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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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Biden isn't "stuck" with Harris. As VP, she works behind the scenes and with the public. She's an important part of this administration, sitting in Congress and casting tie breaking votes numerous times is the most important job and because of this we have a great recovery going.

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20 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Fergasun, I think you’re going thru stages of grief . The gop you loved is dead. You are in denial that the old gop is gone and this current gop will sink or swim with Trump. 

Will you get to acceptance?




His posts make more sense than the bulk of your "predictions". Maybe some inward reflection would be more appropriate. 

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The Republican party needs to be completely destroyed. The brand is now irredeemably toxic and disgusting by any sane, decent standard. Needs to follow the KKK and NAMBLA into history's garbage dump.

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3 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Not as long as Trump has multiple issues against him. 


Is the GOP really willing to walk into this 2024 buzz-saw with Trump at the top of their ticket?  Maybe some of you are like, "This is not the GOP, this is the Trump GOP... they don't care."  


I think there's a higher chance Trump is not at the top of the ticket vs. Biden. 

This is the gop. They chose the Trumpification of their party. If Trump wins and is able to become Vlad’s Little American Dictator, it will be their choice.


Here’s the big reason- they fear losing the maga vote. 

So, they will run TRUMP in 24, even a convicted one.


They know without maga turning out a lot of them might lose their seats. 

They’ve made the calculation that running with Trump is better at keeping their jobs vs having maga stay home.

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9 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

This is the gop. They chose the Trumpification of their party. If Trump wins and is able to become Vlad’s Little American Dictator, it will be their choice.


Here’s the big reason- they fear losing the maga vote. 

So, they will run TRUMP in 24, even a convicted one.


They know without maga turning out a lot of them might lose their seats. 

They’ve made the calculation that running with Trump is better at keeping their jobs vs having maga stay home.

This is incredibly astute political analysis. Bravo. 

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3 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


I think he missed my last post.

No, he doesn't respond to differing viewpoints if he is called out. But he damn sure doesn't mind calling out others, wishing for ****ers to be fired, and playing modern day Nostradamus.



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man o man...


This dude is gonna drain the entire republican establishment w/ his legal fees alone. Every republican in every election race is going to be left without the financial backing needed to compete. 



Good luck to those w/o massive name recognition to raise money on their own.


This just keeps swirling into a bigger and bigger mess... and these chumps are just letting it happen willingly.

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RNC- 7/15-18/24

DNC- 8/19-22/24


O.K.  the slim chance either party has a late dropout; the replacement wouldn’t be picked until the parties convention. Talk about must see tv.


On the RNC side, any candidate that earned any delegates would be lobbying the other delegates to go with them. Though other than Haley earning few delegates, don’t think anyone else earned any.  I would expect Haley, Desantis and maybe a couple of more candidates who ran to lobby to be the nominee.  I would expect some candidates who didn’t run to also lobby. Kemp and Youngkin come to mind. They will say those candidates ran but failed to do anything. The gop shouldn’t put up candidates who already failed in this campaign.  Depending on how Trump wasn’t the nominee, where would maga go? Would they boycott completely? Try to have their maga replacement?


On the DNC side, if Biden dropped out; I think there would be contest also. Kamala wouldn’t just be given the nomination, she would have to fight for the minds of Dem delegates against candidates like Newsom, Shapiro, Whitmer, some of the failed 2020 candidates. Given that the gop would have a month more, if they switched; the Dems would be pressed to pick the best candidate to beat Trump. Given the short time, you are going to need someone with national name recognition.



If Trump were not the nominee, it would be an involuntary thing. Trump would not willingly give up the nomination. The convention would be chaos. If this happened, it would be right before the convention.


If Biden weren’t the nominee, it would be a voluntary thing. Joe would pull an LBJ and drop out. He would have to do it in the next month or two. Giving candidates time to campaign. Since it’s too late to get on ballot they would be doing more to get delegates to see to go with them. Whatever remaining primaries, they could mount a write in campaign. It would be hectic but I don’t think it would be as chaotic as the gop. Dems knowing they need to pick the best candidate to beat Trump. If Kamala didn’t get the nod; she’d probably get be the veep candidate again.



I think the chances of this happening on either side are slim to none.

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Trump is a waking onion article that writes himself before they even get a chance to.


Good luck claiming to be a billionaire when you owe half billion dollars and can't run business where you started anymore.


Totally agree with just getting out the way and letting him grift all the money that should be going to down-ballot candidates just to not be on the ballot in November.





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