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What would it be like to work for MSF?


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My slightly crazed mind, and a couple of comments made in the "Do you like your job" thread made me wonder what people think it would be like to work for me in real life.

You people have had the (dis)pleasure of getting to know me over approximately the last year, and in order to try and keep that thread somewhat on topic, here's the question...

What do you people think it would be like to work for MSF as your boss?

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You would probably be much better to work for than most will think.

I appreciate people who are consistent and who have high standards, people who are not wishy-washy. You would also probably be more fair than most, maybe to a fault, if the employee lived up to your expectations and earned your trust and respect.

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I don't know what you are like to work with but I suspect that in terms of managment you aren't very accepting of modern concepts. I only work for managers that understand their role as motivators and team leaders - the old school "I'm the boss and everyone will shake in fear" types get laughed at. I refuse to work for people that don't know how to treat people with respect.

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Strangely, I'd think we'd get along pretty well. One of things that I don't like is office politics and you're a pretty straight shooter. A no bull **** environment would work well with me. Both of us have high standards and so I think the product would be good. My only worry would be is that you be "It's my way or the highway" and allow no room for creative thinking and innovation.

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:laugh: We'd immediately have a go round on the benefits of GIS v CAD. I WOULD eventually convince you that GIS was more effecient but there probably would be some bloodletting before that was accomplished. Other than that I would certainly meet your other criteria and in fact I think it would work out.

On a serious note, I will pm you some info on the ESRI version of GIS and how it's been used in utilities. When I convince you, you might have something to take to your bosses that will make you look real smart. ;)

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Are you one of those bosses that isn't satisfied just because all the work gets done and done well - everyone still has to "look" busy all the time? If so, I could not work for you. My job is very intellectual, and requires a level of focus that you can't really maintain for that long. So, I get my work done in fits and starts throughout the day, and I goof off in between to recharge the batteries and let the issues percolate out in my head in the background. The result is good, thoughtful product.

If I had to just grind it out all the time just to satisfy my boss, I would go crazy.

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Are you one of those bosses that isn't satisfied just because all the work gets done and done well - everyone still has to "look" busy all the time? If so, I could not work for you. My job is very intellectual, and requires a level of focus that you can't really maintain for that long. So, I get my work done in fits and starts throughout the day, and I goof off in between to recharge the batteries and let the issues percolate out in my head in the background. The result is good, thoughtful product.

If I had to just grind it out all the time just to satisfy my boss, I would go crazy.

So long as the work gets done on time and with the proper level of accuracy and your recharging time doesn't impede other workers from getting their work done, I don't have a problem with it.

The moment that your recharging time begins impacting your work or someone else's work we're going to be having a discussion though.

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What is your policy on showing up for work hungover and can i leave early on Friday to go play golf?

In regards to the hangover.... if you can still get your work done and you don't look like you just crawled out of a dumpster, you're fine.

If you were to tell me you needed to leave early on Friday to go hunting, fishing, horseback riding, shooting, etc... you'd probably do alright. Tell me you need to leave early to go GOLFING, and you would probably get some resistance.

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In regards to the hangover.... if you can still get your work done and you don't look like you just crawled out of a dumpster, you're fine.

If you were to tell me you needed to leave early on Friday to go hunting, fishing, horseback riding, shooting, etc... you'd probably do alright. Tell me you need to leave early to go GOLFING, and you would probably get some resistance.

Ok, then im leaving to go, uh, shooting. See ya monday.

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