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31 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

I grew up in Fairfax Co. I'm not soft, right?



Nope, not sawft.


Though you could always claim Fairfax Village for extra street cred points.  B)



10 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


(disappoint gif)




These bammas soft.  Prolly had mommy cut the crust off their P&J well into high school....




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Third day in the new house. Complete wilderness, no streetlights. Bruh, i went out to dump some trash last night and i could barely see a few feet in front of me.


Saw some **** moving out there catching the wee bit of setting sunlight and paused, and it was some damn deer. Last thing i need is to walk out there blind and get roundhouse kicked by one of them.


This is basically alien abduction territory. They wouldn't even need the cloaking mechanism. Just park that joint right on the front lawn and no one would see it.

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23 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

Sounds like total bliss, Sin.  I'm super jealous. 


It is, this place will be awesome once the fall leaves set in. Just comes with a few trade-offs, like all the chic eateries and outlets i have come to love deeply now have been replaced by just a handful of places.


I don't have to deal with the "Hurry up and buy!" homeowners and Korean neighbors anymore, thank goodness. Nearest neighbor is like 85 yds away and separated by a wall of trees. Actually the closest neighbor might be whatever is lurking in that Boo Radley house past the edge of the property.....


People still look at me funny going out, but im already used to that. It's a nice place though. Its my opportunity to buy another telescope. On a clear night it would be an armchair astronomers wet dream out here

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Saw some **** moving out there catching the wee bit of setting sunlight and paused, and it was some damn deer. Last thing i need is to walk out there blind and get roundhouse kicked by one of them.



Shotguns are legal in MD, right? :) 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Third day in the new house. Complete wilderness, no streetlights. Bruh, i went out to dump some trash last night and i could barely see a few feet in front of me.


Saw some **** moving out there catching the wee bit of setting sunlight and paused, and it was some damn deer. Last thing i need is to walk out there blind and get roundhouse kicked by one of them.


This is basically alien abduction territory. They wouldn't even need the cloaking mechanism. Just park that joint right on the front lawn and no one would see it.


Now you're a real boy.  Hit me up if you need advice on how to deal with snakes or turkeys or foxes.



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Survived last week at work.  Was out 2 weeks on vacation and sick leave.  Came back to 272 (30 per day) emails, handled about 30 contracts that were returned, returned all phone message and processed 3 new contracts.  WHEW!!  I officially caught up around 3 PM on Friday.


I'm so tired of the rat race.  Wish I could afford to quit my "city slicker" job and move to Vermont and work at a B & B.  I was up in the Poconos where my parents live and man, it was so peaceful.  They live in a neighborhood and have neighbor's houses that you can see, but they are not sitting on top of each other.  Weather was about 75 all week, cool and calm. Lots of deer running through their neighborhood; hummingbirds around their feeder on the deck; and no sounds of traffic or any other BS.


I was loving it.  That's what I want when I retire.  It gave me a good taste of that life, even if only for a week.

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Wtf is up with the lameass new format/writing for Ray Donovan S5.  Took until the last 2 minutes of the second episode to put in something interesting, and the flashback/flash forward Lost format? C'mon man!  If you had to kill off you know whom, just figure a better way to integrate it into the timeline, and worst of all, still no Avi two episodes in...

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42 minutes ago, pjfootballer said:

Survived last week at work.  Was out 2 weeks on vacation and sick leave.  Came back to 272 (30 per day) emails, handled about 30 contracts that were returned, returned all phone message and processed 3 new contracts.  WHEW!!  I officially caught up around 3 PM on Friday.



Now that's a good Contract Specialist! :) 

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22 minutes ago, pjfootballer said:


I actually have around 75 contracts for this year. I only have about 12 that have yet to return them and I've got at least 20+ more in the system for signatures.


That's what I like to hear!  Knocking **** out.  :headbang:


We are in full blown EOY mode here for the feds, overtime was just authorized last week.  Gonna be a madhouse from now through September 30th, as usual LOL.  

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When I was an actual employee, I had to work twice as hard before vacation and twice as hard after I got back.


I stopped telling my boss where I'd be after during one vacation they kept calling me for conference calls. 


End of year proposals, heavenly that I don't have to deal with it now!

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