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33 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Trump is effectively running as the incumbent when 70% of GOP voters believe that Trump actually won in 2020, which they do. 




When was the last time that 30% of an incumbent President's party thought they lost the last election?


Trump is a historical abnormality.  Maybe it will become normal but treating him like an incumbent President and viewing his success in the GOP primary like an incumbent President doesn't make any sense.


Admitting that treating somebody doing something that hasn't been done in generations the same way something that happens every decade or so doesn't make any sense shouldn't be this hard.  Based on any reasonable historical comparison that he's had the success he's had is abnormal.  The fact that 70% of his party thinks he won the last election is abnormal.  Using one thing that is abnormal to argue  something that stems from it is normal is nonsensical.

Edited by PeterMP
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15 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


When was the last time that 30% of an incumbent President's party thought they lost the last election?


Trump is a historical abnormality.  Maybe it will become normal but treating him like an incumbent President and viewing his success in the GOP primary like an incumbent President doesn't make any sense.


Admitting that treating somebody doing something that hasn't been done in generations the same way something that happens every decade or so doesn't make any sense shouldn't be this hard.  Based on any reasonable historical comparison that he's had the success he's had is abnormal.  The fact that 70% of his party thinks he won the last election is abnormal.  Using one thing that is abnormal to argue  something that stems from it is normal is nonsensical.


And this should be the closer for every Democrat running anywhere.


I get to vote in my primary next week. Thankfully, the Democrats are running a candidate for House district this year. I get to vote for someone.

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1 hour ago, PeterMP said:

The fact that 70% of his party thinks he won the last election is abnormal.  Using one thing that is abnormal to argue  something that stems from it is normal is nonsensical.

That's the worst part about this whole thing. If Trump wins (and I think he will) in November, that percentage will only increase.....not only for GOP voters, but for independents as well. Never mind the factors of covid stimmy inflation and that voters are afraid that Kamala Harris will become president. The confidence in our elections will just become less and less. Might as well have a January 6 every four years.

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More fear mongering from Trump:


‘It’s Silence of the Lambs!’ Trump Rages Over ‘Millions’ of Hannibal Lecters Being ‘Deposited’ In U.S. From Foreign ‘Insane Asylums’ In CPAC Migrant Rant


Former President Donald Trump took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday, where the border crisis and “migrant crime” were some of the main talking points of his keynote address to the capacity crowd.


Trump said that when he becomes president again, he will shepherd in the largest deportation of migrants in American history. He claimed that countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico were sending the likes of bloodthirsty cannibal Hannibal Lecter from “Silence of the Lambs” into the U.S. from their “insane asylums.”


“We have millions and millions of people, and they came from prisons and jails. They came from mental institutions and insane asylums,” said Trump. He then clarified, “No, they’re not the same.”


“An insane asylum is a mental institution on steroids, okay?” said Trump. “It’s ‘Silence of the Lambs’, okay?. You know that. Hannibal Lecter! They’re all being deposited into our country.”


“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Trump of the migrant crisis.


Click on the link for the full article

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Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"


Donald Trump has demonstrated, in repeated and dangerous ways, that he appears to be profoundly unwell mentally and emotionally. Some of the country’s and world’s leading mental health professionals have concluded that based on his behavior, Trump is likely a sociopath if not a psychopath.  


Whatever one may think about the specifics of his policies, President Joe Biden, on the other hand, is a responsible leader and an institutionalist who believes in America and the democratic experiment. By comparison, Donald Trump hates democracy, attempted a coup on Jan. 6, and is a megalomaniac who believes that he is some type of god or messiah. Whatever a fence sitter, undecided, or disgruntled Democrat or other member of Biden’s 2020 electoral coalition who is angry at him over a specific policy may think and feel, there is no issue where Donald Trump will be a real improvement. Moreover, Trump and his MAGA movement will punish those people who they view as being members of the Democratic Party's base of support. Ultimately, a “principled” vote against President Biden (or deciding to abstain in protest) is a vote for Trump and American neofascism.


“President Biden is old” is an easy, lazy, familiar, and comfortable narrative for the mainstream news media. It is sensational and gossipy (which means more ad revenue and attention), and maintains false balance, “fairness," bothsidesism and “objectivity” in their coverage. This maneuvering also allows the mainstream news media as an institution, or so its leaders incorrectly believe, some measure of protection against retaliation by Trump and his regime, if he takes power in 2025. In all, a focus on Biden’s mental health and age is but another way of normalizing Donald Trump and the neofascist movement and a continuation of the years of failure(s) by the American news media that helped to birth the vile Trumpocene.


The claim that President Biden is old and therefore so diminished mentally and physically that he is incapable of being an effective leader has taken on a life of its own. In many ways, this narrative is immune to the facts and evidence and may be a deciding factor in the outcome of the 2024 election and the future of the United States.


Dr. John Gartner is a psychologist and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Gartner was a contributor to the 2017 bestseller "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President."


In this conversation, Gartner argues that it is actually Donald Trump and not President Biden who is showing diminished mental acuity and dangerous behavior related to aging. Gartner explains that Donald Trump’s escalating dangerousness is connected to what he believes is a diseased mind that will only get worse. Gartner warns that given Trump’s dangerous personality and emotional state, (Gartner describes this as “hypomanic” behavior) he is almost certainly plotting revenge and how to make his “enemies” suffer as revenge for finally being held accountable by the courts and the rule of law. 


