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OT: American Idol is FIXED


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I know most self respecting adults don't give a damn, but American Idol is so rigged it's not even funny. I watched it last night with my son, and he called in to vote for Tamyra Gray immediately afterwards. He got the damn operator voice saying that it wasn't a valid number, over and over again. She got voted off tonight. Coincidence? I think not.

I thought it was just a screwup, but I go to the message board on the website, and most of the people there had the same problem.

And THEN I find out that it's in the contract that the producers of the show have the right to step in and change the results. They don't even lie about rigging it! They cut off her phone line so she would get less votes, so the damn ratings grabbers would be in the top 3. You've got the punk girl, the boy band guy, and the hottie southern flavor girl (who should win, and if she doesn't I'm going to march across the country to LA and smash Ryan Seacrest's skull).

It wouldn't have seemed so weird if the person who got voted off completely sucked, but she was head and shoulders above the others. Not to mention those phone things that can dial up to 1,000 times in a minute. Damn teenyboppers are using those to vote for that Justin queer.

It's become quite obvious that American Idol is just a huge platform for Ford and Coke to push their products on unsuspecting teenage girls. It's completely blatant and shameless. Even my 8 year old daughter noticed that the contestants drive Fords and the judges drink Coke. Whenever there's a feature on the contestants, the camera zooms in on the Ford logo at the end and everybody is drinking a Coke. It's absurd.

This show is an abomination, and just further proof that when you mix music with hollywood, you have a combination that's seedier than the porno industry.

It's a microcosim of what's wrong with America today. Talent goes out the window, but if you look good, you're a star! If Kelly Clark doesn't win this competition, I will bust a gut.

OK, back to the real world. Just had to vent. :high:

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Hah! But you're still watching it, aren't you.

Yes, Tamyra was top-two talent throughout the entire series (along with Kelly, of course). However, on Tuesday, she gave her worst performance ever. Her voice was scratchy, and while compared to the average person, she was still amazing, it was well below her normal performance. Meanwhile, coming into the show, Nikki was the obvious castoff. However, she TOTALLY saved her *** with her second song of the night. That was THE perfect song for her.

I would have booted Justin, but I knew that the 13 year-old girls would vote for her. Honestly, if you went off of last night's performance alone, you can't be shocked that Tamyra was booted. On overall performance, Justin or Nikki should have been booted.

Justin has had a huge advantage in being the only guy left on the show, in that he automagically gets all of the "hearthrob" vote. Chick votes are divided amongst the trio remaining, which puts Justin in a great position until the pool gets smaller (which it is now).

I wouldnt worry about it too much, because at this point, the winner is irrelevant. All of the last five finalists or so are going to get record contracts and will probably be successful artists. So don't sweat it.

BTW, while Kelly has far and away the best voice, she has by far the worst stage presence of anyone in the finals. She could really learn a thing or two or two hundred from Nikki. She could get her *** booted just for that.

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Yo, TCO, if you find any nude pics of Kelly, send 'em my way, alright?

oy vey.

Christina Christian was the hottie of the show, along with Ryan Starr (she has this crazy sultry thing going on when she performs, even though she's totally dorky when she's chillin)

I also really dig Nikki on stage, she pulls off this cute punk thing, and generally looks much better performing than she does just standing around.

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I haven't seen a single episode of that show. People at work have talked about it though. I remember the show, "Making the Band" and I felt from that point on I was boycotting all FM radio because that show just proves how narrow the recording industry is to where they only allow people they want on to the radio and you have to be a cardboard cutout type of person. It is just crap.

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What scares me is that so many of have paid enough attention to this show to actually have an opinion. :)

Why is anyone shocked and amazed the show is the joke that it is? I could have told you that and I haven't watched one minute of it.

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  • 7 years later...

You're damn right, that it's fixed.

I mean, THIS lady should have won it all

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0ook7es_Ko&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0ook7es_Ko&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Wouldn't it have been better to post this while Idol was running. BTW, has anyone else heard that they were considering Milli Vanilli to take over the two missing judge spots?

They would actually need a 3rd extra judge to do the actual talking while Milli Vanilli does the lip-synching :doh:

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Thank you, guys. You have made me realize what a good decision I made in not paying attention to this or any other similar shows. :)

I always knew you were smart. :) All of these shows are just dreck. I feel dumber just from seeing the little bit of the promos that I'm forced to watch before I can fast forward or change channels.

I can't imagine how anyone actually watches it without being forced at gunpoint.

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Wouldn't it have been better to post this while Idol was running. BTW, has anyone else heard that they were considering Milli Vanilli to take over the two missing judge spots?

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukQg_867SiQ&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukQg_867SiQ&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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They would actually need a 3rd extra judge to do the actual talking while Milli Vanilli does the lip-synching :doh:

How times have changed...they got ridiculed and pretty much forced out of the scene for doing something alot of performers do standard now

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I know most self respecting adults don't give a damn, but American Idol is so rigged it's not even funny. I watched it last night with my son, and he called in to vote for Tamyra Gray immediately afterwards.


This is so funny with OS's subsequent confession.


Alright, you guys have no idea how hard this is going to be for me. I've been a member here for about 6 1/2 years now. I don't know if anyone will even care or if I'll get banned. But I'll just cut right to the chase. I'm not 40, I was never 40, like my age said. When I registered I was 15 years old, and everyone else was so much older, so I wanted to fit in and said I was born in 1967. I was born in 1986. I'm actually 21 years old, so it's time to come out of the closet.

I've kept up this facade for too long. That's why I've been mostly lurking for the past few years...I was sick of posting like I was 40 when I was actually 21.

So there you go, I lied about my age when I registered and I've lied about my age for the past 6 1/2 years. I just got accepted originally as 36 year old OrangeSkin, and when I finally started feeling ashamed of the deception, it was too late to go back and reveal my real age.

Looks like OS is a big Tamyra Gray fan! :ols:

(jus jokes OS, we love you)

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