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Looting during Katrina


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Ok so how do you judge the ones that have blocked hospital rescues? One of the guys trying to help evacuate a hospital couldn't be cause thugs wouldn't let him, and they stole his generator :doh:

Sorry but you do not need a TV or jewelery or generators that others need more then you. The clothing, and food I can live with, the others sorry it is time for marshall law.

Sorry I wasn't clear in my post. I was talking about looting Wall Mart etc. The Shootings and in humane stuff is uncalled for and should be looked down on.

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Sorry but you do not need a TV or jewelery or generators that others need more then you. The clothing, and food I can live with, the others sorry it is time for marshall law.

I think this is the postiton of almost everyone. Nobody wants to see looting, and there is a lot of criminal activity going on which nobody likes or condones. Butt, we are also human, and we can understand the extradonary amount of stress these people are under, so we can understand how somebody would loot for sustinence.

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Looting for profit = bad.

Looting for necessities = okay.

I can't believe we are even arguing about this.

People need to stop watching Hannity and Colmes and other shows with no purpose other than to stir up controversy.

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If I had to feed the family, yeah. I could. Clothes if the family had lost everthing, sure. But the before mentioned folks with guns and such and the ones with baskets taking everything they can,(radios,jewelry and such), nah. That's wrong. We'll see both sides of human nature during this.

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Guest sith lord
Ok so how do you judge the ones that have blocked hospital rescues? One of the guys trying to help evacuate a hospital couldn't be cause thugs wouldn't let him, and they stole his generator :doh:

Sorry but you do not need a TV or jewelery or generators that others need more then you. The clothing, and food I can live with, the others sorry it is time for marshall law.

Most of those people are trying to survive and if I was in there position, I wouldn't think twice by taking food out of grocery store and you wouldn't either and the ones looting for TV's, Bikes, and 10 pairs of sneaker are in the minority.

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Guest sith lord
im not gonna lie, if it were to happen here, id be at best buy in a heart beat

For what? Where are you gonna plug in a TV? Or where are you gonna keep it? The entire city is flooded.

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Who cares if some people are taking T.V.'s. Theyre probly worthless anyway, and if they werent being stolen (i know stealing is bad) then theyd be destroyed anyway by the uprising waters and such, if they are still good that is.

Stealing/Looting is a bad thing, but I look at it differently when people are hanging on for life. Yes, stop and punish those committing violent acts of crime, stealing guns, and such but focus on saving the lives of those that are stranded. I cant imagine what people are going through right now.

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Looters should be shot from the start. Then you will have order and "rule of law".

What we are witnessing now is because nothing was done to discourage looting. I'm seeing reports that the first bus that arrived at the Astrodome, with a 20 year old driver, they suspect may have been looted. I'm seeing reports that people going to help out with their boats are being shot at and boat jacked. I'm seeing reports of a police station being attacked by gang members. It's really sad, but whoever is committing crimes needs to be stopped.... and I know it is hard to see a law enforcement agent shoot another American citizen in the middle of this disaster.

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Hearing unconfirmed rumors of cops and rescuers being shot at. Heard a hospital was overrun, National Guard en route. Police are helpless, people pissed they have no food. Multiple rumors of gunshot victims. Will be more interesting tommorrow.

Getting most of these reports from messageboards and people listening to the emergency radio frequencies.

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Soldier shot in the upper leg, receiving medical attention. Civilian perpetrator is cornered in the locker-room.


How many aid missions has our military gone on and not had to deal with any of this... this really pisses me off.

I'm going to have to stop posting about this situation right now...we have some really low-life scum in our country... I'm sure it's not limited to New Orleans...

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Streaming link above doesn't appear to be a hoax... I wonder if this has been picked up by CNN/FOX/MSNBC for tommorrow.

I'm gonna be tired at work, only reason I'm staying up is to watch the baby and give my wife a rest during the pm... although there's no more milk left so in an hour or so I'll be waking her up for a feeding...

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These people are jobless, homeless, hungry, and desperate.

Nothing they are doing is surprising me. I would be looting for groceries and clothing too. Is there a cashier there to take my money ? Not likely without power.

People looting TVs, Jewelry and such just have a different mentality than most.

Either way it is unlikely that most, if any of these people will face any consequences because of their actions.

My prayers are with all of the people that have to endure this.

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I don't believe that there is a person here that would condemn anyone for taking food or clothing. Unfortunately, things have gone way beyond that. The emergency services manager for one of the parishes in NO said on CNN that looters were traveling the neighborhoods and going house to house to loot jewelery and such. He said that the grocery stores have been taken over by the government so that the food could be distributed to the people. He said that the vast majority of looters are simply opportunists taking advantage of the situation and preying on people that are in the same situation that they are.

Question: How come all of this looting is not taking place in Gulfport or Biloxi?

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I don't think anyone would hold it against someone for taking food or clothing. The problem with looting in that situation is with the violence that could break out when desperate people are trying to get the last of the food.

But there should be no tolerance for looting other stuff, and those guys with the AK-47s need to be killed. Along with the relief teams, they need to send in some snipers.

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Those people have nothing. Don't judge them unless you walk in their shoes. Its easy to be so condescending when your biggest problem is a scratch on your new chrysler 500, or your FIOS went down for half the day.

1.) All of the people were warned 36 hours prior to the storm that it was a Catagory 5 storm and mandatory evacuation.

2.) Any looters for food or medicine is understandable until logistics are set in place.

3.) Any looter caught taking anything other than food or medicine should be shot on the spot. The law enforcement doesn't need to waste time with these acts of violence. This is the only way to protect the "real" citizens and bring instant stability to the region

A band of thugs with weapons actually prevented a hospital's supply line from delivering to the hospital. This is unamerican and they should be treated with extreme prejudice!

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Soldier shot in the upper leg, receiving medical attention. Civilian perpetrator is cornered in the locker-room.

If so, then toss a grenade in there and move on to the next case.

There's a message that needs to get out right now, and that message is that this sh** stops now.

(I'm wondering if what's going to be needed, here is a mandatory evacuation with teeth: As in Anybody who wants to get out of town, the busses are leaving from the Superdome. All bersons will be searched before getting on the bus. Any person still in town after sundown who isn't wearing a uniform will be shot.)

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Looting for profit = bad.

Looting for necessities = okay.

I can't believe we are even arguing about this.

People need to stop watching Hannity and Colmes and other shows with no purpose other than to stir up controversy.

I'm with you bro. I can see looting to stay alive, or to get some dry clothes, but a TV and jewlrey. I hope the military puts a quick halt to that. Also, I hope they get rid of the armed gangs I heard about, roaming the streets and stealing.

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I cant begin to understand what those people are going through right now, so while I think that looting of any kind (yes, including food and water) is a crime that should be punished, I cant say that I wouldnt be doing the exact same thing.

Lets also remember that people looting are hurting others. The business owners and/or Insurance Companies (and in turn each of us with rate hikes) will have to foot the bill so people can get free stuff.

Again, I dont know that I would be doing it too, just pointing out that there are other consequences that need to be examined.

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