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Everything posted by justice98

  1. I wonder how things woulda been different had all that rebranding stuff just held off until now.
  2. Did it ever get settled whether RG3 was actually.gonna be in this group?
  3. I tried to give the Junkies a chance, just cant do it. I'd never really listened to them regularly before. Occasionally when they would be simulcast on NBC Sports Washington, I would watch for a few minutes when something big happened Redskin related. Like a xouple.minutes at a time. But whatever the demo is for this show, I'm not in it. lol It feels like an FM radio, morning drive, classic rock show that occasionally talks about sports. Where I would normally listen to Sheehan 6-9, I just find something else that's not the Junkies.
  4. OKC had an over/under of 23 5 wins coming into the year. They finished 40-42. Their best player is a legit star, they have a nice up and comer in Gidday, and then a bunch of dudes to varying degrees of upside. And the #2 pick Chet Holmgren didn't play a minute all year. So they have that to look forward to, along with 18 picks to play around with, including 10 firsts, in the next 3 drafts. The Wiz on the other hand had an over/under of 35 5 and managed to hit the under with 3 fringe all-stars and 3 other lottery picks. Basically a core that cant win 40 games that they seem to want to keep together. Presti vs Sheppard.
  5. I have a disturbing feeling they're basically gonna run back this exact same team next year. Surely to the exsct same results.
  6. I feel like y'all are watching a different guy than me. lol He's become really good on the mic since the Tribal Chief gimmick started. I feel like you could tell the difference between his first program with Cena in 2017 where Cena mocked his promo skills vs the second program in 2021. His style is not overly verbose or bombastic and it works perfectly. This Bloodline story doesn't work if Roman couldn't have carried himself on the mic. Especially in those early days with no crowd.
  7. That couldnt be further from the truth. Roman is the biggest, most popular, most interesting guy they have. All that "needle mover" stuff isnt just for show. He is the top draw (by a mile) specifically because people are into him.
  8. That's not what she's saying. You totally missed her point. She was saying that's what she would hear, not that she personally feels she's too ghetto. Pointing out the double standard. Because she's black, it doesn't matter what her story is. When the white girl does the exact same stuff, nobody calls them ghetto or tries to hold them to account
  9. I love the 2 night model. I was calling for that for years. 12-14 match, 5-6 hour slogs on a Sunday night are tough. It needs to be big and larger than normal and one night isn't not enough to jam it all in.
  10. Night 2 was far inferior to Night 1. Wasnt even close.
  11. Ron's logic on the draft made no sense. Trying to argue that because the draft was weak, that's why Howell went late. Under any normal circumstance, going late in a weak draft at your position means you're not supposed to be very good. Not the other way around. lol when it comes to QBs, he should just not say anything. Everytime he does, he kills what little credibility he has on the position.
  12. Except there can't be a normal if decisions are or aren't being made because of the ownership situation.
  13. He's probably a confident man that thinks that, devoid of all the distractions and nonsense of the current owner, he can do his job successfully and win 10-12 games.
  14. I still, to this day, don't understand why the league supported and facilitated that. They already didnt want him around then, but they not only gave him more power, they made it harder to get rid of him. Only to promptly turn around and regret it. It seemed crazy at the time and only seems crazier as time goes on.
  15. The longer it goes on, the more people try to fill in the blanks to make sense of it all. But the reality is, we dont know jack. Even these reporters don't know anything. All the "it'll get done by the league meetings" stuff was pure conjecture and speculation because it made sense to them. But when that didn't happen, folks freak out. Snyder can take as long as he wants to take. All these timeframes are other people's timeframes, not his. And most of those timeframes are around the operation of the football team. Which if he's selling, is not his top priority. But that's all we care about. He cares about the sale price. I suspect that he's been informed that he'll be left alone if he just sells the team and goes away. I dont think he has any intention of not selling or just selling the majority stake. He just gonna take his time because he can. Our urgency to get this wrapped up isn't necessarily his urgency. In short, all the insiders on the sale aren't very inside. Especially all these reporters on the beat. They don't know a gat dayum thing and any thing they do know is 3rd and 4th hand info, that's probably dated and not current by the time it gets to them.
  16. Agreed. At this point, what's a new owner really.gonna do? Other then force them to do something crazy at the draft. I always thought this coming year was gonna have Snyder fingerprints on it anyway. So I guess this applies when there's no deadline, because then the sister saying "deadlines drive deals" applies. lol
  17. That Burgundy and Gold show seemed like a placeholder anyway. Any show with a rotation of the B-team utility guys wasn't gonna survive changes.
  18. So now they gotta explain what happens to Russell and Doc's shows. They seem to be flailing about trying to find a mix.
  19. I'm not so sure about that based on their play. I think people have an impression of Minshew that has nothing to do with football. Probably cuz he's a free spirit off the field. He looked good the year prior with the same cast. He looked good the year prior with the same cast.
  20. Did we not just watch Minshew excel in the very same role Brissett will be in? He literally just did this with Jalen Hurts for 2 years. I'm not really sure where people get this impression that Minshew isn't about his business and preparation and knowing his role when it comes to football.
  21. It's still debatable how much they feel Howell should be QB1. The circumstances kinda dictated that they see what they have in Howell. Ownership change, draft position, whiffing on vet QBs, etc. I personally can't forget how unenthused they seemed to be about playing him last year. Now, after seeing him in action, I'm sure they feel better about him now than they did a few months ago, but I also they feel their hand is forced a little and Brissett makes them feel better about the options.
  22. Wouldn't that be the ultimate way for Snyder to stick it to Bezos? lol
  23. Oddly enough, the only person to block me was Bomani Jones some years back for defending Kirk Cousins. And I wasn't even talking to Bomani directly, I was responding to somebody else. lol
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