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Looting during Katrina


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I find it completely deplorable that these roving gangs of armed looters are going to cost people their lives, and still some folks want to find excuses for them. These looters are roving those sections of town that are either dry, or only somewhat wet. They're getting away with it because vast swaths of NO are under several feet of water with desparate peoeple trapped. The National Guard and Police were all in the worst parts of town on search and rescue, while these thugs are taking advantage of the situation. Now they've had to pull 1,500 police away from search and rescue to stop these gangs. People will die because of these lawless thugs. If they aren't trapped by water, they need to be heading out of twon, not roving it with guns. Shoot them on sight and get back to saving those who deserve it.

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I don't believe that there is a person here that would condemn anyone for taking food or clothing. Unfortunately, things have gone way beyond that. The emergency services manager for one of the parishes in NO said on CNN that looters were traveling the neighborhoods and going house to house to loot jewelery and such. He said that the grocery stores have been taken over by the government so that the food could be distributed to the people. He said that the vast majority of looters are simply opportunists taking advantage of the situation and preying on people that are in the same situation that they are.

Question: How come all of this looting is not taking place in Gulfport or Biloxi?

Unlike New Orleans people are not really trapped in those cities in the same way and most of the damamged places were just wiped out with no where for people to hide. That said there is looting and usch in a few places other than New Orleans, like in Slidell and other small towns in the area.

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Frigin' Bush was on Vacation until yesterday.


Surprised you took this long for the blame game buddy

The DU people are up in arms asking why things were not ready BEFORE hand to prevent all of this

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Surprised you took this long for the blame game buddy

The DU people are up in arms asking why things were not ready BEFORE hand to prevent all of this

I kept cool for a long time, but come on now, this is absolutely ridiculous. This should have been set up before it hit. We knew about this since last Thursday and it has been over 80 hours since Katrina hit, where is the help we keep hearing about????

When are people going to see a pattern of inept leadership in this country WTF???

BTW, I can't stand either DU'ers or Freepers, they are both a bunch of lunatic hatemongers.

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I'm watching CNN, and I'm appalled at how badly this situation is being handled.

Dead bodies in and outside of the convention center, children hungry on the streets, people collapsing due to dehydration. It's just sad that it was known this was going to happen and they weren't better prepared. They should've tried to evacuate the city as soon as word of Katrina hitting that area came in.

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Well, I didn't get to catch the whole show....but the parts I saw I think Hannity was referring to the lawlessness being reported in homes now. Reports of looters/thugs going into homes and robbing citizens now.

I agree with jbooma....bring in the military and establish martial law.

I've got no problem with people looting from a grocery store...for survival in a time like this. Irritates the hell out of me watching people break into jewelry stores, teens taking bikes from a Wal-Mart, etc.

I was watching the news this morning. They showed two cops, IN UNIFORM, pushing a shopping cart through WalMart looting the store.

I agree, if you are taking food, who cares? Even basic necessities. But TV's, radios, jewelry, guns, etc..., it's just wrong and I don't see how people can do it. There are people stuggling to hang onto life and you have these opportunistic idiots looting the city. Times like this show what you are really made of. Some people just show their true colors.

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I'm watching CNN, and I'm appalled at how badly this situation is being handled.

Dead bodies in and outside of the convention center, children hungry on the streets, people collapsing due to dehydration. It's just sad that it was known this was going to happen and they weren't better prepared. They should've tried to evacuate the city as soon as word of Katrina hitting that area came in.

Listen hindsight is 20/20 and I know this, but I can't see why we didn't mobilize the armed forces and national guard on Monday, and prepered to get them to NO on Tuesday. It's now Thursday and still no cavalry

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Listen hindsight is 20/20 and I know this, but I can't see why we didn't mobilize the armed forces and national guard on Monday, and prepered to get them to NO on Tuesday. It's now Thursday and still no cavalry

who do you think are the guys in green there :doh:

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Looting for profit = bad.

Looting for necessities = okay.

I can't believe we are even arguing about this.

