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Best Comic Strip?


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Well... we've got novelist/author/illustrator covered. What about comic strips?

My vote is Bloom County... or really anything by Breathed. He is one of only two cartoonists to ever have one the Pulitzer... and his cartoons/illustrations are pure genious imho.

What does everyone think? You can only choose one...

*edit* 2000th post! yippeee!

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Originally posted by GoSkinsGo

Bloom County is my favorite. How can you beat the Basselope strategic nuclear device. I loved that strip, that and Calvin and Hobbes.

the basselope... :laugh:

I forgot about that one...

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Originally posted by zoony


You bring up a good point. A question I've longed to ask.

what is so great about Doonesbury? It's terrible. What am I missing?

I tried following the strip for awhile but appearantly I'm to dumb or the jokes just aren't funny. I'm hoping the jokes aren't funny.

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All time?

The Big Three are quite awesome (C&H, FS, BloomC).

But don't forget the really old time ones...

Pogo (as created by Walt Kelly)

Peanuts (as created by Sparky - Charles Schultz - before it jumped the shark)

and the political ones...



Toles (before he went off the deep end)

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Originally posted by zoony


You bring up a good point. A question I've longed to ask.

what is so great about Doonesbury? It's terrible. What am I missing?

Nowadays, it's F***ing HORRIBLE, but....

Way, way, way back during the Nixon/Ford era it was probably the funniest strip around, very cutting edge. Then Trudeau took a couple years off, gave all the characters a makeover, and has bored the living shiite out of readers ever since.

You're not missing ANYTHING - the guy is purely living off his reputation.

Ahhh, Pogo. That was great.

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