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Looting during Katrina


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You are right, I am just sick and tired of ineptness from our leader, he is not personally responsible and I never claimed he was. I am just pissed at how long it is taking to gain order, and every time there is an emergency, it seems that there is a long delay before anything gets done.


I'm not a Bush fan either, but he will be criticized from the left no matter how he handles the situation. If he were to go down there now, it would be...

"He should be already down there."

If he doesn't go, then it's,

"Where the hell is our leader?"

It's similar to 9-11 in a way. The left criticizes for him staying in the classroom and the right were proud of his leadership during those times. I was proud of the way he went down to ground zero....I found it stirring at the time.

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I was proud of the way he went down to ground zero....I found it stirring at the time.

Were you also proud of the way, when he went to Ground Zero, he posed for a photo with a couple of firemen, then had the White House photo office give the photo to the Republican Party, with permission for them to use the photo as a premium for people who donate soft money?

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I don't think Chom understands the magnitude of the destruction.

It's a task to get people in to get everyone out. A hard task that's going to take time, especially with roads and major highways being unusable.

"pissed at how long it's taking to gain order"

Gain order of what?

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Were you also proud of the way, when he went to Ground Zero, he posed for a photo with a couple of firemen, then had the White House photo office give the photo to the Republican Party, with permission for them to use the photo as a premium for people who donate soft money?

He's a politician, what do you expect?

Look, I voted Kerry. But, I'm smart enough to understand that the divide in this nation is stronger than ever. The media has created a nation divided IMO. Every president from here on out has their work cut out for them.

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You are right, I am just sick and tired of ineptness from our leader, he is not personally responsible and I never claimed he was. I am just pissed at how long it is taking to gain order, and every time there is an emergency, it seems that there is a long delay before anything gets done.

Typical Chomerics speaking out load before he has all the facts:

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Bush will survey the hardest-hit areas by helicopter, then tour some locations on the ground.

“The president has wanted to visit the area as soon as possible,” McClellan said. “We didn’t go sooner because we didn’t want to be disruptive of efforts on the ground.”

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I don't believe that there is a person here that would condemn anyone for taking food or clothing. Unfortunately, things have gone way beyond that. The emergency services manager for one of the parishes in NO said on CNN that looters were traveling the neighborhoods and going house to house to loot jewelery and such. He said that the grocery stores have been taken over by the government so that the food could be distributed to the people. He said that the vast majority of looters are simply opportunists taking advantage of the situation and preying on people that are in the same situation that they are.

Question: How come all of this looting is not taking place in Gulfport or Biloxi?

Because those towns were east of the storm and completely wipped off the map. New Orleans it's mostly flooding, but in Gulfport and Biloxi which took a damn near direct hit there are no stores to loot.

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And as far as these types of shows go...

These types of shows with both liberals and conservatives arguing back and forth is what is wrong with our government right now. We need to erase the line that has been drawn between the two. Nowadays, when it comes to elections, people don't even research the PEOPLE in the election. They just go straight down the ballot and vote in their party. It is like we all joined a team and have learned to hate the other team. Well, politics should not be like that. It is all about what is better for our people. It is so frustrating the way this country has turned the political parties into their home team, and hold such venom towards the other party. Views on this subject should have nothing to do with your political views. It is a horrendous tragedy and it has NOTHING to do with politics.

Which is why I never talk politics on this board.

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What should be making people angry is that there was apparently no contingency plan for this disaster.

"Well, gee, Grim, how could you prepare for this disaster?"

A - we knew how bad this storm was going to be a good 2 or 3 days before the storm hit. The federal government should have paid for a fleet of buses to get all of the people in New Orleans out, for one thing. Thousands of people dying in a natural disaster which came with advance warning in the 21st century in the richest nation on Earth is inexcusable. WHY WAS THE PRESIDENT STILL ON VACATION WHEN HE KNEW THIS WAS COMING???!!!!

B - what about homeland security? What does this have to do with homeland security, you ask? Well, think about it this way...this could have easily been a terrorist attack. Those levees are as vulnerable to bombs as they are to storms. Had it been a terrorist attack there would have been no warning, and obviously, no plan to deal with the aftermath of the flood.

Why are people looting? Are you serious? These people have NOTHING, or they wouldn't be there...anyone with means got out of the city. And what little they had has been destroyed. What kind of insurance policy do you think someone has when they can't afford to get in a car and drive away. And now there is all of this free stuff, with no one watching over it, and you're suprised that these people are taking it. It's easy to say everyone should be nice and obey the law when you're sitting in your air-conditioned living room, typing on a computer that is probably worth more than all of some of these people's entire lot of possessions added together, but if you stepped out of your comfort zone and tried looking at things from someone else's perspective once in a while, maybe some of your questions would be answered.

To blame the chaos in NO on the residents of that city is ridiculous.

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