People need to stop watching Hannity and Colmes and other shows with no purpose other than to stir up controversy.


And as far as these types of shows go...

These types of shows with both liberals and conservatives arguing back and forth is what is wrong with our government right now. We need to erase the line that has been drawn between the two. Nowadays, when it comes to elections, people don't even research the PEOPLE in the election. They just go straight down the ballot and vote in their party. It is like we all joined a team and have learned to hate the other team. Well, politics should not be like that. It is all about what is better for our people. It is so frustrating the way this country has turned the political parties into their home team, and hold such venom towards the other party. Views on this subject should have nothing to do with your political views. It is a horrendous tragedy and it has NOTHING to do with politics.

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I was watching the news this morning. They showed two cops, IN UNIFORM, pushing a shopping cart through WalMart looting the store.

I agree, if you are taking food, who cares? Even basic necessities. But TV's, radios, jewelry, guns, etc..., it's just wrong and I don't see how people can do it. There are people stuggling to hang onto life and you have these opportunistic idiots looting the city. Times like this show what you are really made of. Some people just show their true colors.

How do you know they were looting it and not trying to keep it safe somewhere, maybe they knew the owvers...you never know. If they were doing it right in front of the camera and did not seem ashamed or anything, maybe they were not doing anything wrong.

That said, if that WAS the case, they need to get their damn priorities right.

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Um, I posted a link here (I forget which thread) to a study done this year by LSU, which concluded that a slow moving Cat 3 hurricane would be suffecient to cause massive flooding of the city. Don't know if they were talking about levee colapse or simply storm surge overtopping the levees.

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"I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." That quote is going to come back to haunt Bush big time -- because plenty of people did.

That said, the time for the blame game is so not right now. Just put yourself in the shoes of the people in New Orleans right now. They must feel abandoned -- they need help and they need it fast or an already incredibly bad situation is just going to get worse. Gotta feel sorry for the Prez -- first 9/11, now this.

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How do you know they were looting it and not trying to keep it safe somewhere, maybe they knew the owvers...you never know. If they were doing it right in front of the camera and did not seem ashamed or anything, maybe they were not doing anything wrong.

That said, if that WAS the case, they need to get their damn priorities right.

Well, I obviously don't know exactly what they were doing or what their motive was, but the news anchor said "even some police officers in uniform took part in the looting." So, like I said, I don't know. But from the looks of it, they were not just protecting stuff. There were two of them, and they were franticly pushing a cart down an aisle putting various, random things in it. If they were protecting stuff, I don't think they needed to put it in a cart. I could understand if they were at the jewelry counter and putting all of the jewelry in there to take it to a safe place to keep it from looters, but that didn't seem to be the case. So, like I said, I don't know what they were doing, but it looked like looting to me.

Not all cops are stand up citizens, sadly enough. :doh:

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Actually, I saw the former head of the Army Corps of Engineers on TV last night. He and some other expert both said that officials were aware that the levees were only designed for and capable of withstanding a Category 3 hurricane. However, lack of funding and a sort of general malaise or disbelief that it would actually happen prevented any action from being taken to shore up the levee system.

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they also did not anticipate a levee break

HUH???? This was what EVERYONE was predicting!!!!! Hell, this storm hit at nowhere near where it was 24 hours previously. I was questioning bringing people into the Superdome to begin with. THis was the EXPECTED outcome, it didn't come as a suprise.

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Part of the problem is the evacuation plan was so inadequate. Basically, there was no plan to evacuate a huge city that is below sea level and protected by and old dike system. The authorities just said - "ok, everyone get in your cars and leave town." Got news for you - hundreds of thousands of people in greater New Orleans do not even have cars.

This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. This is just incompetence due to lack of planning and foresight.

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It is not time to place blame on anyone other than Mother Nature. At least wait until a few months pass.

You are right, I am just sick and tired of ineptness from our leader, he is not personally responsible and I never claimed he was. I am just pissed at how long it is taking to gain order, and every time there is an emergency, it seems that there is a long delay before anything gets done.

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