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Show Yourselves III


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Beautiful family, brandy. :)

And PCS...love it! As an Alaskan boy I always relate to your love of that kind of country. You'd love WA state. I think of your pics when I'm out doing my walkabouts and wish I would get into taking pics and posting them. Too many enjoyable wastes of time and too little time for them all. :cool:

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LMAO KB13...this is one of those experiences when puttng a face to a screen name makes for a better sense of connection. And I'm a guy who has been the only dude in several circles I've traveled that doesn't have any tattoos. :ols:

In that first pic you look like that actor who plays Billy Walsh in Entourage. :cool:

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LMAO KB13...this is one of those experiences when puttng a face to a screen name makes for a better sense of connection. And I'm a guy who has been the only dude in several circles I've traveled that doesn't have any tattoos. :ols:

In that first pic you look like that actor who plays Billy Walsh in Entourage. :cool:

Never take yourself too seriously boss. That's what I say. Glad I could make ya laugh.

And thanks for the compliment. Best I got was when Tommy Lee said I looked just like him and took my number down, because he wanted me to play him in the Crue movie. I also get Dale Watson a lot.

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Are you always that blurry? :silly:

Only when being photographed with a cell phone lol...

Cal, I had no idea you were either black or old enough to be going grey :ols:

Yeah, don't remind me lol :mad:...I turned 48 today, by the way. I feel 28. I look 78 lol...

(bunch o' pics)

Were those taken this year?...

Cali sort of has a Gregory Hines/Arsenio Hall thing going on. :ols:

Yeah, get the Hines one a lot, but never Arsenio lol :ols:...although I can see why you included him. I also get Jesse L. Martin a lot...at least from pics.

Up top of the Lake Blanche trail today. Somewhere in the area of 3 miles and 3 thousand feet of rise in elevation. Finish at about 9000 feet.

Do I EVER ****ing envy you!! lol :mad: :mad:

Along the same lines, me towards the end of a 5-hour hike along Manley Trail in Australia:


Fantastic views all along the way, including big-ass spiders lol :paranoid:

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Cali I'm envious of you being able to hike in Australia. Spiders and all. :paranoid:

Jumbo maybe one day I get good enough at this photography stuff that I can afford to see and take pics in lots of places,definitely including Washington. :)

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