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Fast Times at Ridgemont High is on. Fo sho.

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 10:07 PM ----------

I'm getting old. :(

I know, I was shopping today and heard some kid saying how he wanted a Nintendo DS game. I was like...back in the day we wanted Gameboy...COLOR (gasp)...Yeah it had 8 entire colors and an A and a B button. No backlight. No rechargeable battery. Puny screen. And it was glorious.

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I know, I was shopping today and heard some kid saying how he wanted a Nintendo DS game. I was like...back in the day we wanted Gameboy...COLOR (gasp)...Yeah it had 8 entire colors and an A and a B button. No backlight. No rechargeable battery. Puny screen. And it was glorious.

I remember those days, back in the first grade, coming home from school to play MK2 on the SEGA Genesis, drinking Capri Sun, eating fruit rollups, and heading off to soccer/baseball practice later on, without a care in the world.

Time flies man, especially these last two years. I was 21, then in the blink of an eye, I was 22, and I'll be 23 in July. Seven more years and it'll all be downhill from there :ols:

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Scott Pilgrim Vs The World didn't get enough respect while in theaters.

Brilliant movie. Easily one of the most creative I've seen in a long time.

While I haven't seen the movie, I agree with the sentiment that creativity doesn't get a lot of play in the film industry anymore. It's all about being safe, and what they think we want to see. It's just remakes/reboots/ the same tired comedies with the same actors. While I do enjoy some of it, I am definitely frequenting theaters less and less these days...More and more directors are refusing to go out on a limb and try something innovative. You'll still get a few gems every year, but the rest of the films are a waste of time IMO.

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While I haven't seen the movie, I agree with the sentiment that creativity doesn't get a lot of play in the film industry anymore. It's all about being safe, and what they think we want to see. It's just remakes/reboots/ the same tired comedies with the same actors. While I do enjoy some of it, I am definitely frequenting theaters less and less these days...More and more directors are refusing to go out on a limb and try something innovative. You'll still get a few gems every year, but the rest of the films are a waste of time IMO.

Agreed. But I sort of understand it. Movie budgets are sky rocketing it seems like unless it's a big name director like a James Cameron or Spielberg (and it took Cameron over a decade to finally get Avatar going), it's hard for filmmakers to get full creative license to just go wild with their ideas, because there's too much money at stake for the studios. Why make a Scott Pilgrim when you can just get Kevin James to make a movie filled with farting and fat jokes?

Which is why guys like Zack Snyder, Darren Aronofsky, David Fincher, and Chris Nolan are so great. They can take generic enough ideas (a movie about Facebook, Batman, the "300" comic, pro wrestling, etc.) and turn them into pretty remarkable, standout films.

Scott Pilgrim's problem I think is that it's too long for the general public, considering how weird it is. If you grew up playing old school video games on the Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and in the arcade, it's a ridiculously fun movie, but even then it starts to drag on a little towards the end. I'd at least try to watch it online if you can find a good copy (I couldn't, so I just ended up renting it). A lot of good comedic performances, plus a fair amount of hot women.

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Scott Pilgrim's problem I think is that it's too long for the general public, considering how weird it is. If you grew up playing old school video games on the Nintendo, Sega Genesis, and in the arcade, it's a ridiculously fun movie, but even then it starts to drag on a little towards the end. I'd at least try to watch it online if you can find a good copy (I couldn't, so I just ended up renting it). A lot of good comedic performances, plus a fair amount of hot women.

I'll check it out. Nowadays when I try to find a particular movie online ( since the most popular sites have been shut down by the feds ) I'll just Google it. and type in the name of the movie, folowed by novamov, zshare, or megavideo link. Those links provide the best quality IMO.

I shouldn't have a problem finding it.

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I'll check it out. Nowadays when I try to find a particular movie online ( since the most popular sites have been shut down by the feds ) I'll just Google it. and type in the name of the movie, folowed by novamov, zshare, or megavideo link. Those links provide the best quality IMO.

I shouldn't have a problem finding it.

I used to use a few sites that collected all of those links for those movies, until they got shut down. Even those general uploading sites are getting harder to find though. I do the same thing with music (type in an album and then mediafire or rapidshare or something), but that tends to work a lot easier than movies.

The only thing about Scott Pilgrim is that I could see someone not liking it if they didn't like Michael Cera (which is a growing number of people these days).

---------- Post added December-27th-2010 at 01:13 AM ----------

FIU just won the first bowl game they've ever appeared in.

Definitely got lucky with a terrible call by Ron Cherry's crew (what else is new?) to give them a first down on a hook and ladder play, but still, good win for them.

Rdskn4Lyf21 is there I'm pretty sure.

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There is a guy in the Stadium claiming that Greg McElroy is the next Tom Brady, yet he's never seen McElroy throw a pass.

Go figure :doh:

Yeah I don't really mind ASF though. He might make some crazy statements once in awhile, but two things:

1- He actually has some sound reasoning and logic that he applies to his claims, and he's extremely consistent with it (and owns up to past errors). Most people aren't. He has his QB systems and analytical view points, but he's been proven correct more than a few times, and overall, he's waaaaaaay better than people who just post based on their own uninformed guesses (which is most of the Stadium posters).

2- He answers most people's posts with well thought out responses. A lot of people post threads in the Stadium with some far out ideas, and then completely bail as soon as other posters start trying to nitpick their thread or shut them down on whatever they were trying to say. ASF doesn't run away.

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