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how can the Redskins NOT win?


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we had the best divisional record last year and we only got better. i believe brunell has enough left. that would be the only question mark and if he gets injured, i think that the rest of the team is good enough to help campbell get us to the playoffs.:cheers:

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the question is not if we're capable of winning games, but how do we compare to the rest of the teams in our division. i honestly think it's in the air. i can't say with 100% confidence that the skins are gonna take the division. i think we are very capable of doing it and certainly have enough talent on the field and the sidelines to get us to a super bowl even. but it's too early to say. and because our division is so hard now certain losses in our own division can hurt us. it's gonna be real close in the division and if we can keep our division record high, then i think we'll be strait come post-season.

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Panthers will be a pretty good team again - barring injuries

Cowpukes - Will Bledsoe get enough time to throw the ball?

F'eagles - A healthy team is scarey.

G'ain'ts - It all depends on Sheli. Has she progressed?

Buc's will be pretty good depending on Simm's progress

Seattle has a creampie of a schedule and division

Falcon's are always in the playoff hunt with their top notch running game and Vick makes plays when he needs to

Chicago - One of the best defenses in the league, and that will keep them in a lot of games. Has their offense improved? Depends on their aft injured QB


Cardinals - looking good with the recent addition of the Edge to compliment their passing attack

Can't discount the Saints quite yet. They have a lot of weapons on offense, but questions remain on Bree's shoulder. Plus a new coaching staff.

It's going to be tough to win our division so lets just hope that if for some reason that doesn't happen the other teams don't have winning records either :cheers:

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i see what you are saying. however, our only divisional loss was that abberation in NY. i don't think our division has improved as much as we have. i would be surprised if we lose more than one divisional game this year. and that AFC curse has to end soon this year.:helmet:

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It doesn't matter how good we are and how bad the giants, cowboys, and eagles are. They are division games. In the past (until recently, the DISTANT past) when we had decidedly better teams, division rivals still managed to hang losses on us. The teams play each other too close no matter what the talent level is.

I'll be happy to make it back into the playoffs. I think once back in, we've got just as good a shot as any other team. Division champs has a nice ring to it, but Super Bowl champs is better.

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It's hilarious -- the Skins are always the champs this time of the year. It's been the same story for years. Overconfident fans in May crowing about impending glory.

How can the Skins lose? Simple: Brunell can play like 2004 instead of 2005. Samuels or Jansen could go down. Moss could injure a toe. Taylor could get a jail sentence. And that's not even touching the tough NFC East issues: Philly could come back with a vengeance. Eli might grow up. And don't forget -- TO always gives you a one-year honeymoon -- he was terrific in Philly in 04. The Cowboys could be good.

So root for the Skins, but don't get overconfident. This is not a dominant team. They'll need their breaks to win this year.

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Oh, not winning is certainly possible.

Don't know about you guys, but I'm not promissing to walk to Dallas/Philly/Jersey naked if we fail to achieve 5-1 in the division again.

A lot of things have to go right for us to win.

I'm really not a qualified talent scout, but my gut says we may be the weakest team in the division, talent-wise. Face it, this team won out last year because of guts, not talent.

(The good news is: Talent is fickle, but guts shows up every week.)

(Or, another way to look at it: I'd list us as lower talent-wise, but I'd say we're a better team.)

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nice analysis from both larry AND even MRMADD. Anything can happen any given year thats why predicting before the year starts is a crap shoot. For the skinz I say the only truly unwaivering confidence we should have is that Joe Gibbs is our Coach. Obviously nobody can say that for themselves particularly, but I think the only other team that can really have that much confidence in their coach is the Pats. While our confidence in coach Gibbs is obviously deserving, it is a different type of confidence than is found in any other coach in the league. The X-factor Gibbs brings is this:

The man is incapable of failing with appropriate time. He is a success driven person led by Faith, Guts, and the people (good leaders) he surrounds himself with. I think Gibbs, and his lifestyle, is the ultimate formula for success and it bleeds into every single thing he does...

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Besides the health concern, I think another concern has to be the kicking game. I don't know what to expect from John Hall at this point, and you know we'll need him (or someone) for those close games. The miss in Seattle pretty much ended our hopes there. I was sorry to see Nick Novak go, I thought he did a good job. Of course, I'm hoping for a great comeback season from Hall.

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For the skinz I say the only truly unwaivering confidence we should have is that Joe Gibbs is our Coach. QUOTE]

I agree with this completely. although i fo feel that we have advantage of schedule compared to teams like dallas. dallas has 3 road games in a row at the beginning of the season. 6 out of their first 9 are also on the road. then they come home to Indy and TB. Our schedule isnt a cakewalk, but it seems better than dallas' or NYs

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Besides the health concern, I think another concern has to be the kicking game. I don't know what to expect from John Hall at this point, and you know we'll need him (or someone) for those close games. The miss in Seattle pretty much ended our hopes there. I was sorry to see Nick Novak go, I thought he did a good job. Of course, I'm hoping for a great comeback season from Hall.

Yeah, I know. I wish we picked up someone in the draft. The punting game was horrendous last year. Teams always had an advantage of starting at their 40 yard line.

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we had the best divisional record last year and we only got better. i believe brunell has enough left. that would be the only question mark and if he gets injured, i think that the rest of the team is good enough to help campbell get us to the playoffs.:cheers:

Question: How can the Redskins NOT win?

My Answer: With just that type of attitude.

You have to realize, we may have the pieces now, but we need to do something with them. Just assuming we will walk away with next season is foolish. We're just starting to get things right in Washington, time to keep taking it step by step.

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It's hilarious -- the Skins are always the champs this time of the year. It's been the same story for years. Overconfident fans in May crowing about impending glory.

How can the Skins lose? Simple: Brunell can play like 2004 instead of 2005. Samuels or Jansen could go down. Moss could injure a toe. Taylor could get a jail sentence. And that's not even touching the tough NFC East issues: Philly could come back with a vengeance. Eli might grow up. And don't forget -- TO always gives you a one-year honeymoon -- he was terrific in Philly in 04. The Cowboys could be good.

So root for the Skins, but don't get overconfident. This is not a dominant team. They'll need their breaks to win this year.

TO gave philthy a one year honeymoon because they won and went to a SB. they didnt win it and the foolishness began. other than that TO started his BS in frisco when it became overly apparent there was never to be a ring in his future with that team. how does that constitute "always"?

and how do you know the Skins wont be a dominant team? they could be, just like they could be just a bit better than anyone else or even be worse. how do YOU know? you dont, neither do i.

and using your same logic...eli could get hit by a bus, TO could retire and become a hari krishna. blah blah blah with the coulds. according to you Redskins could get hurt and the "real NFC issues" are philly COULD come back with a vengeance, eli COULD grow up, and the pukes COULD be good.

your whole post basically says nothing but the Skins could suck and the rest of the NFC could not.

well it could or could not rain this wednesday but since im planning on playing golf im gonna go ahead and hope and plan for it not to.

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The answer to your question is BRUNELL.

-The biggest question mark on our team is if our qb will be able to perform at a level high enough to take us all the way...

-a ridiculous amount of injuries is an obvious answer but that would eliminate any team

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