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Damn it!! Now I actually have to like an Eagles player......

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I didn't know Corey Simon did what he did for Rich Seubert on the play he had his leg broken in three places. It is at the end of this article in bold.

Seubert is ready to return

Tuesday, May 31, 2005



For a moment it did not matter whether you were wearing blue or green.

The remaining 21 players from the feuding Giants and Eagles pushed aside their intense professional dislike for personal concern over a fallen comrade.

Rich Seubert, the Giants' starting left guard, was on the ground, writhing in pain. He had been blocking defensive tackle Corey Simon when his right leg accidentally was stepped on by end N.D. Kalu.

Not one, not two, but three bones were broken. Everyone knew this was serious. Members of both teams began waving frantically for the Giants' medical team to tend to Seubert.

The play in the first period of that Oct. 19, 2003 game at Giants Stadium was the last snap Seubert has taken. Considering the extent of the injury, many thought it was the last one the gritty lineman ever would take.

Turns out, however, the white towel Seubert was waving as he was carted off the field in excruciating pain that day wasn't one of surrender. The free agent from Southern Illinois, who arguably had become the Giants' best offensive lineman at the time of the injury, never really considered his career over.

He takes the next step in his improbable comeback Wednesday as the Giants begin their three-day veteran minicamp at Giants Stadium. Seubert recently was cleared by doctors to return to practice, and has participated in three of the four Organized Team Activity workouts the past two weeks. The one he missed was to attend a charity event, and not because of complications with the leg.

His right leg is as good as his left leg, doctors say. His last surgery was the week after Thanksgiving when surgeons repaired a tendon in his big toe that had kept him from pushing off on the right foot. His progress hastened after that procedure.

"Physically I've been able to do everything," Seubert said of his work in the OTAs. "It was great to get back on the field, but now I'm looking forward to the minicamp when we can get things going a little more."

Seubert won't put the pads on again until training camp starts at the end of July. He knows that will be the final test as to whether he can resume his career.

"I can't wait to hit somebody again," said the 305-pounder who insists he's had few difficulties returning to the drills under coaching supervision that form the OTA practices.

"You really never forget your techniques or footwork," he said. "It's just a matter of getting back in the saddle."

Few would blame Seubert for taking a "Why me?" attitude after being knocked out of his saddle. He had fought his way from an unheralded free agent to an established starter (22 straight games). Now he finds David Diehl and Chris Snee entrenched as the starting guards. He also had signed a lucrative contract, some of which he renegotiated back so he could continue his comeback without being a salary cap problem.

"I don't look at it like that," he said. "Life is always full of obstacles, but I figure it could have been a lot worse. I broke my leg, but I could have torn up my knee.

"And the Giants have been good to me. They've given me time. They kept me around last year because they knew I would do everything I could to become the player I was."

"He's just a tough, tough competitor," Giants coach Tom Coughlin said of why the Giants have stuck with the injured player.

Seubert, having come this far, prefers to look ahead rather than back. Yet he concedes he often thinks about the play.

"It was '35 fire-zone,' and I was blocking Corey Simon when my leg got stepped on," he recalled. "I knew right away it was broken, and he [simon] knew it, too. He let up and helped me from falling. I'll always remember that."

Simon also helped lift Seubert's stretcher onto the cart for his removal from the field, an unusual act by an opposing player.

"It's always been a part of football. We players are like a fraternity in that way," Simon said after that game. "We all run the same risks."

That's why Seubert will have a lot of people rooting for him as he pens his comeback story.


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Thats good to see, reminds me of the look on LT's face when Theisman went down, how he immediatly was waving for the trainers and but his hands on his helmet like "What have I done!" Its good to see these guys care about each other.

That said I wanna see Taylor knock T.O.'s head off next year

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Originally posted by dviands

i heard a similar story, but mine had gus frerotte in it. :)

Seriously....can you be 32 and be senile? I called the Link - the Vet the other day......

