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It's Time To Come Together


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whatever we have all said up to this point during the bye about the Redskins strengths and weaknesses both on the field and in the front office, and what the rest of this season holds, there is one unalterable truth:

to lose twice to Dallas in 2006 and more importantly to lose that second game at home after having been run out of Texas Stadium 27-10 on national television, is not something we want to chew on for the next 10 months.

and it would be nice to keep the profile down of those closet Cowboys fans around us that start to put on their Dallas hats and starter jackets in public as soon as their team creeps over .500 in any given season :laugh:

the adage is that any team can win on a given Sunday.........well, this is the Sunday and it is time to give :D

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whatever we have all said up to this point during the bye about the Redskins strengths and weaknesses both on the field and in the front office, and what the rest of this season holds, there is one unalterable truth:

to lose twice to Dallas in 2006 and more importantly to lose that second game at home after having been run out of Texas Stadium 27-10 on national television, is not something we want to chew on for the next 10 months.

and it would be nice to keep the profile down of those closet Cowboys fans around us that start to put on their Dallas hats and starter jackets in public as soon as their team creeps over .500 in any given season :laugh:

the adage is that any team can win on a given Sunday.........well, this is the Sunday and it is time to give :D

That is a well timed and very well put post! I am with you all the way and look forward to seeing OUR team kick some cowboys ass tommorow! :dallasuck

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no more blame

lets light a flame,

and lets go insanes

on those cowdames

There once was a man named Bubba,

Who typed a whole lotta blubba,

He did his best to feed ya,

from the King of all media,

Some said he was a poet,

but he was unaware of any such orange rhyming word


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I feel you bulldog. I've stayed away from this board these last two weeks because I've just been too bitter about our season of promise gone wrong.

But I'm back because tomorrow offers hope for redemption. There is nothing on the line but the season and the pride of our team, its fans and the city.

This is our playoffs and our Superbowl, as really every game will be from here on out.

But this one is even bigger because its Dallas. In our house. It's Parcells, and TO and Roy Wiliams and the rest. Might as well be Landry and Clint Longley and Drew Pearson.

The fans needs to come out on fire and the teams needs to play every down like their lives depend on the outcome. And they need to smash these guys in the mouth for 60 mintues.

Let's bring it.:dallasuck :dallasuck

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I feel you bulldog. I've stayed away from this board these last two weeks because I've just been too bitter about our season of promise gone wrong.

But I'm back because tomorrow offers hope for redemption. There is nothing on the line but the season and the pride of our team, its fans and the city.

This is our playoffs and our Superbowl, as really every game will be from here on out.

But this one is even bigger because its Dallas. In our house. It's Parcells, and TO and Roy Wiliams and the rest. Might as well be Landry and Clint Longley and Drew Pearson.

The fans needs to come out on fire and the team needs to play every down like their lives depend on the outcome. And they need to smash these guys in the mouth for 60 mintues.

Let's bring it.:dallasuck :dallasuck

what a novel concept!


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And I for one just want THE FEELING back. I'm talking about last year's run to the playoffs, of course, and the amazing way the team and the fans all came together. I met a bunch of new friends in the course of that run watching games at a sports bar up here.

Now only a few turn up. But if we can beat Dallas, the Iggles and the Bucs and come home for a stirring three game home stand... I'm guessing the bar fills up again and HTTR once again wafts out onto Amsterdam Ave.

Maybe I'm dreaming. Hell, I KNOW I am. But man I want that feeling back.

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Freedom stands on the other side of that goal line. If you had one chance.... just one chance at the Superbowl... would you not fight for it? There is hope on the horizon. And as the sun rises in Washington D.C. and sets over Dallas... that chance is ours for the taking. The question is, will you take it? Will you grab your destiny. Will you fight for it.....


(Mel Gibson moment there).

All we need is a little courage, and a lot of intensity.

I'm with you my friends. And speeking of comming together, If any of you can get up to the Frederick area tommarow, some fellow Redskins buddies and I are going to watch the game and Champions. Please stop by and join us. We like all the Redskins fans we can get. Champions is on route 85 right in the new Shopping Center where they built that big new movie theatre.

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Guest Knightwchmn

Let's be honest... we don't have a shot at the playoffs or Superbowl this year... so this is our "SuperBowl"

Skins, if you don't win another game this season... PLEASE dump those Cowgirls!!


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