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Why do so many illegal immigrants believe....


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that they have some unearned right to come to this country? Over 500,000 protestors recently marched in Los Angeles demanding that Congress stop its attempts to enforce the law and scrap ideas about building more walls around the border. Why do we even allow illegals to have a voice at all in this country? Everyone deserves a better life, but not at the expense of others. They need to stand up to their own corrupt governments, and make their lives better for themselves. America should help them in this endeavor.

Please, someone tell me why America should open up their arms for these people.

They have done nothing but hurt wage-earners for the profit of a few.

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I agree. People who don't vote shouldn't be able to exert pressure reserved for citizens. These people are just butting into the American political process. We don't go down to Mexico and make demands of their elected officials.

That being said... no one really knows how many people were illegal or not. It would've been nice if "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" did their job and checked on all these protestors.

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people who are not citizens of this country do not have any legal rights other than legal alien status laws, and illegals have NO rights, therefore they probably shouldnt be protesting, if i were mayor of LA i would send the border patrol right there and say, "guess what guys? yall just admited to being ilegals, time to go home..."

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Jan Ting is a Republican running for US Senate out here in Delaware on a platform to push for bill, that's already on the table in Congress, to build a fence accross a significant portion of our border with Mexico. He sounded very determined, and I hope the guy wins.

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The mayor of LA was speaking to the crowd of 100,000 - 500,000 protestors.... he is Hispanic and is expected to sandbag for Governor. He was a part of Mecha when in college (Chicano Student Movement of Atzlan).

(From Wikopedia)

MEChA's main purpose is to educate Chicano youth into seeing the value of education, and to provide college preparatory outreach to high school students. Critics, which also include many white nationalist groups, say it is an irredentist movement aimed at uniting the Southwestern portion of the United States (including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California) with Mexico, preferably through political means, but through force if necessary; see Reconquista.

Because of this affiliation... some right wing people have called the LA Mayor (Villagragosa) mayor Reconquista. He hasn't done much for LA except give speeches at every event (media whore), but I can't point to a single good thing he's done in LA. This is probably because LA is run by the city council and the mayor has little power.

What's funny is that stuff like this sparks genocide in other parts of the world. People don't take too kindly when outsiders invade their country and then demand to be given more rights. Our government is too kind to illegal immigrants as it is.

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I meant to add... think of what would happen in Iraq if 100,000 ****es or Sunnis gathered together to protest for themselves... I'm surprised no one has done anything violent against illegals, especially considering the strength with which citizens are against them. If something did happen I imagine the backlash from the Chicano gangs would be fierce.

Congress has been ignoring the tensions going on with illegal immigration for awhile... those ****s.

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What the hells wrong with you people? They're coming here for the same reasons your relatives came to this country the only difference is nowadays you can just get your name changed from mombuto to mo slapped on the ass and admitted.

My relatives didn't come here, my ancestors did. The world has changed a lot since then. See globalization. The past is the past. The problem is they want to come on their terms, whenever they want. There is a legal way to attain citizenship.

Should we just let all the world's populace come to America?

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What the hells wrong with you people? They're coming here for the same reasons your relatives came to this country the only difference is nowadays you can just get your name changed from mombuto to mo slapped on the ass and admitted.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

I completely agree with this CCS.

I spent some time writing this one for a letter to the editor about the minute men, who operate occasionaly within 50 miles of my house. Didn't get published because it was too long. 300 word max.

People from Mexico and the rest of Latin America want to relocate to our country. Make no mistake, they will come. Regardless of our policies, they will come for the same reasons our ancestors did. I believe everyone has the right to procure a better existence. I also believe, however, we should continue to see illegal as illegal. I would lay odds that not a single immigrant (with the possible exception of a terrorist) looks forward to paying someone they don’t (and shouldn’t) trust a large sum of money to cross an extremely dangerous stretch of desert without any assurance or guarantee that their trip will end in success.

If large scale immigration stations (think Ellis Island) with the capacity to handle, in a reasonable time, the number of potential immigrants were established – IT WOULD BE USED by the vast majority of these folks. Would this be perfect? No. But it would be far superior to current conditions. I live within 50 miles and have been to a number of border crossing and I can assure you long lines, poor service and inefficiency are the order of the day for people trying to legitimately immigrate.

