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So, my home entertainment system actually runs through a computer. Cable cards and all. If I got WWE Network. I would be playing it on my TV like anything else (netflix, amazon prime, hulu, media center)


Do you guys recommend it?

So are you running it through an app from a device, or are you streaming it directly from the site? Either way, if you don't mind committing to spend 9.99/month and you like wrestling you should get it. Try it out with the one week trial if you're a bit skeptical


So can we watch Raw/Smackdown yet or is it strictly PPV's at this point?

You can get them, but it looks like they are going to be coming out a couple of weeks after it first airs. For example, the last Raw they have is from January 19th.

I think that is smart. If they put them out sooner, then why would people watch? By waiting, they could keep the viewership numbers up for RAW. Besides, most people probably DVR it anyway, or catch it on Saturday's on Universal HD.


Edited by MLSKINS
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So are you running it through an app from a device, or are you streaming it directly from the site? Either way, if you don't mind committing


You can get them, but it looks like they are going to be coming out a couple of weeks after it first airs. For example, the last Raw they have is from January 19th.

I think that is smart. If they put them out sooner, then why would people watch? By waiting, they could keep the viewership numbers up for RAW. Besides, most people probably DVR it anyway, or catch it on Saturday's on Universal HD.

to spend 9.99/month and you like wrestling you should get it. Try it out with the one week trial if you're a bit skeptical.


I should probably clarify. I don't have a ton f desire to watch any recent Raws, but say I want to watch "Raw is War" from 1997 or someone. Would I be able to do that?

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I should probably clarify. I don't have a ton f desire to watch any recent Raws, but say I want to watch "Raw is War" from 1997 or someone. Would I be able to do that?

Naw. They definitely don't have that. They do have the first Smackdown though, but that's it lol


Like you, or somebody else in this thread said, hopefully they will unleash all the old Raw is Wars and Nitros and really get things popping. Until then, I will settle for the PPVs.

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Naw. They definitely don't have that. They do have the first Smackdown though, but that's it lol


Like you, or somebody else in this thread said, hopefully they will unleash all the old Raw is Wars and Nitros and really get things popping. Until then, I will settle for the PPVs.

Yeah, they only have a handful of Raw episodes, I think 2 or 3 maybe, the first Smackdown and I can't remember if they had a couple of ECWs and WCWs episodes.  


Vince knows what sells, I am almost 100% sure they will release the attitude era Raws and Monday Nitros in the future.  They have to build the library, so I'm sure that requires a ton of space/servers.

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No app. I'd run it off their website the same way I run Hulu.


I'm just thinking that its probably worth $10 a month for the PPVs alone. Anything else is gravy. Right?

Absolutely.  Wrestlemania in HD cost $70 if I'm not mistaken, so for a 6 month commitment at $10/month, you get every PPV in HD streamed live for $60.  So basically, you're getting each PPV for around $10/month.  Can't beat that imo.  


I usually only buy Wrestlemania, so it was a no brainer for me to purchase the subscription.

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No app. I'd run it off their website the same way I run Hulu.


I'm just thinking that its probably worth $10 a month for the PPVs alone. Anything else is gravy. Right?

If you're not using an app, then you're definitely good to go.


I too only brought Wrestlemainia and streamed the other PPVs when I remembered to watch them.

I think this network is going to give WWE a huge boost. If they can get 10 million people to get this, that is a cool 100 million dolars a month they will be putting in there pockets. Plus advertising, merchandising, and the money from the people who will still by the PPVs.

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Pretty soon you will have to subscribe to the WWE Network in.order to see the PPV's. Dish Network has already dropped WWE PPV's and I'm sure Direct will soon follow.

The great thing about it, we will get them cheaper.  I love Direct TV, don't get me wrong, but ****'em.  $70 for a PPV is way too much.  It's only that high cause both parties have to make money off of it and split profits.  Vince knows that he could probably offer every PPV for 10-20 month, would increase the # of people they didn't get to purchase before (lost revenue due to costs), hell, it may have changed the game for everything (Boxing, UFC, etc.) LOL.

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Initial start up bugs & issues aside, Vince is a ****ing genius. The Network is a game changer. I'm waiting for the day Snyder decides to do his version of it where you can stream old Sammy Baugh games. Very few WWE logos on NXT even though they used a Titon Tron. I think they maybe just need to get the refs out of the WWE logo shirts. The matches on those two NXT shows have been better then anything on RAW outside of a main event for years.

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I keep looking at the network page but haven't signed up yet. I know I will. I want to see WM30 and will totally watch the monthly PPV on my TV.


Not sure what's holding me back. the $10 a month is a great deal. 

Dooooo it.    Dooooooooo it!


I'm having a blast watching old PPVs lol.  And you get all the current ones for $10/month essentially.  

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I signed up this past Tuesday, and I'm pretty confident that I will become a full time member.  The price for the old stuff alone is worth it.  In fact, the most "recent" show I watched on the Network was 2002 Survivor Series.  Everything else has been 90's stuff, and mainly WCW or ECW.  The WWE Network has made me realize that growing up I was definitely a huge fan of WCW instead of WWE.  In fact it wasn't until The Rock, and WCWs own ****ty booking that made me start watching more WWF.

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Initial start up bugs & issues aside, Vince is a ****ing genius. The Network is a game changer. I'm waiting for the day Snyder decides to do his version of it where you can stream old Sammy Baugh games. Very few WWE logos on NXT even though they used a Titon Tron. I think they maybe just need to get the refs out of the WWE logo shirts. The matches on those two NXT shows have been better then anything on RAW outside of a main event for years.