.....now I get Gus and Heath mixed up....

I'm losing it....

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Originally posted by Grumpy Vet

Seriously....can you be 32 and be senile? I called the Link - the Vet the other day......

.....now I get Gus and Heath mixed up....

I'm losing it....

I'm sorry but that screw up made me laugh my ass off!!:laugh:

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hmm, makes me think a little better of Corey Simon. However, he is holding out, and im not a fan of that even if for the Eagles. I still have heard and think he's a headcase, but I have more respect for him, like I do for McFlab.

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Wow! I can't believe I'm the first to post about a similar situation with another Giant player "Lawrence Taylor". Actually, I'll never forget because I was at that game. When LT broke Joe Theisman Leg. And LT knew Joe's leg was broke cause after the hit Joey was screaming franticly also, and LT knew it was broke. So LT immediately started waving his hands franticly also toward the Redskins bench to get the skins medics out there. "Ouch", unfortunately, Joey never recovered and it ended his career.

But I think I posted this once before. LT was very upset that this happen. He had a very sad and concerned look on his face b/c I watched the Giants players load onto the bus. But LT was one of the last players that got on. So as we the Redskins fans watched behind the fence, some frantic, obnoxious, drunken Redskin fan started mouthing off at LT, and blaming him for the hit, and was saying stuff like it being on purpose and everything. Then, this silly fan must have been so drunk that he didn't realize or see the look on LT's face. A look of sadness, and like the world had come to an end or something.

Anyhow, the fan kept at it. And then he made the mistake of saying something about LT's mother. Don't remember exactly what he said b/c it was kind of slurred coming outta his mouth. But anyhow, all I heard was something about LT's mother. Man! what a mistake that was. Especially during this critical time of care and concern toward Joe Theisman's health. LT ran from behind the fences and grabbed this dude and drugged him toward the Giants bus , and started slamming him up against the bus. WTF:wtf: was my thought. Maybe not in those exact thoughts, but something similar (I was a kid). But I couldn't beleive what I was seeing. And what made it so bad was that I glanced over toward security knowing they were gonna stop this or mayube arrest LT or something in that affect. But NOPE! they let LT continue to slam this dude up against the bus for a minute or so before they finally intervened. (haha), it's not funny, but in a way it was (haha). B/C this dude should have known better.

Because all us true die hard Redskins fans were surely hurt after that incident, and so was Taylor. Not that guy beating up the bus with his face, but Joe Theismans leg getting broke during the game. And actually, I never heard anything till this day about any charges being filed against LT or anything. But again, security let LT do this like it was justified or sonmething. "True story" people.....And the last of Joey T behind center for us "cough cough" older folks.

But sorry Tom Giants fan:D . Even though Joe got his leg totally dislocated in many areas. The skins still won the game with our second string QB which was Jay Shroeder at the time(I think I spelled Schroeder correct this time). That's right, Jay came in and somehow rallied the troops to a win. And frankly, correct me if I'm wrong you older folks. But I think Jay was also a rookie then, or atleast in his 2nd year, and was learning the system. Jay ended up being a pretty descent QB after Theisman left. He never got us to the SuperBowl, But I think he did get us to a championship game if I'm not mistaken.

Oh yea! those were the glory days and Gibbs somehow had QB's that would come in and get the job done. So you younger fans wondering about Campbell, don't. Joe had lesser QB's than he and still had them playing Superbowl type football. Just give Joe time to groom this guy , let him learn the playbook and stand on the sideline watching and observing.

We will have 2 descent QB's in ramsey and campbell that will be capable. Yea! Just incase another incident such as Theismans should ever occur again.

In Joe we Trust.....

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You weren't.

Thats good to see, reminds me of the look on LT's face when Theisman went down, how he immediatly was waving for the trainers and but his hands on his helmet like "What have I done!" Its good to see these guys care about each other.

That said I wanna see Taylor knock T.O.'s head off next year


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