I think these changes would allow for an increase in the number of our law enforcement personnel working in an office as opposed to the field, affording them the opportunity and manpower to check the criminal backgrounds of immigrants and turn back those that don’t meet a set of criteria. It would also allow law enforcement to have sufficient manpower to patrol the border for the significantly lower number of people trying to enter the country illegally. All without having to run up higher deficits. Certainly officials in an office setting are less costly to the taxpayer than field staff.

I expect that the rightist’s argument will be that immigrants will steal our job’s (see the southpark episode with the people from the future) and use our welfare system. Fortunately we have a growing, robust economy with little unemployment that renders that argument selfish, mean-spirited and wrong. The far left will, with their typical head in the sand reaction to a politically sensitive situation, do and say little or nothing. Give me a good reason why we should slam the door shut on hard working, religiously conservative, exceedingly friendly and culturally rich people, who actually want to be here. In a perfect world they would replace the continually whining, pampered complainers that apparently don’t.

The vast majority of immigrants, legal or not, are these hard working folks. They come in my office every day, and no I don't get to check and see if they are legal or not. But they are immigrants, like my ancestors and they are facing the same sort of hostile reception my ancestors and yours faced, even though "Times have changed". They really haven't. That is just BS rationalization.

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this country would fall apart without immigrant labor. like it or not, immigrants do the jobs that no one else wants to(or think they are above). as someone who worked construction for a couple of years, i can promise you that any major project could not be done without the hard work of immigrants. are those of you that are campaigning for a halt to immigration going to dig foundations/hang sheetrock/work demolition crews/landscape,etc. yourselves?

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adj : prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules

Not to get into a long diatribe that no one will read anyway, but to me, this says it all. I do believe immigration is a good thing...but do it LEGALLY. Illegal immigration is...well...illegal which is defined above. The laws are in place for a reason....follow them, and no problems will be had. This seems to be a terribly hard concept for some to understand!

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adj : prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules

Not to get into a long diatribe that no one will read anyway, but to me, this says it all. I do believe immigration is a good thing...but do it LEGALLY. Illegal immigration is...well...illegal which is defined above. The laws are in place for a reason....follow them, and no problems will be had. This seems to be a terribly hard concept for some to understand!

I likes me my long diatribes whether anyone reads em or not.

The reason they aren't coming in legally is because the mechanism for them to do so does not exist or is so exceedingly inadequate that they can't. This country continually turns to law enforcement to counter border problems like the war on drugs and illegal immigration. It's a wonder that after continually failing, we don't see the light and modify the procedures for getting into this country legally.

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I am on the build the walls, fences and reinforce the border crowd.


What to do when you eventually come to your senses and see that it won't work, after spending countless million, if not billions on a wasted effort to keep out good people that will make this country stronger?

Good thing the folks who had your opinion during the other periods of large immigration in our country didn't hold sway. Chances are you and I wouldn't be here.

I see family after family of recent immigrants. I went to school with their children, I see them in my office every day coming to pay their taxes, like good americans. They may not speak perfect English, but believe me they understand the rule of law in this country and appreciate the hell out of it. They are in awe that they can come in government office and get treated with respect and dignity. Their kids turn into regular english speaking Americans for the most part, just like ours. Some of my best friends are first generation born here. Thye are college graduates, NFL fans and all around stand up folks with good jobs who don't know the first thing about soccer. If that doesn't make em good Americans, I don't know what does.

Are there exceptions, of course. But I could show you the local indictment records and most of the people in there are american citizens and the racial profiles match, more or less, the breakdown in race of our local population.

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Back in the 1850s, (when the mass amounts of Irish Immigrents came over) there were no immigration rules. Most of us came to be in this country under no to little immigration laws when our ansestors came over, and now that WE are in, wanting to step up the immigration laws and restrictions seems hipocritical to me.

