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To all those agree that Ramsey would be gettin the job done right now, post here.


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I see you edited your post, but it does say UNOFFICIAL (in bold nonetheless) depth chart for a reason, I follow patrick with the jets closely and he is the #2 on gamedays while clemens is the #3, Mangini has been asked this since the depth chart came out and has said repeatedly that its not the set depthchart on gamedays, which also explains barlow being the third rb but still getting the bulk of the carries

True enough. And I'll be the first to admit I put a bit too much stock in it before seeing that. However, the general premise of what I have stated stands. Coach Mangini does say that the depth chart is a fluid one. And I imagine that could include QB's. May just depend on Clemons. Hard to say.

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Ramsey would have been good, but he wanted to play now, and asked for a trade. Now he will back up Chad Pennington until Chad's little shoulder hurts. Then we will se what him & Coles can do together.

I think then we will either be very happy he is gone, or very sad. I never had a feeling about him one way or the other. He did have talent though.

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I'll be honest, I think Ramsey lost a lot of confidence during the Spurrier era where he was constantly thrown to the ground and has never recovered. Before the injuries he was a decent quarterback who could make the throws downfield and wasn't afraid to step up in the pocket and make the pass.

When he recovered from his foot injury has was just never the same. He seemed to get happy feet in the pocket even with minimal pressure and couldn't get the ball down the field.

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I think if Patrick had been given the right opportunity and development at Washington he would have developed to be an awesome starting QB. Unfortunately between his tenure under Spurrier and Gibb's I don't think he will turn the corner.

Couldn't agree with statement more than I already do!:applause:

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I remember the first time I saw Ramsey play, and I thought, "Wow! For a young QB, he has a ton of poise in the pocket." Unfortunately, Spurrier's offense killed a promising young QB, and it doesn't seem that Ramsey will ever totally recover. Either way, one thing is for sure... that guy grows roots under his feet - he needs to learn to move out of the way and not take the big hit all the time. I thought maybe a change of scenery would do him good.... until I saw his first play against us in the preseason.... same old Patrick. It's a shame.

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The Redskins (everybody together...gosh I'm starting to sound like Gibbs) will get this thing fixed.

Mark Brunell is the man for the job. Patrick is a decent QB, but he'd be facing the same challenges. He may have executed worse in this new offense.

Looking forward to Sunday's game!!! Go REDSKINS!

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Hate to burst your bubble dude, but Patrick Ramsey is a turnover or a sack waiting to happen. Have you even watched him play since Spurrier left??

The "Fun n' Gun" offense completely destroyed his career because after the beating he took while he was in it, he's never been the same since. He's scared to get hit now... he has happy feet... he'll hold the ball way too long on one play, and then try to throw the ball through a keyhole and get picked off on the next.

Look, I like the guy. I supported him while he was here, and I think he is a class act.. That being said, he's not the same QB that he was before Steve Spurrier ruined his life.

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Listen, I have complete faith in Mark Brunell, and that the Redskins are gonna turn it around this week and have a great season. However, I do think that with the receivers and offensive line we have, Ramsey and his cannon of an arm would be lighting it up right now. Even if he did throw a couple of int's here and there, he'd putting up touchdowns like crazy.

Anyone agree?

I want what you're smokin.


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Hate to burst your bubble dude, but Patrick Ramsey is a turnover or a sack waiting to happen. Have you even watched him play since Spurrier left??

The "Fun n' Gun" offense completely destroyed his career because after the beating he took while he was in it, he's never been the same since. He's scared to get hit now... he has happy feet... he'll hold the ball way too long on one play, and then try to throw the ball through a keyhole and get picked off on the next.

Look, I like the guy. I supported him while he was here, and I think he is a class act.. That being said, he's not the same QB that he was before Steve Spurrier ruined his life.

Oh...that's interesting. I've only seen Patrick Ramsey since 2004. I first became a Redskins fan back when Joe Gibbs and Brunell came aboard.

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Oh...that's interesting. I've only seen Patrick Ramsey since 2004. I first became a Redskins fan back when Joe Gibbs and Brunell came aboard.

Welcome aboard! Many fans here swing from Ramsey's nuts like it was a circus act and they were paid millions to do it, but he simply doesn't deserve the attention IMO. He was mediocre at best coming out of college, and we wasted a 1st rounder on the guy. Career backup which is clearly evidenced by his position on the Jets depth chart. They have their draft pick from last year ahead of him.

Kid does have a huge arm, but he makes worse decisions than Brunell ever did and that big arm gets him into more trouble than it's worth.

Don't drink the Ramsey kool-aid and you'll get along fine here:laugh:

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