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Everything posted by justice98

  1. I'm kinda wondering how many ideas of his own he has in his back pocket that dont necessarily fit with what Reid wants to do. Minus Mahones and Kelce, but with a deep WR group and RBs, interesting to see what his own playbook looks like.
  2. We weren't. The UFO community has been trying for a while to get the government to recalibrate their sensors to catch more stuff. But on a different topic, you spend billions of dollars, how hard would it be to equip these jets with at least the minimum photographic equipment? I mean, yes, these are aircraft designed for combat, not photography, but I find it hard to believe there's never a need for it or the technology to achieve it. We've got our pilots going up there looking for visual confirmation and just having to relay what they could make out to the naked eye. And it's been established how frequent they see something they need to investigate.
  3. I dont think respect is really the word, it's more publicity. I dont think anybody doesn't acknowledge he was an all-time great coach. But he was never a big personality or on TV all the time after coaching, and as we see time and again, that counts for a lot.
  4. Literally the only difference is who's getting the players together. Which is really insignificant. It's a different, but no less legitimate, way of achieving the same goal. Getting the best players on one team. Either they're doing it themselves, or someone else is doing it for them. But it's not happening by magic. If the front office pulls you all together, cool. But if you coordinate to do it yourself, it's a heinous act. lol I personally couldn't care less about the Decision. Sure, it was clunky, but other than that, wholly meaningless and dumb. And the hand wringing over it years after the fact was even dumber. On that last point, the difference there is the owners wanted some control back. Doesn't make the previous system any better though. Look at the trade deadline. Players moving all over the place, but it's cool cuz the teams are doing it. But when players take control of their own destiny, it's foul. I think we see why Tommy wanted all those 2nd rounders. That's how deals get done now. You have 3-4 excess 2nds laying around, you can do some things.
  5. The Warriors got the 2nd overall pick after a Finals appearance and nothing to show for it. They wee supposed to reload with that. But they got 2nd overall in a draft where the best players were guards, where you already have Curry, Klay, and Poole from the year before.
  6. You have the same feeling about LeBron that I had about Kobe. lol
  7. Seems definitive based on one good year, one not so good year, and one you basically have to throw out.
  8. Rivera feels like he's rigging the game for Howell. Which I dont love. Like they dont want anybody who might be good enough to best him out. I would like this backup to be able to win a game if they're called upon. But Ron made it seem like this guy's #1 job is to be a QB coach.
  9. Players rarely "made it work" where they were and won a bunch of championships. It's a fallacious argument. I mean, did Magic make it work going to a team with 2 future HoFers already there? Did Bird when Tiny Archibald, Cedric Maxwell, and Dave Cowen were already there and Parish, McHale, DJ, etc all show up within a couple years? Dont get me started on those Celtics teams from the 50s/60s where 3/4 of the roster went to the Hall of Fame. The best player on the Cavs team LeBron got drafted to was Carlos Boozer. Drew Gooden might've been the 2nd best player when they got swept by the Spurs. GTFOH. lol I dont wanna hear about how superteams are new thing and how players of yesteryear didnt move around looking for championships. The only difference is who's pulling the strings. The power shifted from the front office on the players. But nobody has ever been out here toiling and scuffling for a decade trying to win one for the hometown fans on principle. And if they were doing that, they usually weren't successful. He had numbers and stats in GS though. He just didn't like those MFers. lol
  10. I dont know why we're criticizing LeBron at all though. lol
  11. It's a stylistic argument based on geography, rather than a substantive one, and I can't fathom why a player (or any one else) should care about that. But I'm not gonna penalize a guy cuz he plays with good teammates. We didn't do that with Russell, or Magic, or Bird, etc. The building a team agita folks have is just nonsense. I dont know where this started where winning came with conditions. Like, it's not as good if X, Y, Z. Nah, it's plenty good. The ring fits just as well. I dont think players actually care about how they win a championship, nor should they. They definitely shouldn't care what we think about it. "Turning it around" is highly overblown and overrated.
  12. It would really help if "Street Clothes" was actually playing in most of the games. But Lakers fans are something else. He came there, got a title, but not good enough. lol It was 9 years since they last won a title and 6 years without making the playoffs before he showed up. Count me out on that. LeBron has been so good for so long, he's somehow underrated. lol
  13. Glass Onion - I thoroughly enjoyed it. Liked it better than the first one, which I also enjoyed. Janelle Monae was a standout.
  14. Kinda nuts how a damn balloon sends folks into full blown hysterics. But people still don't really care about UAPs buzzing nuclear facilities and naval ships, which they've been doing for decades. And it also kinda pours cold water on the idea that what were seeing was some kind of super advanced Chinese tech. Not presuming that surveillance balloons are the best they have, but they're not flying around tic-tac UFOs either.
  15. I tried to get into The Last of Us, but zombie apocalypse stuff just doesn't do it for me.
  16. But I think their goal is subscriptions, not necessarily viewers. So, you have one household and 3 people outside the home sharing the password watching content. If 1 of those 3 people gets a subscription now, that's better for Netflix than all 3 watching stuff by sharing a password. They'll probably take that. I'm sure Netflix will factor that in. At least I would hope they're smart enough to see the context of a decline in viewership. They'd recalibrate what a "successful" show is.
  17. I think we need to be past taking the "Rock and Roll" part too literally. They've been rather loose with it from the beginning. It's a museum of popular music more than anything about a specific genre. Go back and look at the first inductee classes, lot of non-rock and roll. Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, etc.
  18. I'm having this conversation with my wife right now cuz she seems adamant that our 8 year needs to go to private school. I'm very iffy on it and don't see it as the panacea to alleviate her concerns about public school. All at a premium cost. Not to mention, it's not lost on me that we have these conversations surrounded by the fruits of public education. Public education has really done well by my family.
  19. What benefits Payne is the free agent DT crop isn't particularly deep, IMO. I'm just not sure Payne has proven to be worth the premium, this past year notwithstanding. With him, it's all about projection. Are we confident we'll get top 3-5 DT performance outta him going forward? Mathis not playing also helped him, cuz there's no clear in-house alternative.
  20. He wasnt playing at a level that he 100% needed to be locked up then. Plus, there were other considerations affecting signing decisions, like what was happening with QB.
  21. I thought about that too. I just think Caserly doesn't really get his fair credit, for not just 91, but his role in the other 2. But certainly, the 91 team still had Beatherd's fingerprints on it.
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