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2 hours ago, hail2skins said:

2016: Hillary 66m, Trump 63m, others 8 m (137m total)

2020: Biden 81m, Trump 74m, others 3m (158m total)


I'm guessing turnout in November will be about 150 million. I think Trump wins the electoral vote, but Biden wins the popular by about 75m to 72m, with 3m voting other candidates. I'd be shocked if Trump somehow managed to win the popular vote.


Actually, I think the vote will be closer to 2016 than 2020.  Say 145 million.


Some people will say we’re screwed either way and not vote at all.


The election is only in 6 states; Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.


Trump just needs 3 that total roughly 40 EVs. He’s leading those states at the moment.

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'Venezwheregullah': Trump's most ridiculed 'short circuits' from North Carolina rally


Donald Trump had several verbal slip-ups at his rally in North Carolina on Saturday, prompting the internet to go wild.


The former president also paused his speech for several minutes as an individual in the crowd suffered what appeared to be a heart attack.


What stood out to some on the internet wasn't the medical emergency. Instead, it was the several instances in which the former reality TV star flubbed his lines, glitched, or otherwise slurred through his standard stump speech.


In one instance, Trump was discussing the border when he said, "We call it migrant cime," appearing to leave the "r" out of crime. "I came up with that name because I come up with a lot of good names."


Conservative columnist Tom Nichols said the people in Trump's audience "mostly know he's beyond addled now."


"You can keep showing it to them, and they don't care, because they think it'll be a hilarious lib-own to put him back in the White House and hand him the codes to 1500 nuclear weapons."


"Migrant kime was a helluva 80s cover band," @JoJoFromJerz wrote on social media.


A second viral moment was Trump attempting to say "Venezuela." However, he found himself completely unable to form the word. @Acyn described it as a "short circuit."

Software engineer Andrew Mc Cormack wrote in response, "It was a glitch in the Trump matrix. There's a lot of glitches there lately."


"Venezwheregullah," wrote @JoJoFromJerz.


Trump also appeared to say the media crews "typed" their lights off, instead of turning them off, and he appeared to have trouble saying something while talking about Saudi Arabia and Russia, as well. Once again, he doesn't complete the word that he's attempting.


"Trump short circuits again LOL," @Acyn wrote.


A montage of clips was also posted on social media. 



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11 hours ago, hail2skins said:

2016: Hillary 66m, Trump 63m, others 8 m (137m total)

2020: Biden 81m, Trump 74m, others 3m (158m total)


I'm guessing turnout in November will be about 150 million. I think Trump wins the electoral vote, but Biden wins the popular by about 75m to 72m, with 3m voting other candidates. I'd be shocked if Trump somehow managed to win the popular vote.



I'm sorry, but you're out of your mind with this prediction. Trump isn't winning anything other than a spot in some prison somewhere.

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5 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

People everywhere are in denial about Trumps downward spiral the past 12 months. Dementia Don is an apt name. 




His problem is he's out of it due to all of his court cases, civil and criminal. Plus he's hoping like hell that the supremes will okay his immunity claim, which I think they'll be crazy to grant because that also gives Biden free reign right now. If I was a president and the supremes gave immunity, the first thing I'd do is get rid of the supremes, stack the DoJ with my prosecutors, charge every single one of the insurrectionists with treason including anyone in government from Congress on down to states and the military. Then after the rats nest of Fascists was cleared out, set new elections for Congress, uphold the 14th Amendment Section 3, appoint a new Supreme Court, and get on with running the country.

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1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

MSNBC covers it, just not enough. 


If all the pro-Biden folks going on every network just started every answer by talking about Trump slurring and unable to speak. Maybe they would. If you're on MTP this AM as a Dem and Kristen Welker asks about Biden's age. You full stop. You ask her #1. Did she hear the remarks from Trump yesterday? #2. Did she notice him stumbling and slurring and unable to pronounce words? #3. Then stay on that topic. What's wrong with him? He's getting worse, right? Why aren't you asking me about this? It just happened yesterday.





