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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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12 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

Lake lost her election by 17k votes (with over 2.5mil votes cast). There are enough crazy people in Arizona to still elect her.  


She's arguing that any election she supports and it goes the wrong for her way, was stolen. Then she's going to try convincing people it's worth voting still. 


That's some clear signaling. 



Edited by @DCGoldPants
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Oregon secretary of state: Senators who walked out can’t run next year


Republican senators who walked away from this year’s legislative session will be barred from running for reelection next year, Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade announced Tuesday.


The conclusion, announced after months of speculation, might not be a surprise to voters who overwhelmingly voted last year to create consequences for legislative walkouts via Measure 113.


But the decision drew an immediate promise of a court challenge from GOP lawmakers, who have said the measure was so sloppily worded that they are technically allowed to serve another term before consequences for a walkout begin. Ten conservative lawmakers ran afoul of Measure 113 this year, and six are up for reelection in 2024. The majority of those have said they plan to run.


“We believe the plain language of Measure 113 allows for members to run again in 2024 elections,” Senate Minority Leader Tim Knopp, one of the 10 senators who walked, said in a statement. “We disagree with the Secretary of State’s determination and will challenge it in court.”


Measure 113 sought to curtail legislative walkouts that have become increasingly common by imposing serious penalties for any lawmakers who accrue 10 or more unexcused absences in a single legislative session. As the measure was sold to voters, any such politician would be banned from running for reelection, or seeking election in the other chamber, once their current term expires.


Click on the link for the full article

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Mike Pence Mercilessly Mocked For New Vid With 1 Gassy Flaw


Mike Pence released a new campaign video about rising energy prices in which he seemingly pumps gas into his pickup truck as he talks.


But critics quickly noticed a few flaws in the ad from the former vice president, who is polling far behind Donald Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.


He didn’t insert a credit card or any other form of payment.


He didn’t select a grade for his fuel.


And he never actually squeezed the trigger on the handle.


Here’s the former vice president, pretending to pump his own gas:



Click on the link for the full story.





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I always say when it comes to politics "Things may be good/bad now, but that could change in six months". Looks at ol' Ronde, here. So many liberals (myself included) were terrified of DeSantis, we thought he would take the crown from Trump, beat Biden and deliver the killing blow to America. A year later, I come home after work, take a bong hit and laugh at the dysfunctionality of Meatball on a daily basis...his failure is our success.

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I don't get why the GOP never attack Trump for not signing the loyalty pledge.  For all the conspiracy BS they believe, you would think someone might propogate the theory that "Donald Trump is not a real Republican and is intenting to destroy the party."  That his refusal to sign a GOP loyalty pledge should mean the GOP doesn't have to show any loyalty to Trump.  That it's okay to vote against this guy.


I love that he is demonstrating a road map to destroy a political party.   "Generate loyal, cult like, support from 30 to 40 percent of the electorate (some of who may never have been politically active)."  I don't buy the whole "he will end democracy" any more than the GOP already intend to push their core agenda on voters who hate it.  


Democrats and liberals got to know that -- as bad as it will be:

1) Trump will be so bad that he'll get 2 years in power at best (with Congress).  He is incompetent.  For as politically genius he is I was surprised he didn't pivot to the middle.  This is going to be he downfall because every President pivots. 


2)  His promises to not touch social security and medicare are huge. Who knows what they are worth, but this makes him better then the rest of the GOP on policy.


3)  A lot of the stuff he says he wants to do re: dismantle DoJ etc. is borderline unconstitutional and takes years to accomplish.


I don't think political parties should act like "if the other guy wins you won't have a country" because it's a lie.


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7 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

I don't get why the GOP never attack Trump for not signing the loyalty pledge.  For all the conspiracy BS they believe, you would think someone might propogate the theory that "Donald Trump is not a real Republican and is intenting to destroy the party."  That his refusal to sign a GOP loyalty pledge should mean the GOP doesn't have to show any loyalty to Trump.  That it's okay to vote against this guy.

I figured that when he fired the head of the FBI for not promising to suppress a national security investigation, that the GOP would immediately pivot to "well, he was never really a Republican anyway", impeach him, and three years later Mike Pence is running as an incumbent. 

I expected them to have that exit strategy on standby, ready to execute on receipt of a code word. 

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16 minutes ago, Larry said:


I expected them to have that exit strategy on standby, ready to execute on receipt of a code word. 


I think things got confused when GOP leaders settled on "This is fine" as their code words.

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Biden's numbers are low. The supremes are out of control and Democrats and Independents hate their recent decisions (except for the voting rights decision which is an outlier). And the polls aren't taking women's bodily autonomy into consideration because when are women anything other than a subhuman group. 


I posit that Biden's numbers will be higher than 2020. 

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6 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I posit that Biden's numbers will be higher than 2020. 




And if the guys running the democratic party had any kind of notion that Biden was in danger of losing we would not be in a situation where Biden is virtually running un-opposed. There would be push back.


Its still on them to take this seriously of course and "play like your down" but everything we are seeing is good for Biden.


Not to mention the effect the money differential will have down the line. Biden is out earning everybody by massive margins, and he has to spend jack squat of it. Its all war chest. Meanwhile republicans are earning less and spending it now in their primaries and on legal fees. Who do you think is gonna dominate the political spending game when we get to the general election?


Republicans election efforts are currently at full swing. Biden is currently putting out a couple of tweets and drinking coffee. He's barely even started and is not even staffed properly yet.


Its gonna be a beatdown.



Edited by FootballZombie
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3 minutes ago, Larry said:

Just as an example, what happens if there's problems with the economy?  


What if the economy improves?

What if Trump is in jail?

What if we see massive gains for Ukraine's and crippling blows to Russia?


Its just an observation that if things continue on current forseeable pathway, we are more than likely on a one way trip to beat down city. It does not include the unforseeable, nor should it.

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Define beatdown. 


The 2024 election will be just as close in the electoral college as 2016 and 2020 were.


Everyone knows I'm the "Trump gonna win" guy. No chance at the popular vote, but certainly the EC.


But inflation subsiding should improve Joe's prospects. And I still think once the Trump show really gets going as the campaign heats up, how do the independents NOT look at this and say "yeah, this was the same guy I got tired of four years ago."


We'll see.

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36 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Define beatdown. 


The 2024 election will be just as close in the electoral college as 2016 and 2020 were.


Everyone knows I'm the "Trump gonna win" guy. No chance at the popular vote, but certainly the EC.


But inflation subsiding should improve Joe's prospects. And I still think once the Trump show really gets going as the campaign heats up, how do the independents NOT look at this and say "yeah, this was the same guy I got tired of four years ago."


We'll see.

The last time a beatdown happened, at least in where it matters- Electoral College was 2008.


2012- Obama won comfortably: 332-206

2016- Trump won close: 304-227-7

2020- Biden won close: 306- 232


Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona was won with only 43,000 votes. If Trump won those states; we would've had a 269-269 tie. Going to house, which probably would've given Trump the win. You go by state delegations, not individual congressman. The gop had more state delegations than Dems; so they would've given Trump the win.


2024 is going to be close again.  Biden will win the popular vote easily but Biden will have a battle. Also, remember, since the EVs were redistributed after the census; Trump has an easier route to 270.  I think 2024 will actually see less voters than 20. And if it somehow isn't Trump or Desantis; think the gop candidate will beat Biden.  Wether trump or Biden wins, it will be close electorally.

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8 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



There is speculation that they're doing this because Trump isn't participating and they don't want him to look bad in the future. As in, if Christie or someone performs well or hit him hard with a particular burn, they don't want it to be used against Trump later. They don't sound very confident in their boy...

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