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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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I asked ChatGPT how AI will negatively impact the 2024 united states presidential election.



While artificial intelligence (AI) can bring numerous benefits to the political landscape, it is essential to consider potential negative impacts and challenges. Here are some ways AI could potentially have negative effects on the 2024 United States presidential election:

  1. Disinformation and Manipulation: AI technology can be misused to create and spread disinformation, deepfakes, and manipulated content. This could lead to the dissemination of false information about candidates, policies, or election processes, influencing public opinion and voter decisions.

  2. Algorithmic Bias: AI systems are trained on existing data, which may contain biases present in society. If AI algorithms are used to make decisions in the electoral process, such as candidate selection or voter targeting, they could perpetuate or amplify existing biases, potentially disadvantaging certain groups or favoring specific candidates.

  3. Privacy Concerns: AI relies on vast amounts of data, and the collection and analysis of personal information raise privacy concerns. If political campaigns or entities misuse AI to gather sensitive information without proper consent or oversight, it could erode trust in the electoral process and infringe upon individuals' privacy rights.

  4. Cybersecurity Threats: While AI can enhance cybersecurity measures, it can also be used maliciously. Sophisticated AI algorithms may be employed by threat actors to launch cyber attacks, manipulate voter registration systems, tamper with election results, or undermine public confidence in the election's integrity.

  5. Overreliance on AI: Relying too heavily on AI systems for decision-making can undermine human judgment and critical thinking. Blindly following AI-generated predictions or recommendations without considering potential limitations or contextual factors can lead to flawed strategies or decisions that don't account for the complexities of the political landscape.

  6. Access and Inequality: The use of AI tools in political campaigns requires technical expertise and financial resources. If certain candidates or parties have greater access to AI technologies, it could widen the digital divide and create an unfair advantage, further entrenching existing inequalities in the political arena.

Addressing these potential negative impacts of AI requires careful regulation, transparency, ethical guidelines, and public awareness. It is crucial to strike a balance between leveraging AI's benefits while mitigating its risks, ensuring the 2024 United States presidential election remains fair, transparent, and democratic.


I was hoping it would specifically cite to the video of Meatball Ron wearing a lady suit. 

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16 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Mike better have good security because the crazy magas will try to kill him.


Chris is only on the race to go after Trump but I doubt Trump debates and I think all Don has to do, show Chris looking like a hostage when he endorsed Trump in 16.




Imagine his campaign will be a shorty. He's neither a fresh face or MAGA enough. 

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Was watching some of the post town hall analysis on CNN last night and the panelists largely agreed that Haley did fine, but were very doubtful of her chances of winning a Trump GOP primary.


Again, it's going to be interesting to see the dynamics when the debates happen. As Rdskns2000 said, Christie would be the most likely to attack Trump on stage (if Don even shows). What will be more interesting is going to find out which person not named Trump goes after DeSantis the most. It seems like Ramaswamy remains a wild card in that sense.

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1 hour ago, hail2skins said:

Christie would be the most likely to attack Trump on stage (if Don even shows). 


The same Chris Christie that endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020? I'll believe it when I see it.


Also Ramaswamy ain't gonna be in it for long. Dude's currently saying we need to make large concessions with Russia to end things in Ukraine asap. All so we can focus more on China. 🤭



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20 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

The same Chris Christie that endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020? I'll believe it when I see it.


Also Ramaswamy ain't gonna be in it for long. Dude's currently saying we need to make large concessions with Russia to end things in Ukraine asap. All so we can focus more on China. 🤭

Appreciate the skepticism, but there is no question he's been the only notable slinging barbs Trump's way since the end of 2020. Maybe getting covid and almost dying had something to do with it. I don't know who else Chris would set his aim at on the debate stage.


Ramaswamy talking about making concessions to Russia? True, and its outside the thought of the traditional GOP candidates like Haley and Pence, but so within the mindset of Trump and DeSantis, the two current frontrunners. Again, will be interesting to see the inroads Vivek makes within the DJT/RDS bloc.

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Desantis thinks he can take out Trump but he’s going to find the voters don’t want fake Trump but the real thing.


Some of the people running aware just running for veep or setting up some gig after running.



If by chance Trump is out, I do think you will see some other big hitters enter. Some people that said no, will change their mind.

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Fact check: Trump boasts about a massive oil purchase that never happened


Former President Donald Trump, now a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, claimed in a television interview on Thursday that he not only purchased 75 million barrels of oil for the national Strategic Petroleum Reserve but did so for a remarkably low price.


“We had so much oil we didn’t know what to do with it. We bought a lot of it for very little for the strategic national reserves,” Trump said at a Fox event in Iowa. Moments later, after criticizing President Joe Biden for selling a large quantity of oil from the reserve, Trump boasted once more about his own supposed discount purchase: “Think of it: 75 million barrels, and I bought it for peanuts, and Congress – I had to fight Congress, and the pricing was so crazy and so good.”


Trump did propose to buy 77 million barrels for the reserve in 2020 as oil prices cratered because of the Covid-19 pandemic. But the Democratic-controlled Congress rejected the $3 billion in funding that would have paid for the purchase, describing it as a subsidy to big oil companies.


Click on the link for the full article



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Ugh, **** off.


It seems like after every election cycle there's a call for "new people, new ideas" and every ****ing 4 years we get the same assholes with the same ideas, bought and purchased by the same special interest groups.  Chris Christie has about as much of a chance of eating a chicken caesar salad for dinner as he does wrapping up the Republican nomination.  And yet, he's throwing his hat in the ring.


Can't wait to see the same old tired ass mother****ers out there when the election season starts ramping up, I'm sure it'll be enthralling.

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30 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Ugh, **** off.


It seems like after every election cycle there's a call for "new people, new ideas" and every ****ing 4 years we get the same assholes with the same ideas, bought and purchased by the same special interest groups.  Chris Christie has about as much of a chance of eating a chicken caesar salad for dinner as he does wrapping up the Republican nomination.  And yet, he's throwing his hat in the ring.


Can't wait to see the same old tired ass mother****ers out there when the election season starts ramping up, I'm sure it'll be enthralling.

Oh yeah, that’s a Corndog post.

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59 minutes ago, tshile said:

Think a little more strategy, less knee jerk 


Republicans don't have a strategy unless they publish the Army's Fascism 64 pamphlet Fascism definitions under their own imprint because that's their real policy.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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