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People Who Live In US But Don't Celebrate Thanksgiving


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The founding premise of America was (and I pray still is) freedom from oppression. 'Don't tread on me' - that includes not imposing your beliefs on others. People should celebrate or not, any day of the year, as they see fit, as long as it brings no harm to others.

So get over it.

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I have no problems either way with it. I celebrate Thanksgiving, but do not personally celebrate any of the other holidays, with the exeption of Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and April Fool's Day.

All of the Holidays are just a way for corporations to make more money. This is my opinion. Thanksgiving is more of a day to bring my family together and for me to watch more football, but I do celebrate it for family.

To put it bluntly, if you truely want to know what Thanksgiving is, it's the celebration of foreign born people, who were being persicuted for their religious beliefs in their home country, come to another land for freedom of religion. They then persecuted the people that were already here, until they found that surviving in the harsh lands were a little too difficult. The forgiving indigenous people, showed these people how to truely live off of the land. They shared their food with them and wanted peace.

These foriegn people, when they learned these lessons, then once again persecuted the indigenous people of these lands. When armies came and these lands became colonies of England, armies drove these people off of their lands. When these foriegn people became a nation, they attempted to wipe the indigenous people off of the face of this earth, whilst bringing another race of color over to do the work that they would not.

This is the true Thanksgiving. So no, I shall not celebrate the tradition of Thanksgiving. I celebrate the bringing together of family that I only see once a year, because they believe Thanksgiving for what companies like Halmark want you to believe.

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I dont know about Thanksgiving, doesnt seem real important to me, its pretty much all about some dinner they had. Now when it comes to veterans day, memorial day, stuff along that line, it should be. You have people who died for you, so you can be here today and do pretty much whatever you want, so I think showing respect is important then, but eating Turkey and stuff isnt all that big in my opinion. But do I celebrate thanksgiving, of course, only idiots dont.

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I think the responses are funny because clearly people just aren't familiar with RR's routine by now.

It's a waste of breath because no one is seriously advancing his argument, including him.

I did advance the argument. If one emigrates to the US, they have come here for a reason.

I understand those who say America is about freedom of oppression, and I agree. But I also disagree with those who refuse to learn English or embrace European-American culture. The public morality and sense of decency as a whole has been denigrating in the US as a result of these culture divides.

Respect works both ways...how is mainstream culture suppossed to respect you if you don't respect mainstream culture and old-fashioned values?

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I did advance the argument. If one emigrates to the US, they have come here for a reason.

I understand those who say America is about freedom of oppression, and I agree. But I also disagree with those who refuse to learn English or embrace European-American culture. The public morality and sense of decency as a whole has been denigrating in the US as a result of these culture divides.

Respect works both ways...how is mainstream culture suppossed to respect you if you don't respect mainstream culture and old-fashioned values?

Xenophobia is amusing. 100 years ago, you had to be a certain type of European to be considered sufficiently "American". And the most amusing thing is that the brown folks who are immigrating here are far more likely to share your views of public morality than your average European.

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Are we making thanksgiving a "lets hate the immigrants" issue as well? Good to know.

Personally I think thanksgiving is brilliant - it's a day where the entire point is bribing yourself with food and time off into being greatful for a change. Give thanks in front of some cold chicken nuggets during your lunch hour on a thursday, and you've really done something. But sitting in front of a massive spread after taking the day off from work? That's easy, if you aren't thankful for something then, then something is wrong with you - or maybe your turkey sucked.

I would celebrate "deer tick day" if it meant I got thurs and fri off and had a great meal coming.

Food, time off, AND mid-week football.

Its a beautiful thing. :)

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I dont know about Thanksgiving, doesnt seem real important to me, its pretty much all about some dinner they had. Now when it comes to veterans day, memorial day, stuff along that line, it should be. You have people who died for you, so you can be here today and do pretty much whatever you want, so I think showing respect is important then, but eating Turkey and stuff isnt all that big in my opinion. But do I celebrate thanksgiving, of course, only idiots dont.

"I don't really care about the holiday, nor do I see the significance of it, but I celebrate it because everyone else does. If you don't, you're an idiot." :rolleyes:

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I dont know about Thanksgiving, doesnt seem real important to me, its pretty much all about some dinner they had. Now when it comes to veterans day, memorial day, stuff along that line, it should be. You have people who died for you, so you can be here today and do pretty much whatever you want, so I think showing respect is important then, but eating Turkey and stuff isnt all that big in my opinion. But do I celebrate thanksgiving, of course, only idiots dont.

What do the teach kids now, that it was just a feast :doh: Without so called feast, this place would be very different right now.

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Well, the Jamaican dude that fixed my tire yesterday said this in response to me saying "Happy Thanksgiving":

"Hey Mon, we don't celebrate on one day, we celebrate EVERY day".

right, if you are truly thankful for something, you should acknowledge it every day. Be thankful of the food and clothes and shelter you have every day, not just on some arbitrarily placed day in November that coincides with whatever is convenient for the month.

I like Thanksgiving because, despite it's sketchy foundings and beginnings, it is a nice holiday relatively uncorrupted (Black Friday is after), and friend and family can see each other after what may have been months or years. It is a rather relaxing holiday, there isn't Thanksgiving shopping, there aren't gifts to buy, etc.... If someone wants to be happy about what they have and celebrate that on March 4th, go right ahead, take a day off from work and feast, that is the primary intent of a "Thanksgiving Holiday". It is sad that we need a specified day in November to remind us of how good we have it, if that is how you view the holiday.

If you are saying that Thanksgiving is the "American" thing to celebrate, then, yeah, Im not gonna waste my time going there.

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I think the responses are funny because clearly people just aren't familiar with RR's routine by now.

It's a waste of breath because no one is seriously advancing his argument, including him.

I disagree. The more you question him, the more outrageous his responses. This is not a rewardless endeavor. :)

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Ask a Native American how much they love to celebrate thanksgiving...If you can find one. We've made them a little hard to locate.

I don't have any problem with you ripping off Carlin. Just credit him when you do it.

As for Thanksgiving, it's absolutely ridiculous to force people to celebrate Thanksgiving. In the grand scheme of things, it's really not that big of a deal. Especially coming from me, who has some Indian blood, which I have espoused here on several occasions, and could not be prouder of it.

Having said that, it's still an American custom that I have had my entire life, and it is a time of year I look forward to. I met a Czech female here, who has since gone back there, and I was trying to explain the custom to her. She didn't get it, but I was thinking that it would be great to expose her to it, just so she can kind of share in a kind of Americana that is important to a lot of us. They just don't get it. It's not their fault. They kind of know what it's about. We say "Thanksgiving. We all get together and eat too much." And they say, "oh, yeah. Turkey. I have heard of that." But they don't really know what it is.

But it makes no sense that a family straight off the boat from India or China or Lithuania or wherever should feel pressure to buy a turkey and act like they know what the heck is going on. Give 'em some time. And it ain't their history. Not yet, at least.

Should they show an interest, though, like my friend, I would have anyone and everyone over in a heartbeat to experience it. I'm sure they would love it too. Maybe it would start a tradition. But no need to be a prick-wrinkle about it.

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