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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

What the hell did I just watch?


Its as I feared: they've gone past critical moron and have torn a hole in our reality, allowing the fifth dumbension to leak into our own.


The universe is just not able to handle so much imbecile in such a small volume.

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Ron DeSantis' Pizza Eating Sparks Avalanche of Jokes, Memes: 'Assaults It'


Ron DeSantis' appearance at a Manhattan restaurant for "Jesse Watters Primetime" on Thursday, where he shared a pizza with the Fox News host, has sparked a series of jokes and memes on social media, with critics mocking the governor for the way he tackled a slice.


DeSantis, who announced his 2024 presidential campaign in May and is considered a clear number two among Republican candidates after Trump, was interviewed by Watters at Grimaldi's Coal Brick-Oven Pizzeria on 6th Avenue in Manhattan.


During the interview, the two talked about proposed New York City legislation that would require pizza restaurants using coal ovens—like Grimaldi's—to cut their emissions.


Asked why "does the government do that," DeSantis said that the left "doesn't want people to be happy."


The interview then cuts to a shot of DeSantis biting into a slice of pizza in a way that many have described as less than elegant.

"This dude doesn't eat food, he assaults it," former federal prosecutor and defense attorney Ron Filipkowski tweeted, sharing an image of the Republican governor biting into a pizza slice.

"I really want to know whose idea it was to try and own the libs by having Jesse Watters interview Desantis in a pizza parlor while eating," he added in a later tweet. "Because, given Neanderthal Ron's well-documented eating habits, that was yet another unforced error."



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13 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



Republican Group Condemns DeSantis Over ‘Extreme’ and ‘Homophobic’ Ad


Log Cabin Republicans, the largest LGBT Republican organization in the U.S., condemned Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis after his campaign posted an ad attacking former President Donald Trump’s connections to the LGBT community.


The bizarre ad, which was posted by the DeSantis War Room to Twitter on Friday, attacked Trump by playing a 2016 clip of him saying, “I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens.”


Trump made the comments following the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida, which left 49 people dead. The ad also showed clips of Trump with transgender Republican Caitlyn Jenner, before boastfully displaying a string of headlines that referenced DeSantis’ “draconian” and “evil” anti-LGBT policies.


“Today’s message from the DeSantis campaign War Room is divisive and desperate,” the Log Cabin Republicans said in a statement. “Republicans and other commonsense conservatives know Ron Desantis [sic] has alienated swing-state and younger voters.”


The organization said that while “conservatives understand that we need to protect our kids, preserve women’s sports, safeguard women’s spaces and strengthen parental rights,” DeSantis’ “extreme rhetoric has just ventured into homophobic territory.”


Log Cabin Republicans warned:


Desantis’ [sic] rhetoric will lose hard-fought gains in critical races across the nation. This old playbook has been tried in the past and has failed – repeatedly. Left-wing gays have tried to hijack the equality movement by pushing their radical sex and gender policies on children while slandering anyone who disagrees with them. Ron DeSantis and his team can’t tell the difference between commonsense gays and the radical Left gays. He, sadly, sees them all the same. His naive policy positions are dangerous and politically stupid.


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Common sense: Ron, you should be in places like Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Virginia to try saving your campaign. 




Desantis War room: nah, let's do New York where we'll have pizza with Jessie Waters' botched face-lift and then have Ron look like he doesn't know how to eat. That'll help those rumors.






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8 hours ago, China said:

The organization said that while “conservatives understand that we need to protect our kids, preserve women’s sports, safeguard women’s spaces and strengthen parental rights,” DeSantis’ “extreme rhetoric has just ventured into homophobic territory.”


"Has just ventured into homophobic territory"?  

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The RNC’s debate plans have a major, largely unnoticed problem


Even if you’re the longest of long-shot presidential candidates, it’s pretty easy to register at 1 percent in a poll. In a survey of, say, 800 voters, all you need is 4 to say they’ll vote for you to hit that mark. The doctrine that we must round up remains a huge political gift.


But actually meeting the Republican National Committee’s polling requirements — which holds that a candidate must earn 1 percent in three polls to participate in the party’s first primary debate next month — might be a lot harder than it looked at first blush.


That’s because the RNC’s criteria exclude virtually all of the public surveys conducted these days, meaning there may not be many opportunities for the lower-polling candidates to even hit that 1 percent.


According to the RNC’s guidelines, in order to count for debate qualifying, polls have to survey at least 800 “likely” primary voters or caucus-goers. That criteria aren’t just strict — they’re unrealistic.


As the 51-day qualifying period begins on Saturday, a review of FiveThirtyEight’s database of GOP primary polling nationally and in the four early “carve out” states shows that only two polls out of 70 conducted in the previous 51 days would meet those requirements.


Click on the link for the full article


That criteria?  It's either those criteria or that criterion.

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'Agenda 47': What Trump has promised if he wins in 2024


From unleashing a fleet of flying cars to executing drug dealers, Donald Trump has not been coy about his unorthodox vision for America as he seeks to retake the White House.


The former president and frontrunning Republican candidate for 2024 -- sometimes accused of lacking a clear political philosophy -- has explained in speeches and a series of "Agenda 47" policy videos how he would govern.


Often thin on detail, the eye-catching pronouncements form the backbone of a platform that Trump says will "make America great and glorious again."


Critics say it spells out why he should never be allowed to return to the Oval Office as the country's 47th president.


- 'The Jetsons' revisited? -

One of Trump's more striking proposals is a competition to design up to 10 state-of-the-art "freedom cities" -- roughly the size of Washington -- on federal land.


Built around cutting-edge "hives of industry" brimming with factories, these innovation hubs would represent a "quantum leap in the American standard of living."


