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Looting during Katrina


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I was watching Hannity and Colmes last night and was pretty irritated by Sean Hannity (i know, usually i agree with him). Sean was irate because people were looting. Am I missing something here? People are dying and struggling to survive, all the 'material' things are destroyed anyhow, and people were getting FOOD to survive, food that would go bad anyway, and he was spouting how the police need to stop the looting. Am I missing something here?

I understand that police should never take the approach that crime is okay, but sometimes other things are much more important. Especially in times of survival.

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I was watching Hannity and Colmes last night and was pretty irritated by Sean Hannity (i know, usually i agree with him). Sean was irate because people were looting. Am I missing something here? People are dying and struggling to survive, all the 'material' things are destroyed anyhow, and people were getting FOOD to survive, food that would go bad anyway, and he was spouting how the police need to stop the looting. Am I missing something here?

I understand that police should never take the approach that crime is okay, but sometimes other things are much more important. Especially in times of survival.

yes but they looters stole all the guns from the walmart, and have killed someone trying to get food

the police have to let the people know that they don't have to worry about thugs, plus the cops are now shooting the looters, not the ones stealing food, but others

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Oh, well weapons and such of course need to be taken care of. But that wasn't addresed at all by Hannity, from what I heard. The groceries and tv's and such bein stolen were addressed mainly.

groceries are different, but football what the heck are you going to do with a TV in flooded city with no power, that is just plain stupid and yes that person deserves what they get :)

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All the stuff is gonna be bad if it stays there. The police chief (or somethin like that) was sayin something along the same lines. Basically that "were going to try to stop the looting but our focus is on saving lives right now". Hannity didnt seem to get that.

Well, I didn't get to catch the whole show....but the parts I saw I think Hannity was referring to the lawlessness being reported in homes now. Reports of looters/thugs going into homes and robbing citizens now.

I agree with jbooma....bring in the military and establish martial law.

I've got no problem with people looting from a grocery store...for survival in a time like this. Irritates the hell out of me watching people break into jewelry stores, teens taking bikes from a Wal-Mart, etc.

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I agree that taking food, water, clothing, and a pair of shoes is not looting under the circumstances... especially if you have none of the above and no one is selling those items.

Taking 10 pairs of shoes, jewlery, CD's, television sets is straight up LOOTING and I can't wait for the military to get in there and restore some order. It's frustrating to watch this whole situation, but the looting makes me ANGRY

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What I loved was on "Hannity & Colmes" on Fox News tonight how Alan Colmes was trying to justify the looting by suggesting to the Fox News reporter there in New Orleans covering the story that it was probally people taking food that they needed to survive, until the reporter pointed out that he has seen teenagers carrying 4 or 5 cases of Nike sneakers and a New Orleans police officer telling him that people on Canal Street were acting like they were at a rummage sale, breaking the windows to stores and grabbing stuff

So much for another attempt by a liberal trying justify criminal behavior

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Several of the looters stole jewelry and Nike shoes. THAT is looting.

Looking for food to survive is an entirely different story.


Yeah, stealing jewelry might be stupid but I can understand stealing shoes, clothes, etc..... These people have nothing left. I'd be looking for somewhat dry clothes too.

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Ok part of it is in Afghanistan ;)

But really, the military doesn't have the domestic manpower right now

Skins it is clear you have no clue of how large our military is :doh: We have enough to help the nation in times of disaster, the problem is they are not all located in NO. Now if China were to attack us, then that might be an issue :D

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So much for another attempt by a liberal trying justify criminal behavior

No liberal is trying to justify criminal behavior. Instead people are saying WHEN it is justified, ie. in cases of survival. What about the woman who needs insulin, should she just die rather then go to a Walgreens and pick it up?

You see, I look at your post and see another republican who only sees the world as black and white. Stealing is wrong period, and there is no place for it EVER!!! And instead of actually trying to justify to yourself certain circumstances when looting isn't wrong, you'll just blame the liberal trying to justify crime, it's easier to focus on blind false remarks then to actually look at a problem and try to find a soultion. You fit right in with the Bush crowd.

BTW, I am against looting, but I do agree with what people are saying here, that in cases of survival, it can be justified. You on the other hand would rather see an insulin needing person die becuase it can never be justified. I your eyes, this is a black and white world right, so I guess you like watching people die. You must like watching people die of disentary and fall into diabetic comas, because looting is wrong, right?

Doesn't sound nice when you watch the other side put words inot your mouth which aren't true does it? It doesn't sound too good when I paint you with the exact same picture you are trying to paint me with huh.

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Those people have nothing. Don't judge them unless you walk in their shoes. Its easy to be so condescending when your biggest problem is a scratch on your new chrysler 500, or your FIOS went down for half the day.

Ok so how do you judge the ones that have blocked hospital rescues? One of the guys trying to help evacuate a hospital couldn't be cause thugs wouldn't let him, and they stole his generator :doh:

Sorry but you do not need a TV or jewelery or generators that others need more then you. The clothing, and food I can live with, the others sorry it is time for marshall law.

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