It is way too hard to get into this country leagally now adays, if you want a green card today, you need:

To have a sponsor in the United States, usually an American relative or employer who wants to bring you to the U.S., (so to get in you already need a contact in the country)

Be able to convince the U.S. government that you are eligible under one of the official categories available for permanent residence

Apply for an immigrant visa at the embassy or consulate in the country where you live

and then after that the embassy or consulate will review your green card application, making sure you do not fall into any category of people who are excluded from the United States, which is called being "inadmissible."

70% of legal immigration requires you to already have family in the US, and what if you dont have that luxury, should your family not get the same chance to better themselves like probibly all our families had?

The current immigration rules are so restrictive and confining that they deserve to be ignored, and if they wern't ignored, the US would have a big labor problem.

What ever happened to "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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Because most do moron!

Hey, take a look at a previous response and see how you should have responded. Rather than calling him a moron, you could have posted something about immigration rates here being higher than anywhere else (something I haven't checked myself, but believe, and it was posted by someone else earlier).

How much have you travelled around the world? If you have travelled, then you'd know that there are MANY people who have no specific desire to go to America. Then there are some who would like to get out of where they are, maybe, but don't rate America much higher than a lot of other places. When travelling in Germany, I didn't get any impression of what you speak, and yet, when travelling around the US, I've heard that exact sentiment; that the only thing keeping the world from coming here is our immigration limits and laws. It's just plain innacurate. Interestingly, the particular person who was most adamant about that sentiment had (self-admittedly, and without prodding) admitted he had never been out of the Huntsville area.

There are a great many people in the world who recognize the attitude you present here, and resent it. You did display it very succinctly, and for that I suppose I could commend you.

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OK. Lemme get this straight. Your first action in this country was to break the law. Now your wondering why I don't welcome you with open arms? :rolleyes:

Come now. I doubt this was any of their first actions. Their first actions, more than likely were lining up on a street corner to find some underpaid work (like mowing some middle class white americans lawn) in order to feed their family. In addion, this was a an increadibly small percentage of the total illegals, even if every single person at the protest were illegal. Which they were not. A number of them were certainly legals who wanted other members of their family to enjoy living in our great country just as we do.

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Well, I am sure there are plenty of excuses for coming to this country illegaly, but excuses notwithstanding...

Maybe our immigration rules and laws are tough and/or burdensome....maybe they need to be changed. However, at the time being, the AMERICAN people have chosen them to be this way (directly or indirectly) and until the time We The People see fit to change them, it shouldn't be too much to ask for anyone to adibe by those laws. Anyone who feels very strongly about getting them changed should lobby for such change, but until then, it is what it is. Illegal is illegal.

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this country would fall apart without immigrant labor. like it or not, immigrants do the jobs that no one else wants to(or think they are above). as someone who worked construction for a couple of years, i can promise you that any major project could not be done without the hard work of immigrants. are those of you that are campaigning for a halt to immigration going to dig foundations/hang sheetrock/work demolition crews/landscape,etc. yourselves?

So up LEGAL immigration 30% and crack down on illegal immigration that promotes lawlessness and hints at criminalization whether they want it to or not...

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Here's a hot button issue huh. Living here on one of the largest border towns in America, I can tell you that illegal immigration is out of hand. I'm no big fan of the minutemen or anything, but just because you walked across the border into the US doesnt mean that you are entitled to benifits in the US.

I have many friends that are legal immigrants, some that came over illegally at first. One guy in particular, my former supply sergeant, ran across the border illegally in the mid 90's, figured he should do the right thing, and decided to join the army. About 6 months ago I swore him in as a naturalized US citizen. I couldnt have been prouder of him. What gets me are the people that think a blanket immunity should be granted for anyone that came across illegally. Thats just wrong!

Darth Tater is both right and wrong at once- yes everyone has human rights, but the entitlements such as health care, social security, education are for US citizens.

I propose the olive branch and the arrows approach- we must encourage LEGAL immigration. The INS and Homeland security SUCK at the speed at which the legalization process is completed. That should be streamlined as much as possible. On the other hand we need to secure our borders- thousands of people, not just mexicans, but possible terrorists cross into the US daily. Doesnt that scare the crap out of anyone?

Anyways I'm sure political fireworks are soon to come this year being an election year and all!

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