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Show Yourselves III


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Went down to Orem to watch the replay of the scrimmage yesterday with the Utah family. This am, right before he went to church. Uncle PCS and nephew "little" Utah, ( they still accuse me of putting creatine in his formula when he was a baby :silly: ).

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Me and my wife at the airport in Dallas afterr the MNF game last year. (She's a Cowboy fan, but I still love her.)


That is cool that you took the picture with your Redskins t-shirt on, in front of a Cowboy store. :laugh: Nice one.

I hear you on having a significant other that is a Cowboy fan. It is cool until we lose to them :mad: . Hopefully those days are over. :dallasuck

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I found something cool in Key West...

OK...please clue an old man in...what is with the hand gestures? Is there a webpage somewhere so I can decode the gestures and meanings? Seems to be the cool thing to do nowadays...is everyone trying to be thug posers or sumpn'?


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Here's My boy at football practice when he was 7, He didn't really care for it, and didn't want to play the following year ( he was one of the smallest and took a beating sometimes, but he stuck out the season was starting to hold his own). He's 9 now and is starting Soccer this week.



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