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To all those agree that Ramsey would be gettin the job done right now, post here.


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well that doesnt really follow b/c even with all the injuries pennington is 100 times better than brunell

Bullcrap!! Where in the world do you get that pennington is better than Mark Brunell. He has a long way to go to be in the same league as Mark Brunell. Ask Jimmy Smith?

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You mean just like those 2 Mark threw last year to beat the Boys in the first game? We can do this all day and it won't get anyone anywhere.
What about week 2 last year?

Even though I love them passes and will not take them back for nothing.

How many deep passes did moss catch that wasn't on Roy Willams? I cnat think of none.

And I am not even going to bring up last year, I am talking about now. And the fact is that he is not getting the job done. Evenif he knew the playbook like the back of his hand he still cna't get the ball where it needs to be.

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:laugh: Yeah right. As big of a reach as this thread is. Way too many assumptions to make. Patrick is behind a guy who was known not to have an arm before he had surgery. He's behind another guy who just happens to be a rookie. Drafted in the second round by the Jets. I'm a Patrick fan, but that doesn't bode to well for the man. And since I believe that even if he's not at his best, Brunell is still a better QB than Patrick right now, then I figure he would at least beat out Clemens in New York. Since we're making assumptions and all.

Why did you quote me when your post had nothing to do with what I said?

I didn't say Ramsey would be throwing TD's all over the field if he was here.

All I did was respond to your comment that Ramsey was doing nothing more then holding a clipboard.

I guess there are 1 or 2, maybe 3 situations where Brunell would be starting somewhere else but over all he would be holding a clipboard just like Ramsey.

But to bash the idea of Ramsey still being here and doing well by saying he is holding a clipboard is pretty ridiculous when our starting QB would be doing the same thing for most other teams.

In the future refrain from quoting me if you aren't going to respond to the actual statment made.

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Why did you quote me when your post had nothing to do with what I said?

I didn't say Ramsey would be throwing TD's all over the field if he was here.

All I did was respond to your comment that Ramsey was doing nothing more then holding a clipboard.

I guess there are 1 or 2, maybe 3 situations where Brunell would be starting somewhere else but over all he would be holding a clipboard just like Ramsey.

But to bash the idea of Ramsey still being here and doing well by saying he is holding a clipboard is pretty ridiculous when our starting QB would be doing the same thing for most other teams.

In the future refrain from quoting me if you aren't going to respond to the actual statment made.

This thread is about to be very interesting now :munchout:

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Why did you quote me when your post had nothing to do with what I said?

I didn't say Ramsey would be throwing TD's all over the field if he was here.

All I did was respond to your comment that Ramsey was doing nothing more then holding a clipboard.

I guess there are 1 or 2, maybe 3 situations where Brunell would be starting somewhere else but over all he would be holding a clipboard just like Ramsey.

But to bash the idea of Ramsey still being here and doing well by saying he is holding a clipboard is pretty ridiculous when our starting QB would be doing the same thing for most other teams.

In the future refrain from quoting me if you aren't going to respond to the actual statment made.

:laugh: Poor guy. I quoted you and responded to what you said. You just need to stop being so sensitive and read it again. This is what you said.

If Brunell was with the Jets, make than pretty much any other team in the NFL, he would be holdinga clipboard as well. :rolleyes:

Read what I said again. I'm responding to yours and another posters statements. The first statemement I make is, ( I can't believe I have to explain this), well, directed directly at the post you made, ( which quoted me btw). I then, get this, follow it up with an explanation of why I said what I did. And sum up with the last sentence. It's all there. Really. I promise.

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Listen, I have complete faith in Mark Brunell, and that the Redskins are gonna turn it around this week and have a great season. However, I do think that with the receivers and offensive line we have, Ramsey and his cannon of an arm would be lighting it up right now. Even if he did throw a couple of int's here and there, he'd putting up touchdowns like crazy.

Anyone agree?

If you have complete faith in Brunell, then you wouldn't have created a thread about Ramsey. Kinda hypocritical.

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:laugh: Poor guy. I quoted you and responded to what you said. You just need to stop being so sensitive and read it again. This is what you said.

Read what I said again. I'm responding to yours and another posters statements. The first statemement I make is, ( I can't believe I have to explain this), well, directed directly at the post you made, ( which quoted me btw). I then, get this, I follow it up with an explaination of why I said what I did. And sum up with the last sentence. It's all there. Really. I promise.

You have a fancy avatar, we're all impressed.