Click on the link for the interview


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52 minutes ago, China said:

he is almost certainly plotting revenge and how to make his “enemies” suffer as revenge for finally being held accountable by the courts and the rule of law. 


I want to point he's pretty much admitted that and it is discussed in the CNN link that I posted earlier.

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I'm still going with Trump having bvFTD.



People with bvFTD have increasing trouble controlling their behavior. In the first several years, a person with bvFTD will likely show marked behavioral changes such as apathy, lack of motivation, loss of sympathy or empathy for others and overeating. 


At times, they may behave inappropriately with strangers, lose their social manners, act impulsively and even break laws. People experiencing these changes may become self-centered.


There may also be repetitive or compulsive behaviors that may include hoarding...


The person with bvFTD may experience false thoughts (delusions) that are jealous, religious or bizarre in nature.


Problems with language and other thinking skills can also happen in bvFTD.


Oh, and the physical manifestation:





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Beyond shock and awe: Inside Trump’s potential second-term agenda


An increasingly detailed picture of former President Donald Trump’s second-term agenda is emerging — one that would make the near-daily shocks of his norm-shattering first White House tenure look tame.


Some of the particulars have already blown up into campaign furors, thanks to Trump’s public remarks about abandoning NATO allies and serving as a “dictator” on “day one,” as well as leaks of his private musings on a 16-week abortion ban. His supporters’ policy manifestos have yielded headlines predicting that Trump 2.0 would bring mass deportations of immigrants, overt use of the Justice Department to punish his political enemies, and — as POLITICO reported Tuesday — an embrace of “Christian nationalism” to guide federal policies.


Other items on the potential Trump second-term agenda would be more granular but also far-reaching, from publishing federal science reports that dispute the reality of global warming, to launching new and wider trade wars, cracking down on liberal school districts’ transgender policies and freeing the crypto industry from the threat of regulation.


What these proposals have in common: They would go well beyond steps Trump took — or in many cases even attempted — from 2017 to 2021.


Trump’s campaign has repeatedly dismissed media reports about his potential second-term agenda, saying in a statement in November that policy recommendations from his conservative allies “are certainly appreciated and can be enormously helpful” but “are just that — recommendations.”


“Unless a second term priority is articulated by President Trump himself, or is officially communicated by the campaign, it is not authorized in any way,” the statement from campaign advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita said.


But both supporters and critics of the ex-president predict that a reelected Trump would wage a more focused and aggressive attack on the status quo. This time, they say, he would be far more knowledgeable about the mechanics of wielding executive power. Having placed so many conservatives in federal judgeships, he would face less resistance from the courts. And he would be more determined to place loyalists, not rules-obsessed traditionalists, in senior roles.


Click on the link for the full article

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59 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Nimrata is wasting time staying until Super Tuesday. One potential state she could win wouldn’t matter because the delegates are chosen at a state convention and Trump has control of that.


I don't agree she's wasting time if he's losing 40% or more of the vote in these state primaries.  It's forcing a much needed conversation.


I hope she stays in even if she can't catch up to him. Something could happen to him and she'd be the nominee.

Edited by Renegade7
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2 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

You really have to wonder what the Fox News viewer is thinking as they are watching this nonsense. Again, we are so far gone that we'll never again have consensus agreement on who won a presidential election:




"Fox News viewer" and "thinking" don't often find themselves in close proximity.

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8 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

You really have to wonder what the Fox News viewer is thinking as they are watching this nonsense. Again, we are so far gone that we'll never again have consensus agreement on who won a presidential election:




That's actually pretty impressive by Brett Baier and Fox News (yes, I realize they probably are doing this to avoid more lawsuits or as a result of the settlement they have, but he still did a really good job of holding the line there).  He's got the facts.  He's go the info.  He's prepared.

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26 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


I don't agree she's wasting time if he's losing 40% or more of the vote in these state primaries.  It's forcing a much needed conversation.


I hope she stays in even if she can't catch up to him. Something could happen to him and she'd be the nominee.

She will never be the nominee.


If Trump can’t be the nominee, it will

be someone who isn’t running. None of the 24 candidates showed themselves to be a possible president.  My bet is on Kemp or Youngkin.

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2 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If Trump can’t be the nominee, it will

be someone who isn’t running. None of the 24 candidates showed themselves to be a possible president.  My bet is on Kemp or Youngkin.


Once again I'm going to ask you how? Deadlines to file in most states have passed for both parties. Republicans gonna change the rules in all 50 states by early November? 

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5 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

She will never be the nominee.


If Trump can’t be the nominee, it will

be someone who isn’t running. None of the 24 candidates showed themselves to be a possible president.  My bet is on Kemp or Youngkin.


Wth are you talking about?


She's literally the only Republican running against him in the primary process.

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If Trump is removed, it would happen at the convention.


Same thing if Biden dropped out.


The delegates at the convention would choose the nominee.  It would be the most viewed convention ever. All the focus would be on the party’s convention as different candidates by to be selected as nominee.



If this happened in the gop, that convention would be wild.


If Trump gets convicted, maybe it happens right before convention starts.


The delegates wouldn’t go with the last remaining candidate, Nikki. They wouldn’t give it to Ron. Other candidates will put their hat in the ring. Day One candidates seeking nomination would give speeches to convention. Day 2 a candidate is given the nomination by delegates.

Day 3, speeches by veep and President nominee.


I don’t see the gop delegates giving it to Nikki and definitely not Ron Desantis. I believe they will pick someone else, who will will be fresh. Someone who didn’t run initially like a Kemp or Youngkin will be able for that.

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