NXT is the best show WWE runs. And word is that Vince has nothing to do with it and it's all Triple H's deal.

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Congrats WWE. You suckered me into wasting 3 hours of my life for the first time in a year because of the Punk rumors.


Outside of the Shield, Wyatts, Lesnar/UT and Bryan, **** the current product. AWFUL booking. Terrible story telling. Just terrible. I'll admit that a lot of the Attitude Era was overrated but it was LIGHTYEARS ahead of the crap on now. Jeez.


End rant. It just pisses me off about how poor the product is. They have talent. It shouldn't be this way. 

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Congrats WWE. You suckered me into wasting 3 hours of my life for the first time in a year because of the Punk rumors.


Outside of the Shield, Wyatts, Lesnar/UT and Bryan, **** the current product. AWFUL booking. Terrible story telling. Just terrible. I'll admit that a lot of the Attitude Era was overrated but it was LIGHTYEARS ahead of the crap on now. Jeez.


End rant. It just pisses me off about how poor the product is. They have talent. It shouldn't be this way. 


Dude, last night was GENIUS on the WWE's part. They turned a hostile crowd into a crowd that went with the flow of the card, with CM Punk chants sprinkled in between. The crowd marked out hard for the Uso's tag title win. They cheered Daniel Bryan. They loved the Wyatt/Shield stuff, and heck, even Cena wound up getting them to cheer him.


The card was perfectly booked, to be honest. Heyman's CM Punk tirade/wrestling promo was nothing short of brilliant. Think about it... If Punk really walked out, then they had to do what they did. If Punk is going to come back, the stage may be set for a heel return now, featuring a WWE Title feud against Daniel Bryan, perhaps? This is a fresh product.


I actually thought this was one of the better cards I've seen. The actual Shield/Wyatt match was crazy. It was similar to Zayn/Cesaro on the NXT show. Big E in action twice, with the Real Americans showing tension was well booked.


I say bravo to WWE for playing to the crowd's emotions lately. I dislike the way the Bryan storyline has been going, and I think they've killed momentum a few times, but they've been able to re-establish it. I got the feeling Bryan is going to have his moment at Mania. The last few months, I've seen a lot more of Triple H's finger print than I have Vince McMahon's. A lot of RAW seemed very "NXT Arrivalesque".

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Congrats WWE. You suckered me into wasting 3 hours of my life for the first time in a year because of the Punk rumors.



Overall I agree with you but this week was light years better than the past few. I've only been watching for the past 4 or 5 weeks but it is truly awful at times. If I didn't have a DVR there is no chance I'd be able to watch more than an hour of it all week.


I will say though, I really enjoyed the Shield/Wyatts and the tag title match was okay(how many times are they going to wrestle each other this month?!)


As for WrestleMania, I'm the least excited that I've ever been, but that may be more about me than the product. Batista/Orton will be absolutely AWFUL if they actually let that go down as the main event (unless you're into watching Batista hunched over against the ropes trying to catch his breath cause that'll go on for a solid 20-25 mins). And as much as I love the Undertaker, his match with Brock Lesnar will likely be tough to watch as well.


Oh and maybe I'm totally off on this, but I don't have the confidence in WWE to actually deliver on the Daniel Bryant storyline. Clearly everyone wants him in the main event and to win the title at WrestleMania, which should be the point of WrestleMania in the first place (to build up to and cap on a year long storyline that the fans are super into), but with the way things are going I think it'll just be Daniel Bryant vs. Triple H. And DB's WM moment, where he is 'going against all odds' will be beating Triple H. And that sucks. This whole time DB has been fighting to get the WWE title, but because of the role Triple H plays, beating Triple H (not even an active wrestler) is as big of an accomplishment to becoming champ (to Triple H and Vince anyway).


As an aside, I know it's been mentioned in here before (forgive me for not going back and finding the exact post because it stated this almost verbatim) but the HUGE issue with Triple H's role is that he wants to be the pompous, borderline cowardly, dictator of an owner that everyone wants to see get beat down, but he also wants to be a hulking wrecking machine that can physically over power any other superstar. So which is it? I don't know if they are trying to do something different with Triple H than Vince, or if Triple H just refuses to play the weak role so it ends up with this strange scenario where the guy has a huge bodyguard in Kane but can also still kick anyone and everyone's ass himself.

Edited by sherrardsd
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Congrats WWE. You suckered me into wasting 3 hours of my life for the first time in a year because of the Punk rumors.

Outside of the Shield, Wyatts, Lesnar/UT and Bryan, **** the current product. AWFUL booking. Terrible story telling. Just terrible. I'll admit that a lot of the Attitude Era was overrated but it was LIGHTYEARS ahead of the crap on now. Jeez.

End rant. It just pisses me off about how poor the product is. They have talent. It shouldn't be this way.

I can't believe anyone thought Punk was coming back. It seemed so transparent from the start. As soon as Paul Heyman came out that sealed the deal. Not to mention having the Usos win the tag titles? That was by design. As soon as those things happened that should have clued you in.

Overall I thought it was the best RAW in months. Not to mention we finally got a glimpse of ultra dick HHH. I hope he turns up the intensity the next few weeks. He works best as an asshole with some fire.

Hey man you'll just have to do like Batista says and DEAL WITH IT. (My new favorite wrestling catchphrase)

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