkin pie and the Indian-supplied delicacy, corn. From kindergartners acting in their first pageant to grandparents presiding over the family feast, most Americans know the story of Thanksgiving cold.

And most of them would be wrong.

It's time to talk turkey about Thanksgiving.

While long immortalized in painting, poetry and song — and annually reinforced by chocolate turkeys, buckle-hatted Garfields on Hallmark cards and school re-enactments of the blessed banquet — the "First Thanksgiving" that gave rise to America's holiday tradition never occurred, at least not in the way most of us picture and understand it.

There is no historical link between the harvest meal in 1621 and America's Thanksgiving narrative. It is, quite simply, a "myth," albeit a cherished one, according to no less authority than the historians at Plymouth's Plimouth Plantation, a nonprofit educational institution and living museum that researches and replicates life in the early years of the colony. Although there are deep historical dimensions to the myth, some of the shallower aspects concerning cuisine may be among the more shocking to Americans.

Click link for story.


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I think the main problem is that there is some confusion as to what exactly Thanksgiving is celebrating. I think we should officially change it to a Holiday of giving thanks, because the problem right now is in school you learn that it is because of the pilgrims and indians and all that, but then when you get older you find out that, that entire situation was a big lie, so you kind of are left with the idea of what exactly are we celebrating......

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Are we making thanksgiving a "lets hate the immigrants" issue as well? Good to know.

Personally I think thanksgiving is brilliant - it's a day where the entire point is bribing yourself with food and time off into being greatful for a change. Give thanks in front of some cold chicken nuggets during your lunch hour on a thursday, and you've really done something. But sitting in front of a massive spread after taking the day off from work? That's easy, if you aren't thankful for something then, then something is wrong with you - or maybe your turkey sucked.

I would celebrate "deer tick day" if it meant I got thurs and fri off and had a great meal coming.

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