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It's August, 2008. And here are the choices for President.


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What, no Rudy in this poll?

Only 2 sitting Senators have ever been elected President in the history of the U.S. (JFK, and I can't recall the other), so it's very doubtful our choices would be between 3 Senatorial tickets.

I'd vote for McCain or Liebermann for Prez, but I don't think Liebermann will be on a national ticket again.

The GOP will come down to Giuliani, McCain, and some governor. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dems pull a governor out of a hat. Can't guess who, though.

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I purposefully put a Dem and GOP together because the 2 of them are in the headlines now for being "bi-partisan".

I've said before that I could vote for Lieberman. His hawkish views on foreign policy make him acceptable.

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Can I pass at all of the above? The one that appeals to be the most is John McCain/ Joe Lieberman, but truly, I don't think they'll really change any of the vital issues. The other two sound like tickets I'd stay away from.

Is John McCain/ Joe Lieberman the "third-party" ticket?

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I purposefully put a Dem and GOP together because the 2 of them are in the headlines now for being "bi-partisan".

I always interpreted one as a centrist Republican and the other as a conservative Democrat. That ticket, regardless the part banner under which they'd run, would get far more of the popular vote than anyone else could hope for. A close to 50/50 election isn't what the country needs.


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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Im curious why so many on the left like McCain. He's extremely conservative. Is it that he is a maverick within the GOP itself that makes him attractive?

He's not a party hack.

Look at the heat he's taking from the hardcore right this week for the comprise on judges. They want to call those republicans the spineless seven? please. He doesn't even care. He's his own man.

I'd be willing to accept a lot of his social coservative views.....because he won't talk about the economical ones, but spend like its going out of style....... like what's happening now. Plus, most importantly, he'll listen to all sides. Not just hand out tickets to the biggest supports for his tax payer supported year round campaign for whatever cause he's pushing.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Im curious why so many on the left like McCain. He's extremely conservative. Is it that he is a maverick within the GOP itself that makes him attractive?

Yes, he is very conservative on many issues. But he appears to decide each issue on its merits rather than just toeing the party line. He does not bad mouth his opponents or sic Karl Rove-style attack dogs on them. He does not cater to the haters that infest his party.

He is my ideological opponent on many issues, but he has my respect.

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I picked Frist/Rice mainly because I am a bit scared of a McCain/ Lieberman ticket. They are both pretty hawkish possibly more than Bush...and I don't like the thought that they might get us involved in a war with North Korea and posibly even China that could really cause some world havoc.

I don't care for Hillary or her politics...though Breaux is intruiging.

I would possibly vote Breaux/ Bayh over the others, if that were an option. (but I don't know that there would be enough name recognition for them to win. )

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Originally posted by visionary

I picked Frist/Rice mainly because I am a bit scared of a McCain/ Lieberman ticket. They are both pretty hawkish possibly more than Bush...and I don't like the thought that they might get us involved in a war with North Korea and posibly even China that could really cause some world havoc.

I don't care for Hillary or her politics...though Breaux is intruiging.

I would possibly vote Breaux/ Bayh over the others, if that were an option. (but I don't know that there would be enough name recognition for them to win. )

I picked Frist/Rice also but if your right and we can get two more wars i might change my mind ;)...

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