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Random Thought Thread


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As we get closer to Christmas, I as an agnostic have to wonder if teh homeless man I met on a dreary day in 2009 really had it right. I've always felt a little sorry for him as his mind seemed simple, and he knew not what would make anything better. After all the "I just have to keep holding on becuase the world is good because the word is good. The word is good because God is good. And God is good because the world is good. So you see I just have to keep holding on?" For what, I never found out. Still, two and a half years later, I still think of Michael.


Second Christmas thought: I still think the best decorations for Christmas are the single white candle in every window facing the street. While the candles are electric lights these days, there are still some who chose this as their house decorations. We have one house in our neightberhood which does this year round. The funny part to me is the parents didn't know what it sigifies, though the daughter who owns the house did and does. The single white candle in every window used to mean there is a warm open bed here, and nobody need freeze outside. It was a welcome on those cold frozen nights.

My kids love our Christmas lights, so I don't see a change in the near future, but I honestly wish we could just put the light in every window. It would be even better if we could agree to honor the message.

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So about a month ago I downloaded this free shooting game on my Android phone. Really cool little game and decent story to go with it. Popular too. 5 MILLION downloads. The only problem is, English is obviously not the developers first language. So I shoot them an email. I love your game, thank you for making it. BTW, I teach an English class for a charity, if you want someone to edit the script on your game I'd be more than happy to do it. For free of course.

Guess what I get to do today? Oh yeah. And I'm going to get a shout out in game. I have permission to change whatever I want. The only thing I can't change is the name of the main character--which is generic as you could possibly get but whatever. Now I just need to think of a good name for a terrorist group.

(BTW, the development team is based out of Hong Kong.)

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Lol at the Cowboys. Destrucus i like. But they're trying to keep it serious. It's not like a Marvel comic book or anything. The two people I get to name are a leading terrorist that you're supposed to take out in the first part of the game and then your new partner in the second part.

IONISTA Movement - Leader Trent Michael Grecian.

New partner - Sadius

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IONISTA Movement - Leader Trent Michael Grecian.

New partner - Sadius

I might actually go with that name for the group, lol. I considered naming the partner...Rex Grossman, but I think it's best not to go with somebody people have heard of. As for the lead terrorist, I'm leaning toward naming him after the ex. It fits.

The game is called "Army Sniper". Free download. I think it's a pretty cool game. It's getting 4 out of 5 stars in the reviews.

And yes, somebody please start a new RTT thread. This one is just brutal to navigate/post in.

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If we're going to start a new one, the OP should include a link to this one and this one should be closed. Gotta pay the proper respects to the original RTT.


Am I right to want there to be a poll in the new one as well? ? Maybe "Is the original random thought thread the greatest thread in ES history? " options for answer would be "yes", "yes" and "I suck"

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Am I right to want there to be a poll in the new one as well? ? Maybe "Is the original random thought thread the greatest thread in ES history? " options for answer would be "yes", "yes" and "I suck"

Sounds good to me.

Best way to navigat to last page is by going to the first page, click page 1 of *****, then jump to 2726.

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