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TO is done in Philly (mega merge)


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Eagles will probably be roundly applauded for this. THis is the same thing that we did with Coles with the exception that we got Moss in return and it all took place in the offseason so the distraction was minimalized and the team had time to come together. While we were criticized heartily for doing this at a time where it was optimal the Eagles will be lauded. Coles was more of an internal distraction and not quite as intolerable, but essentially it was the same story.

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There's alot of T.O bashing going on....Don't get me wrong, the dude has some serious issues. You shouldn't throw your teammates under the bus, even if it is true. At least wait until you're on a different team to do it. The dude does cause problems whereever he goes, but look at some of the things he's said, he's absolutely right...

"I feel like with [Favre] being knowledgeable about the quarterback position, I feel like we'd probably be in a better situation [than the Eagles are with Donovan McNabb at QB.]"

McNabb is a choke artist. He choked in the Super Bowl, He choked on the last play last night. He's 15/16 of the way to an AMAZING player, he just can't finish.

"I'm smart enough to know when I've done something wrong, but I don't understand this. Guys are beating their wives, getting DUIs and doing drugs, and I get national attention for a Sharpie? People are personally attacking me, calling me a classless a------ because I did something creative during a game."

Along with the freakout about Randy Moss faking a moon to the Fedex crowd a couple years ago, this has to be one of the biggest overreactions in the last few years.

"The criticism that hurt me most is that I'm dishonoring the game, have no class, no respect. Who is Dennis Green to say that, when he couldn't control Randy Moss? I'm disrespecting the game? I'm not the one with the rap sheet. I've never taken a play off or not blocked. I guess walking off the ball and not blocking anyone like Randy is respecting the game, huh?"


"How can you justify hating me after I worked so hard rehabilitating from a broken leg to get back to the Super Bowl to help our team try to win? Really, you've got to look at who the villain really is in this thing."

You gotta give it to the guy, sleeping in his Michael Jackson tent or whatever he used worked. He broke his ?ankle?, then a few weeks later came back to not only play, but excel in the Super Bowl. He held up his part, some others on the team didn't.

I'm not trying to say TO is justified, he's got issues, big ones. But the dude produces! He's big, he's physical, an amazing athlete and he catches the ball and he runs the ball like few others. He also says what's on his mind, whatever that may be and it gets him in trouble.

I don't want to see TO in DC. But i would like to see TO back in the league somewhere next season. Even though it's a slim possiblity, he and Moss on the same team would be quite a show.

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That is great news. A star wide receiver on a rival team is out for the season and will not return. The Eagles are having problems running the ball, and now throwing is a major problem with McNabbs injuries and TO out of Philly.

There is something so satisfying about that move. What boggles my mind is how immature TO is. The way he justifyis his action are completely childish.

'But, but, but Banner called me an idiot on the radio. What about that?'

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Please. The Skins are not interested and shouldn't be -- unless, you know, Snyder gets something in the contract that says TO must wear a muzzle at all times.

This guy has played himself out of so much damn money -- come next year, he'll be wishing he had his Philly deal. I mean, think about it: even before all this crap happened, only Philly and Baltimore wanted him.

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So does this mean when he goes to the Hall of Fame, he won't be going in as an Eagle?

Actually, who would he go in as?

If he goes in, I'll be a little upset because if he's in and Art Monk isn't, I'll be more than a little pissed. If he does make it it, I can see the bust having a Bibb and a pacifier in his mouth. He would not not want to be remembered as being a part of any team. He'll go in as himself.....a big ole baby.

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Many of these "star" players like a Keyshawn and TO signify all that is bad with this league. It is great that the Buc's took a stand with Keyshawn and now the Eagles are taking a stand with TO.

I do believe TO will play again, but he will need a tough coach, like a Bill Parcells or similar, so that he both respects the organization he works with and thrives on the field. The Philadelphia organization took too much for too long.

It should mandated in any contract he signs with any team in the future, that informal statements to the media that are deemed detrimental to team morale will be met with immediate suspension from that team. He will get another shot, but it will be his last I am sure.

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