Trump envisages commuters darting about in flying cars in an echo of "The Jetsons," the space-age 1960s cartoon about a family living in an automated, push-button future.


- Year-long birthday bash -

Trump has proposed a "Salute to America," honoring the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, with "an entire year of festivities across the nation" from Memorial Day 2025 through July 4, 2026.


"I will work with all 50 governors, Republican and Democrat alike, to create the Great American State Fair, a unique one-year exhibition featuring pavilions from all 50 states," he said. "It'll be something."


- An American utopia -

Trump wants to launch "a great beautification campaign" to improve US cities, making the streets more pleasant for ordinary Americans.


The Republican, whose Las Vegas hotel was named one of the world's ugliest skyscrapers by Architectural Digest, says he wants to replace grotesque buildings with "magnificent" classical architecture.


Streets would be renamed in honor of "great American patriots" while the homeless, on threat of arrest, would be sent to tent cities on "large parcels of inexpensive land."


- A new war on drugs... -

The former president has vowed to designate Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations and to impose the death penalty on drug dealers and people traffickers.


The former president pardoned multiple dealers during his time in the White House and struggled to grasp the apparent contradiction during a Fox News interview in mid-June.


He boasted of pardoning a convict who had been in prison for 21 years for involvement in a cocaine ring, and became flustered when the network pointed out that she would have been executed under his new policy.


- ...But pardons for rioters -

Trump has promised to issue pardons to "a large portion" of the rioters jailed after the deadly 2021 assault on the US Capitol.


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14 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

See, this why Twitter being down sucks. The comments would be full of quick references as to why MAGA views Graham as a traitor. I can’t keep up, didn’t he actively try to get GA to overturn its election?

There's a video/tweet in (I think) the "Sewer" thread from MeidasTouch that's amazing.  It'll get you all caught up. 

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Ron DeSantis vetoes popular criminal justice bill as he moves to Trump’s right


Gov. Ron DeSantis issued a surprise veto Tuesday, rejecting a popular criminal justice reform bill that had received overwhelming bipartisan support in the state Legislature. 


The move amplified his efforts to move to the right of former President Donald Trump on a range of issues, including on crime


DeSantis voted for an early version of the First Step Act as a member of Congress, but during his time as governor and now a presidential candidate, he has honed a message much more in line with hard-line conservatives who have generally opposed policies that could be perceived as soft on crime.


The latest example came Tuesday night when he vetoed legislation that would allow adults to expunge their criminal record — even if they previously had their record expunged as a minor — which is not allowed under current Florida law. The proposal, HB 605, would open up the opportunity only to people who had charges dropped, were found not guilty or were arrested but not ultimately charged.


****ing over people just to lose to Donald Trump.

Edited by Cooked Crack
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10 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Ron DeSantis vetoes popular criminal justice bill as he moves to Trump’s right


****ing over people just to lose to Donald Trump.


He's not doing it just to lose to Donald Trump, he's doing it because he really is an asshole:


7 Budget Vetoes That Prove Ron DeSantis Can Be a Real Prick


1. Screwing the Farmers

The governor’s budget vetoes fell hard—for the second year in a row—on top priorities of GOP Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson. DeSantis vetoed $100 million the state uses to pay farmers who agree to preserve their land from development, and he eliminated nearly $30 million for energy programs Simpson oversees.


2. Retaliating Over Not Getting an Endorsement

No community was named as frequently in Gov. DeSantis’ veto list as Sarasota. The region’s state senator, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, says that’s no accident.

Sen. Joe Gruters, Sarasota County’s longest-serving state lawmaker and the former Chair of the Florida GOP, didn’t mince words when asked why he thought the reliably Republican pocket of the Sunshine State was given the cold shoulder.


It was because he had an opinion—the wrong one, in DeSantis’ eyes—of who should be in the Oval Office come January 2025.


3. Gunned Down

The biggest “public safety” measure to get DeSantis’ approval this year wasn’t all that safe. Midway through the legislative session, he signed a bill that removes Florida’s current requirement for gun owners to obtain a concealed firearm license.


4. Screw the Animals

Yes, DeSantis vetoed funding for an aquarium project at Brevard Zoo, but you can go ahead and credit GOP state Rep. Randy Fine with an assist.

The lawmaker revels in controversy and seemingly lives to dish out acerbic soundbites on culture war issues such as gender-affirming care. But like the resident of the governor’s mansion, he bristles at pushback from the targets of his barbs. Fine essentially took his rage out on an innocent bystander when he pushed the governor to veto the funding request.


5. No Soup For You!

South Florida spent a good chunk of the legislative session underwater, and if it was unclear whether DeSantis cared about the emergency, it’s not anymore.

The governor slashed millions in funding requests that would have paid for emergency planning and infrastructure, which could have prevented South Florida residents from having to find a way to make galoshes and highwaters stylish.


Among the $3.14 million in South Florida flood control vetoes: $800,000 to improve Lauderhill Maple Run drainage; $600,000 for drainage to improve the area near the Dolphin Mall; $450,000 to rehab pump stations at the Old Plantation Water Control District; $340,200 to fix failed drainage systems on Southwest Ranches roads; $262,500 to repair deteriorating drainage culverts along the South Broward Drainage District’s (SBDD) C-1 Canal; a $200,000 flood mitigation project in Parkland; and $1.5 million that would have improved sanitary sewer overflows for the Glades Community.


6. All Things Not Considered

In another move that thwarts public safety, DeSantis nixed more than $6.4 million that the legislature approved in the budget for various projects at public and community radio and broadcast stations throughout the state.


7. The Unkindest Cut of All

Moffitt Cancer Center won’t be getting a road to its Life Sciences campus in Pasco County after DeSantis vetoed a $5 million line item to fund a connector road.


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