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Greatest Movie Scene of All-Time


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Originally posted by footballhenry

the transformation of Anakin into Darth Vader

Thanks for ruining the movie for me......sheesh - this board has been so quiet about Star Wars movies the past month and you stick this spoiler into the middle of a thread. You fiend.

Originally posted by goaldeje

The movie Glory, where the troops advance along the beach, and then the full out assault on the fort. Fantastic. Makes me cry every time. Wait, I mean, something seems to get in my eye everytime...:cry:

Love that movie.

Originally posted by T.E.G.

Harrison "I am too sick to do the scripted scene here" Ford pulling out his revolver and killing the crazed swordsmen in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That was the 1st that came to my mind.

Originally posted by redman

Hard to beat the D-Day scene in Private Ryan. It gave me chills thinking of those men who were there for real.

I think the same thing - what would I have done were I there? I cannot fathom. Remember this on Memorial day.....thank those you know, work with or see that are Veterans......don't care if you agree or disagree w/ them - Thank them for their service to our country.

Originally posted by seanskins

Shawshanke Redemption

The scene where Andy Dufregne (Tim Robbins) risks his life and tells the guard about his financial services just to get him and his prison buddies a few beers on a hot summers day. That has always been one of my fave movies, and that scene gives me goosebumps all the time.

Loved it....one of my all time faves

So in summation - I have nothing to add.

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Spoilers Ahead...

Some various scenes that have not been mentioned yet.

-In Rat Race when John Lovitz's character ends up looking like Hitler and getting shot at. (there were a few really funny scenes from that movie that are just classic)

-In Audition where the the guy is being tortured...(shiver)

-In High Noon, first when Gary Cooper turns the wagon around and then later when his wife gets off of the train, when Grace Kelly is forced to shoot gunman herself, and finally when Gary Cooper tosses down his badge in disgust.

-In Green Mile near the end when they are executing him.

-In Shrek 2 where Puss is frisked and they find catnip on him. Also scene with Ponocio needing to tell a lie. (Funny stuff)

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I love the scene in the movie "Sleepers" where the kids from the detention center are all grown up (and now street thugs) and see their old prison guard (Kevin Bacon) who used to torment them and sexually abuse them.

They sit down calmly and start a conversation with him. After a few minutes, they identify who they are and how they know him. He says, "Ok, so what do you want?' Then one of them says very calmly, "What I have always wanted......to watch you die."

Then the other thug and him carve Bacon's torse with about 15 bullets until he is left for dead.


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Shawshank would be mine too.

I think it would have to be the end where Morgan Freeman is walking on the white sanded beach and sees Andy in the distance.

They are free and have TONS of cash at their disposal. Such a great end to what was a rather dreary and sad emotional roller coaster of a movie. It is one of my all time favorites.

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Braver heart when Gibson is strapped to the torture table in the end and chooses to be gutted. " Freeeeeedddooommmm!!!!!!!"

Also Princes Bride rocks.

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Then the 6 finger dude turns and runs away. Nothing like the climax of a lifetime of pent up agression and lust for revenge.

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Brave Heart

Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace.

William Wallace is 7 feet tall.

Yes, I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds, and if he were

Here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom? Will you fight?

Fight against that? No, we will run, and we will live.

Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while.

And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?! Alba gu bra! (Scotland forever!)

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Originally posted by stevenaa

Also Princes Bride rocks.

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Then the 6 finger dude turns and runs away. Nothing like the climax of a lifetime of pent up agression and lust for revenge.

nice choice :yes:

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Opening scene from Once Upon a Time in the West. Three tough guys, led by Jack Elam, are waiting for a train. After about 10 minutes of really slow credits, the train arrives.

Tough guys spread out on the platform, loosen up their guns, get ready.

Nobody gets off the train.

After a while, the train pulls away. Tough guys regroup, and walk away.

Music begins playing. Tough guys freeze, turn around. Train pulls away to reveal Charles Bronson, with a harmonica in his mouth. (He got off the train on the other side.)

Bronson: "Frank?"

Elam: "Frank sent us."

Bronson looks at the hitching rail, where three horses wait. "You bring a horse for me?"

"Looks like . . . Looks like we're shy one horse."

Bronson shakes his head: "You brought two too many."


Space Shuttle Orion docking with Space Station One in 2001.

(I'm also partial to Scotty taking Kirk on a tour of Enterprise in Star Trek TMP.)

"Michael's Gift" in Brainstorm.


Unforgiven: "I've killed women and children. I've killed just about every thing in this world that ever crawled on this Earth. And now I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned."


Glad to see The Princess Bride, but you didn't pick the swordfight scene?


E. T.'s goodbye.


Edit: Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford in The Fugitive:

"I didn't kill my wife."

"I don't care."

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The Great escape........................The bike jump at the end;) Steve Mcqueen did all the riding except the jump. Even old Steve knew it was a bit(hey stunt to pull off, and you would only get one or two shots at it at the most if you didn't kill yourself on the first.

Up in smoke...................... After they smoke the giant joint, and wind up stopped on the median. Here, eat these..............wait.....don't eat those. You just ate the most acid I've ever seen. Cheech freakin out, Chong.............OM........OM................OM...................Mello....................Mello..................................BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Are ya mello now man............then the cops show up as Cheech is gettin off on cid.


Bambi meets Godzilla...................the entire movie;)

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Originally posted by Pete

The Great escape........................The bike jump at the end;) Steve Mcqueen did all the riding except the jump. Even old Steve knew it was a bit(hey stunt to pull off, and you would only get one or two shots at it at the most if you didn't kill yourself on the first.

Up in smoke...................... After they smoke the giant joint, and wind up stopped on the median. Here, eat these..............wait.....don't eat those. You just ate the most acid I've ever seen. Cheech freakin out, Chong.............OM........OM................OM...................Mello....................Mello..................................BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Are ya mello now man............then the cops show up as Cheech is gettin off on cid.


Bambi meets Godzilla...................the entire movie;)

OLA ALA Ching Ka is dat a joint man? Holey moley, it's a quarter pounder. . . Led Zeppelin. . . .

Too funny.

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Being the Sci Fi fan that I am, from my two favorite movies of all time*SPOILERS*:

-In The Abyss when Lindsey Brigman(Mary Mastrantonio) realizes her husband is out of air and to far away to make it back to safety and is pleading with him to return even though he already knew it was a one way trip.

Quote: "You brought me back from that darkness now don't leave me here all alone...."

-In Contact when Ellie Arroway(Jodi Foster) receives the revelation there is a second transport and she is the guest of honor.

Quote: "What do you say Doctor, wanna take a ride?"

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Movies not already mentioned:

Opening scene in Jaws.

Clarice Starling's and Dr. Hannibal Lecter's first meeting in Silence of the Lambs.

Annie Wilks profanity laden tirade at the end of Misery. (The only time I ever heard an audience "gasp" at a swear word. Amazing!)

Final scene in 2001

Lunch scene in Alien


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An old reel short - Bambi v. Godzilla. My father rented it on my sayso, cued it up, and was furious as me and my youngest brother are rolling on the floor.

LoTR:RoTK - Sam's speech and picking Frodo up and carrying him up the mountain. That just gets me everytime.

Bad Santa, when Billy Bob downs the bottle of gin[?] and the camera follows him down as he passes out on the floor.

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