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There's one more theme that the "Lawyer's, Gun's and Money" blog writers talk about.  As of a month ago, a majority of voters did not think that there would be a 2020 rematch.  That is, over 50% of voters polled did not and do not think both Biden (too old) and Trump (too criminal) would be on their ballots. 


Yes, we in the ES Tailgate political discussion see "rematch!".  As bad as this has been for Dems, it should be equally noted that Haley spanks Biden in all the polling.  So, voters are likely to be in a "we hate both candidates" situation. Which is the one question that Biden was +7 in. 


There are a lot of people who seem to enjoy voting against Trump. 

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4 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

Poll: Voters remember Trump's economy as good, boosting Trump to lead over Biden https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-trump-leads-biden-economy/


Poll voters forget Trump used stimulus checks (which he held up so that his signature would go on them) to artificially prop up an economy he first torpedoed. 


Also..who the **** are answering these polls? People with landlines and people who answer their cells when unknown callers appear? Who are these people?

Edited by The Evil Genius
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6 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Poll voters forget Trump used stimulus checks (which he held up so that his signature would go on them) to artificially prop up an economy he first torpedoed. 

How did Trump torpedo the economy? While I agree he personally displayed erratic behavior at the pandemics outset, what did you think was going to happen to the economy in the wake of covid?

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Otto Abad, 50, an independent voter in Scott, La., said he voted for Mr. Biden in 2020 but planned to flip his support to Mr. Trump if they faced off again. Last time, he wanted a less divisive figure in the White House after the chaos of the Trump administration. Now, he worries that Mr. Biden is not quite up for a second term.  “If he was in this sort of mental shape, I didn’t realize back then,” Mr. Abad said. “He’s aged a lot. With the exception of Trump, every president seems to age a lot during their presidency.”  He added: “Trump, one of the few things I would say good about him, is that nothing seems to bother him. He seems like he’s in the same mental shape he was 10 years ago, 12 years ago, 15 years ago. He’s like a ****roach.”



Shermaine Elmore, 44, a small-business owner in Baltimore, voted for Mr. Biden four years ago, backing the Democratic candidate as he had in previous elections.  But he said he had made more money under Mr. Trump, blaming inflation and gas prices for his losses during the Biden administration. He planned to vote for Mr. Trump this fall.


Sorry, these quotes are pulled out of this NYT article via LGM.  I can't get to the top of the page.  Seems like Biden's campaign is attempting to play possum with this age issue.  It is better to be up in the November election vs. February polling.  Can we get 28473 articles focussing on Trump being a criminal, rapist, racist?  Can the Trump voters be asked about January 6 and the 91 indictments? Or is that too much reporting? 

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41 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Can we get 28473 articles focussing on Trump being a criminal, rapist, racist? 


Personally, I think they are waiting to use these ads, for good reason. One, Biden has a better chance on beating Trump over Haley. Let him lock up the nom nice and solid first. Second, you don't want to risk people becoming desensitized to hearing it. Keep that particular powder dry until 6 months from now. Hopefully, there will be more court decisions against him also.

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It's so disheartening that it's not 60-40 "Democracy" vs. "MAGA/Trump".  


Sure, I get that there are still conservative voters that want that agenda.  But, in no way, shape or form is Trump even the person able to enact that agenda.  When I read polls and see "the economy" or "Biden's age"... I just think we live in different political realities.  And my friends/family for sure are like, "it's not gonna be that bad" and even I think that in some form. But HE IS THAT BAD OF A HUMAN. And to know that a large swath of the country either supports him or is too politically nihilistic to care is disheartening.  This means that actually, they don't think he is that bad of a person.  Biden's age is just a convenient excuse to support a piece of trash.



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9 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


Personally, I think they are waiting to use these ads, for good reason. One, Biden has a better chance on beating Trump over Haley. Let him lock up the nom nice and solid first. Second, you don't want to risk people becoming desensitized to hearing it. Keep that particular powder dry until 6 months from now. Hopefully, there will be more court decisions against him also.

Trump will cross the threshold for the nomination probably after the 3/12 contests. Nikki will drop out either Tuesday or Wednesday or she may hang on another week, until Trump officially clinches it.

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