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Portis: horse-collared

Kounter Trey

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How many times has Clinton been brought down by the neck of his jersey in the past few weeks? Seems to happen time and time again. I really can't recall another player yanked down so hard in this manner so often.

I have a stupid theory: that this is caused in part by his over-large shoulder pads, which stick out far in the back, creating a natural 'handle' by which defenders can easily grab him.

It freaks me out to see the abuse he's been taking. Does anyone agree with my crackpot theory--that his equipment is partially to blame and that somebody needs to tape or velcro that thing, or do something else to keep him from being horse-collared every week? (I understand that this might not meet the true definition of a horse-collar, but you get my drift: every week, it seems, Portis is folded in half once or twice, grabbed by his collar.)

Thanks for indulging my nutty post. I just don't want to see this talented, inspirational player hurt by something that seems avoidable.

--Kounter Trey

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Yeah, I think you're onto something. I'm agnostic about whether there's something specific about Clinton's equipment that makes it more likely for him to be horse-shirt-collared (it may well be that he just runs past a lot of people who have nothing else to grab). But I definitely agree that we should do something about it -- tape it or somehow make it relatively ungrabbable. Especially with his sore back.

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it has mostly to do with his lightning speed and defenders always being behind him trying to grab anything they can...i dont think it has anything to do with overly-large shoulder pads...any pads create a large natural handle right behind your neck unless you wear a neck roll or cowboy collar which is an o-line or defense type thing.

Honestly i think it's more just a coincidence and that people are grabbing whatever they can when he gets outside them on a sweep...that and it's the only way roy williams knows how to tackle!!!


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Joe Buck had an explanation a few games back about why the refs weren't calling the horse collar penalty, and that is that the defender has to get the shoulder pad, and not just the jersey.

Portis has been yanked down, and shaken up, several times by the back of the neck. Anything he or the equipment manager can do to make that less of a target would be great.

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Technicaly its not a foul because its the jersey and not the shoulderpads.

But in reality, it should be a 15 yarder to be pulled down that way no matter WHAT you grab. Grabbing the shoulderpads may break a bone, grabbing the jersey may tear something else, its not as bad, but it still shouldnt be legal.

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I think I heard some announcer say that grabbing the jersey and dragging for so long can also be considered a horse collar. I guess it has to be like 5 yards or something though.

No, you heard that grabbing the jersey is not a horse collar tackle. Troy Aikman must of said it 5 times when it happened that it WAS NOT a horse collar tackle.

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Technicaly its not a foul because its the jersey and not the shoulderpads.

But in reality, it should be a 15 yarder to be pulled down that way no matter WHAT you grab. Grabbing the shoulderpads may break a bone, grabbing the jersey may tear something else, its not as bad, but it still shouldnt be legal.

This is football...not a garden party! the rule is a dumb one to begin with. Just like the whole ruffing the passer crap....this game is physical. I don't want the refs taking the physical part out. In fact I don't want the refs and their crappy calls effecting the out come of the game in this way....this is the NFL not the NBA.

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This is football...not a garden party! the rule is a dumb one to begin with. Just like the whole ruffing the passer crap....this game is physical. I don't want the refs taking the physical part out. In fact I don't want the refs and their crappy calls effecting the out come of the game in this way....this is the NFL not the NBA.

Football is a physical game and all players accept the risk that they may get hurt.

But rules designed to help protect players does not make it a garden party.

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Maybe the refs should just start enforcing the rule. Why do they keep saying that this type of tackle is not a horse collar? The point of the rule was to prevent injuries, but players have been getting hurt plenty from this type of "non-horse collar" tackle. If they're not gonna call this a horse collar, the rule needs to just be taken out. How many players can get there hands in the shoulder pads with good enough grip to tackle someone? I don't even think RW's hands were "in the shoulder pads" of TO when the rule was invented. Right now, the rule is just pointless, Roy Williams and the other defenders will continue to do the "non-horse collar" and players will continue to get hurt.

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Most of you don't seem to realize that in order to do a horse collar tackle, you must grab the horse collar. Grabbing the jersey does not mean the defender has grabbed the horse collar. It should also be noted that having the defenders grab his jersey is much more safer than having them grab his horse collar. If the defender grabs the horse collar he is able to pull down the runner much faster and the runner is not able to get his feet up safely. I believe that if you are being brought down by your jersey you have more time and you are being brought down with less force since the defender cannot get such a good grasp of the jersey as he could with a horse collar.

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Seems that it happens to Portis alot due to him running east / west more this year.

AND when he running slower behind blockers...

AND you start looking for it.

This last one was a tug on the jersey behind the neck and then the hand dropped 2 feet and snagged the Jersey on the left side and pulled him down with his hand coming down kinda weird... Not even close to a horse collar once you see it a couple of times from what I saw.

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Clinton does get "horse collared" more than other running backs. I think part of the reason is his running style. He runs straight up. A lot of backs lean forward when they run. Clinton runs like a sprinter in the olympics with his back straight, unless ofcourse he is expecting head on head contact, then he lowers his shoulders.

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Maybe the refs should just start enforcing the rule. Why do they keep saying that this type of tackle is not a horse collar? The point of the rule was to prevent injuries, but players have been getting hurt plenty from this type of "non-horse collar" tackle. If they're not gonna call this a horse collar, the rule needs to just be taken out. How many players can get there hands in the shoulder pads with good enough grip to tackle someone? I don't even think RW's hands were "in the shoulder pads" of TO when the rule was invented. Right now, the rule is just pointless, Roy Williams and the other defenders will continue to do the "non-horse collar" and players will continue to get hurt.

Has anybody actually been called for a horse collar tackle this year? I don't remember seeing one in the games I've seen over here. I have seen lots of plays like the one on Portis this weekend where the defender has taken the player down by the jersey, but as keeps being pointed out this is currently legal tackle.

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"Tear away jerseys"

I like that idea. I bet you'd see more FORM tackling.

And to the person that said "This is football," you are wrong. This rule does NOT take away anything from football, "horse collar" tackles and "jersey tackles" are bad form tackles that could lead to injury. If you want real football, that would be body on body helmet across the ball tackling, THAT'S REAL FOOTBALL. Not that sissy grabbing on jersey stuff.

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