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TO is done in Philly (mega merge)


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Couldn't have happened to a nicer person!!! This is the move that the Eagles should have made in training camp. It will be interesting to see where he ends up next year.....as long as its not here...but of course, I doubt the Eagles would trade him to another NFC East team.

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I still hate the iggles.

I don't like how T.O. went about it but I understand his point of view.

He signed a bad deal because there was no way he was going to get that ballon payment next year, any fair minded viewer knew it was a two year deal.

The iggles are cheap and cutthroat when it comes to giving money to players and it took T.O's actions to force the iggles to finally pay Westbrook.

The good thing is that the best WR wont be on the iggles which effectively takes them out of the superbowl hunt and further continues the saga of the overhyped team not getting a lombardi

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This is probably what Owens wanted all along.

Next year, he goes on the open market and someone is going to pay him according to his wishes.

Gutsy move by the Eagles organization.

OPEN MARKET??? The guys on NFL Network believe the only team that he has even an outside shot at playing for is Denver. I would agree. Even if there are 1 or two others that would consider him, his value is MUCH less now. Probably a good deal less than the $3M he was being paid THIS year. He is in for a BIG fall. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

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haa haa haaaaaaaa. i salute the eagle FO for making this call. in todays nfl how much of an ass does one really have to be to be booted by TWO different teams in THREE years? when youre as gifted as TO the word MONUMENTAL comes to mind. what a complete idiot.

enjoy your vacation TO. RIP to the next team that picks him up.

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This is probably what Owens wanted all along.

Next year, he goes on the open market and someone is going to pay him according to his wishes.

Gutsy move by the Eagles organization.

Owens is owed approximately $7.5 million in guaranteed money in 2006. Was now. :laugh: He may not get that much in guaranteed $$$ after all this crap he's pulled. :2cents:


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OPEN MARKET??? The guys on NFL Network believe the only team that he has even an outside shot at playing for is Denver. I would agree. Even if there are 1 or two others that would consider him, his value is MUCH less now. Probably a good deal less than the $3M he was being paid THIS year. He is in for a BIG fall. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

I think that your underestimating the talent of Owens as well as the ability of his agent to get his clients big contracts.

There will be some team next season that will be willing to roll the dice on Owens.

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I think that your underestimating the talent of Owens as well as the ability of his agent to get his clients big contracts.

There will be some team next season that will be willing to roll the dice on Owens.

If I am, then I am in GREAT company. Many of the "experts" are saying the same thing. 3/4 of the teams would not be considered by T.O because of the lack of QB talent. Most of the others would not consider him because they have an intelligent head coach who realizes you don't PAY to acquire cancer. (Even if it is a VERY highly skilled cancer.)

Oakland can not afford him. Colts would not want him, and not afford him. Packers would not have any part of him. Maybe the Vikes would consider him, but that and Denver are about it.

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This is probably what Owens wanted all along.

Next year, he goes on the open market and someone is going to pay him according to his wishes.

Gutsy move by the Eagles organization.

The problem is what he wishes may not be what he gets after they way he has acted this year...

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OPEN MARKET??? The guys on NFL Network believe the only team that he has even an outside shot at playing for is Denver. I would agree. Even if there are 1 or two others that would consider him, his value is MUCH less now. Probably a good deal less than the $3M he was being paid THIS year. He is in for a BIG fall. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

If I were a team that was considering TO, I would first have my head examined and then make sure that no matter what we throw at him...it is only a one year deal.

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Well, Bill Parcells was the only coach who could chill out Keyshawn Johnson, maybe he can do the same for Terrell? The thing is, Terrell, is a great player, and expects people to kiss his butt. Teammates, coachs and fans. When he produces, he produces big, and there are teams who will see this. Teams who want to win. If you stroke TO the correct way, he will play all day long. The problem is, finding a coach and team who will stroke his ego.

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The problem is what he wishes may not be what he gets after they way he has acted this year...

IMO, he is acting no differently then he did in San Francisco and despite that, both the Ravens and eventually the Eagles were still willing to attain his services.

It's my belief that history will repeat itself, and again, someone will be willing to take a chance on Owens.

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This is probably what Owens wanted all along.

Next year, he goes on the open market and someone is going to pay him according to his wishes.

Gutsy move by the Eagles organization.

This is probably what he was thinking, but there is no way any team pays TO as much as he would have made next year with the Eagles. It won't be close. Some team will pick him up no doubt, but it will be for much less guarenteed money.

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I think that your underestimating the talent of Owens as well as the ability of his agent to get his clients big contracts.

There will be some team next season that will be willing to roll the dice on Owens.

IMO, he is acting no differently then he did in San Francisco and despite that, both the Ravens and eventually the Eagles were still willing to attain his services.

It's my belief that history will repeat itself, and again, someone will be willing to take a chance on Owens.

His behavior has gotten progressively more disruptive. You're right that sme team will take a chance on him, but he won't get the huge contract he wants. Somehow the Raiders will get him.

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If You Haven't Heard By Now, He Is Gone. He Has Been Released After A 4 Week Suspension Is Over. Please, Nfl, Do Not Let This Man Pick Up Where He Left Off With Another Team. If He Does, The Nfl Need To Suspend Him For 2 Years. I Cannot Be The Only One Who Hates To Hear This Guys Name. I Am Over It, And I Am Sure Most Nfl Players Are Over It As Well. He Does Not Deserve To Be In This League, He Has A Lack Of Respect For Teamates, And That Is Untolerable In This League. Goodbye To, I Hope Nothing But The Worst For You.

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This is probably what he was thinking, but there is no way any team pays TO as much as he would have made next year with the Eagles. It won't be close. Some team will pick him up no doubt, but it will be for much less guarenteed money.

Exactly. Jim Mora was just on the NFL channel saying there is NO WAY anyone will give him ANY up-front money. Anything he does manage to get will be incentive based, AND will be controlled by a long list of "stipulations". All of that makes complete sense - another "Philly" type contract makes no sense.

As far as the raiders getting him, I also agree with all the talking heads on that one. No way. They can't afford it (even if incentive-based). And if they could, it is a CERTAIN implosion with two WR's both with huge egos, both wanting the ball every play. Even Al Davis is not THAT stupid.

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Look for Terrell and Keyshawn in Dallas by late December. :doh:

I can see Jerry Jones wanting to do that. No way Parcells will allow that, though. NO WAY. And that is not a nightmare for the Redskins. Has TO ever had a big game against the Redskins? I don't think so.

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