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What's the difference if you're keeping a bunch of used tissues in your pocket anyway? Equally gross in my opinion.

Who said ACW keeps used tissues in his pocket?

I think handkerchiefs used that way are gross, for the exact reason Mr. Sinister gave. Tissues, you can stuff a few of those in your pocket if you're going out somewhere, use one or two, toss them in the trash, and keep going. I've done that a few times when I've had really bad colds and a runny nose.

Probably the worst thing I ever left in my pocket by accident before doing the laundry was crayons, from when I bussed tables at TGIFridays. They melted in the dryer and I had purple, orange, red, and green wax residue all over my clothes.

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Watch Monday night football or go to gym???

I'm going to the gym myself. Then I'll watching the end of MNF when I get back.

Or find the hottest girl with an open cardio machine next to her by the TVs and use that. You could really impress her by telling her how Greg McElroy is the next Tom Brady according to your secret QB projection model. There are approximately 3 hot girls that go to my gym here in Orlando and I doubt any of them will be there this late, so it's not a strategy I could try myself.

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I was looking for an excuse not to go the gym to be honest. Only 3 hot girls in your gym? Is it a small gym?

Well I was exaggerating a little bit but it typically doesn't have that many hot women, maybe 5 or 6 truly good looking chicks at any time (it is kind of small), but tonight was the first time I've been there since August and there was a bunch of hot girls attending some kind of 30 minute express workout class, which didn't exist the last time I was at this place. It doesn't help that I usually go to the gym late, like 8 or 9 pm, so a lot of times at this place there's barely anyone there, period.

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Or find the hottest girl with an open cardio machine next to her by the TVs and use that. You could really impress her by telling her how Greg McElroy is the next Tom Brady according to your secret QB projection model.
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You know, I really hate walking into the bathroom when someone has just been in there. God that just hits you like a wall. I wish I could avoid bathrooms entirely in my life. I wonder, if you eat just the right amount of calories to sustain your body, would you never have to poop? That would be glorious.

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You know, I really hate walking into the bathroom when someone has just been in there. God that just hits you like a wall. I wish I could avoid bathrooms entirely in my life. I wonder, if you eat just the right amount of calories to sustain your body, would you never have to poop? That would be glorious.

One of my worst fears is to have to park at some random hole in the wall rest stop to do a numero dos, right after someone just blew it up. It would scar me for life.

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There no way in hell any part of my body would touch that seat, toilet paper or not. :ols:

I don't care how sick I am, I'm squating and holding on for dear life. Call me a ***** if you want, but theres no way that I'm going to man up and sit down for 15 minutes in a place like that. :ols:

Most bathrooms have those sanitizers now. Just rub some of that on the seat with some TP, then wipe it off. Bombs away!

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