You did not respond even remotely to what I said. I made no reference or assumption that Ramsey would be doing a better job then Brunell if he was here.

You bashed the idea of Ramsey still being here and possibly doing well by saying that he is holding a clipboard for the jets so you doubt he would be doing much of anything for us.

I found this ironic because our starting QB would be holding a clipboard for probably 95% of the other teams in the NFL.

My oberservation was merely that both of our options from last year are pretty much clipboard holders for the other teams in the NFL when it comes right down to it.

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Listen, I have complete faith in Mark Brunell, and that the Redskins are gonna turn it around this week and have a great season. However, I do think that with the receivers and offensive line we have, Ramsey and his cannon of an arm would be lighting it up right now. Even if he did throw a couple of int's here and there, he'd putting up touchdowns like crazy.

Anyone agree?

Spurrier ruined Ramsey by starting him too early behind a bad O-line. I admired Ramsey's toughness but the beating he took still haunts him to this day.I know its popular opinion around here to bench Brunell and though I admitt I'm frustrated with his play he's our best option at QB right now.Gibbs is up against a s.h.i.t storm he will weather, were going to see Campbell when the staff feels like he can grow and become successful in Saunders system. Here's to turning this thing around :cheers:
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You have a fancy avatar, we're all impressed.

You did not respond even remotely to what I said. I made no reference or assumption that Ramsey would be doing a better job then Brunell if he was here.

You bashed the idea of Ramsey still being here and possibly doing well by saying that he is holding a clipboard for the jets so you doubt he would be doing much of anything for us.

I found this ironic because our starting QB would be holding a clipboard for probably 95% of the other teams in the NFL.

My oberservation was merely that both of our options from last year are pretty much clipboard holders for the other teams in the NFL when it comes right down to it.

What's my avatar have to do with anything? :laugh: Okay. Look. I'm not going to get into a he said she said debate here. I responded directly to your comment about the Jets, ( leaving out the rest of the NFL. I'll leave the sweeping generlizations to others). I told you why I think Mark would be doing,at the very least,( it was a little wordy mind you), better than Patrick is up there right now. It's up to you to figure that out.

Hint: I was also responding to the thread in general.

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Remember the '04 season when we booed Brunell out of the job and Ramsey came in? The offense still sucked. I think in Patrick's first two starts we scored 6 points each against the Eagles and Steelers on the road (albeit two very good teams). We then put up some numbers on the Giants, a game I don't remember a whole lot about. But then the Eagles at home....scored a grand total of 14 points, 7 of which were set up by a great opening kickoff return. And the game at Dallas was abysmal. We also had a nothing game at San Fran, and finally the Viking game, which may have been the only one in the lot where I remember us throwing it downfield.

That '04 season and the results lead me to believe that it was crappy playcalling more than anything else. Which make me sad that we didn't stick with the formula that led Brunell and the Skins to relative success in '05. Unless Mark's skills have really signficantly declined since last season, I find it hard to believe that this is mostly his fault.

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Ramsey is not accurate enough to be good in the NFL. He is inaccuarate with both short and long passes so it doesn't matter how strong his arm is. As others have said before, he can't get it done NY, and he would be a failure here. They are lucky they got anything for him

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Ramsey is not a starting NFL QB. End of story. Thngs would be no better if he was still here. I supported Patrick, but the fact that he is right now sitting 3rd string with the Jets, is very telling. Looks like it wasn't just Gibbs and his staff that didn't see Pat doing much. He didn't even win the backup job behind Pennington, and he was brought to New York pretty much to challenge Pennington for the starting spot. I will always remember Pat for the guts and heart he showed while here, but I think he will spend the rest of his career pretty much doing what he is doing right now. Watching from the sidelines behind a superior starter.

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Why didn't we trade Pat for Ogunnyllaaa when we had the chance???? :(

Ramsey is another Gus, he will always be a decent backup but never a great starting qb, sorry to break it to some of you.

If Ramsey was as half as good as people thought then why didn't any team give up anything for him?? Lets face it, he is a nice guy but not a starting QB goes down as another wasted pick in book.

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Some guys in the NFl have it or they don't. Ramsey is just one of those guys that don't got it. Never will and I blame Spurrier for wrecking the kids career. Ramsey should have been getting the best NFL QB coaching he could get but instead he got a coach more interested in discussing his golf swing.

Brunell is doing to this team what Favre is doing to the Packers, screwing them up.

I'll take Campbell throwing interceptions and getting used to the offense but I don not want to watch this whole "rebuilding" thing start al over again next year when Campbell takes over.

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